- Sigismund
- Signal firecracker
- Signed envelope
- Sigyn's cuirie
- Sih Gates
- Silena
- Silence
- Silent Rooster
- Silk Ballista chevron
- Silk Caterpillar
- Silt pouch
- Silver-labeled vial
- Silver A.M.A.N. voucher
- Silver Ballista chevron
- Silver Comet's collar
- Silver Knife membership card
- Silver Sea Remnants
- Silver Sea ferry ticket
- Silver Sea route to Al Zahbi
- Silver Sea route to Nashmau
- Silver Sea salt
- Silver astrarium
- Silver beastcoin
- Silver bell
- Silver bullet pouch
- Silver chainmail claim slip
- Silver chip
- Silver ingot
- Silver luopan
- Silver mattock cordon
- Silver mog pell
- Silver name tag
- Silver pocket watch
- Silver quiver
- Silver shovel cordon
- Silvermine key
- Silvery plate
- Sin
- Sinker Drill (Blue Magic)
- Siren
- Siren's Tear
- Siren's plume
- Siren (Monster)
- Six of Clubs
- Sixth dark Mana Orb
- Sixth glowing Mana Orb
- Skeletons/Attribute
- Skewer Sam
- Skill Cap/Bard
- Skill Cap/Beastmaster
- Skill Cap/Black Mage
- Skill Cap/Blue Mage
- Skill Cap/Corsair
- Skill Cap/Dancer
- Skill Cap/Dark Knight
- Skill Cap/Dragoon
- Skill Cap/Geomancer
- Skill Cap/Monk
- Skill Cap/Ninja
- Skill Cap/Paladin
- Skill Cap/Puppetmaster
- Skill Cap/Ranger
- Skill Cap/Red Mage
- Skill Cap/Samurai
- Skill Cap/Summoner
- Skill Cap/Thief
- Skill Cap/Warrior
- Skill Cap/White Mage
- Skimmer
- Skipper Moogle (W)
- Skirmisher: Cirdas Caverns
- Skirmisher: Rala Waterways
- Skittish Matamata
- Skopopo
- Skormoth memento
- Sky blue pome
- Skyward Ho, Voidwatcher!
- Slab of granite
- Slab of plumbago
- Slacks
- Slanderous Utterings
- Sleep
- Sleep II
- Sleepga
- Sleepga II
- Sleepshroom
- Sleepy Mabel's coffer
- Slice of buffalo meat
- Slice of cockatrice meat
- Slice of coeurl meat
- Slice of dhalmel meat
- Slice of dragon meat
- Slice of gabbrath meat
- Slice of giant sheep meat
- Slice of hare meat
- Slice of land crab meat
- Slice of salted hare
- Sliced pole
- Slime memento
- Slobbering Ruszor
- Slops
- Slow
- Slow II
- Slug mucus
- Slugs/Attribute
- Sluice Surveyor Mk. I
- Small bag
- Small bag of Adoulinian delicacies
- Small starfruit
- Small teacup
- Smalt chip
- Smash the Orcish Scouts
- Smelling salts voucher
- Smertrios's mantle
- Smiling stone
- Smite of Rage (Blue Magic)
- Smithing: Bronze Knife
- Smithing kit 10
- Smithing kit 15
- Smithing kit 20
- Smithing kit 5
- Smn
- Smoke-filled flask
- Smoke Breath
- Smoky chip
- Smoldering crab shell
- Smooth stone
- Smudged letter
- Snake on the Plains
- Snapping Craklaw
- Sneak
- Sneak Attack
- Sneaking Tiger
- Snha Migashniohra
- Sniggnix
- Snobby letter
- Snoll Tzar
- Snoll memento
- Snoll reflector
- Snolls/Attribute
- Snow-themed gift token
- Snow geode
- Snow gorget
- Snowdim stone +2
- Soarer erring
- Soaring trophy
- Social Graces
- Sodden linen cloth
- Sodden sandworm husk
- Sodragamm
- Soft-boiled egg
- Soil geode
- Soil gi claim slip
- Sola Jaab
- Soldier Crawler
- Solemnity
- Solicitor
- Solidago flower
- Somatophylax Dullahan
- Somber Dreams
- Somber Obdella
- Somber stone
- Something Fishy
- Somo Aatsula
- Song of hope
- Sophia ring
- Sophistry
- Soporific (Blue Magic)
- Sorcerer's attire claim slip
- Sorcerer's coat
- Sorcerer's gloves
- Sorcerer's petasos -1
- Sorcerer's sabots
- Sors shield
- Soul gem
- Soul gem clasp
- Soul siphon
- Soulflayer's wand
- Souls in Shadow
- Soulscourge
- Sound Blast (Blue Magic)
- South Block code
- South Gustaberg
- Southeastern star charm
- Southern Legend
- Southern San d'Oria
- Southern San d'Oria (S)
- Southern vine
- Southwestern star charm
- Sowilo claymore
- Sow★Your★Seed!
