Skipper Moogle (W).jpg


Heigh-ho, kupo!
I'm the boatswain for this darned-good dinghy, and it's my duty to divulge all the discursive details about Mog Gardens. So, what kind of cognition are you craving?
What do you want to know?

  • Nothing.
  • What Mog Gardens are.
  • How to get to one.
  • What Mog Garden books are available.

Zusätzlicher Dialog

What Mog Gardens are.

Mog Gardens are lovely locales that lie latent in the west, on the Adoulin Islands. They're true treasure troves of taintless resources, frothing with fish, bursting with birds, and filled with forests, kupo!
Think of it as your Mog House away from home! Just like that fantastic facility, there's a wealth of wonders just waiting to well up for your disposal.
Spread your wings as wide as you wish without worrying about the consequences, kupo. The Green Thumb Moogle will handle the husbandry of this homestead while you're out hacking at hordes of hellions and cavorting across continents.
If you're shivering to shove off, then shuffle aboard the Mog Dinghy over there! It may seem small and slightly slipshod, but the mysterious moogle magic we manifest upon it is magnificent enough to move you malms and malms in mere minutes.
Once you adjust to your Adoulinian asylum, I'll even proffer printed publications that will make your Mog Garden more majestic. Grab your gil and get ready, kupo!

How to get to one.

While it'd be wickedly wonderful to whisk away everyone to Mog Gardens, only “Certified Adventurers” and “pioneers” are allowed entry to these excellent expanses of escape, kupo.
“Certified Adventurers” are those who have applied themselves assiduously, attaining the third mission rank in any nation.
It doesn't have to be here as long as you were once appropriately accredited in times antecedent.
If Adoulin's body politic has properly permitted you to perform pioneering duties, however, your so-called “rank” can be lower than a leech's legs and you'll still be let in, kupo.

What Mog Garden books are available.

(