- Sparking Ballista chevron
- Sparking tail feather
- Spatha
- Spatial pressure barometer
- Speak to Alchemists' Guild Master
- Speak to Blacksmiths' Guild Master
- Speak to Boneworkers' Guild Master
- Speak to Carpenters' Guild Master
- Speak to Culinarians' Guild Master
- Speak to Fisherman's Guild Master
- Speak to Goldsmiths' Guild Master
- Speak to Tanners' Guild Master
- Speak to Weavers' Guild Master
- Spear
- Special gobbiedial key
- Spei Stone
- Speleothem Gefyrst
- Speleothem Ungeweder
- Spellcaster's ecu
- Sphene
- Spheroids/Attribute
- Spider web
- Spiffy Synth.
- Spike earring
- Spinal Cleave (Blue Magic)
- Spinning
- Spiral
- Spiral Spin (Blue Magic)
- Spire of Dem
- Spire of Holla
- Spire of Mea
- Spire of Vahzl
- Spirit incense
- Spirit masque
- Spirit orichalcum ingot
- Spirited Etude
- Spirited stone
- Spirits Awoken
- Spirits Awoken/Plot Details
- Splinterspine Grukjuk
- Splotched Acuex
- Spool of Abdhaljs thread
- Spool of Sif's macrame
- Spool of benedict yarn
- Spool of chameleon yarn
- Spool of coiled yarn
- Spool of cotton thread
- Spool of diabolic yarn
- Spool of dull gold thread
- Spool of glittering yarn
- Spool of gold thread
- Spool of grass thread
- Spool of light filament
- Spool of linen thread
- Spool of luminian thread
- Spool of malboro fiber
- Spool of platinum silk thread
- Spool of rainbow thread
- Spool of red grass thread
- Spool of ruby silk thread
- Spool of scarlet odoshi
- Spool of silk thread
- Spool of silkworm thread
- Spool of silver thread
- Spool of wool thread
- Sprig of hemlock
- Sprig of holy basil
- Sprightly Acuex
- Spring of papaka grass
- Springstone
- Sprinkler
- Sprinter's shoes
- Sprout Smack (Blue Magic)
- Spumous Slug
- Square Enix
- Square frigicite
- Square of Imperial silk cloth
- Square of Moblinweave
- Square of Penelope's cloth
- Square of ancestral cloth
- Square of astral leather
- Square of balloon cloth
- Square of benedict silk
- Square of black tiger leather
- Square of brilliantine
- Square of brown doeskin
- Square of bugard leather
- Square of canvas toile
- Square of cardinal cloth
- Square of charcoal cotton
- Square of corduroy cloth
- Square of cotton cloth
- Square of damascene cloth
- Square of dhalmel leather
- Square of diabolic silk
- Square of ecarlate cloth
- Square of ether leather
- Square of filet lace
- Square of flameshun cloth
- Square of galateia
- Square of gold brocade
- Square of grass cloth
- Square of karakul cloth
- Square of karakul leather
- Square of khromated leather
- Square of linen cloth
- Square of lizard leather
- Square of lynx leather
- Square of magical silk cloth
- Square of rainbow cloth
- Square of rainbow velvet
- Square of ram leather
- Square of raxa
- Square of red grass cloth
- Square of scarlet kadife
- Square of serica cloth
- Square of sheep leather
- Square of silk cloth
- Square of silver brocade
- Square of smalt leather
- Square of spectral goldenrod
- Square of supple skin
- Square of tough dhalmel leather
- Square of ultimate cloth
- Square of velvet cloth
- Square of wamoura cloth
- Square of wolf felt
- Square of wool cloth
- Squintrox Dryeyes
- Squire certificate
- Staging Points
- Stalactite dew
- Stalwart white mage's shard
- Stalwart white mage's soul
- Stamp sheet
- Standard supply pack
- Star-crested summons
- Star-themed gift token
- Star Onion Fortune
- Star Seeker
- Star Sibyl
- Star crested summons
- Star globe
- Star ring
- Star tree farm
- Starblessed scale
- Stardust pebble
- Starfall tear
- Starlight Medal ∮
- Starlight Voidwatcher's emblem
- Starway Stairway bauble
- Staumarth
- Steal
- Steaming Sheep invitation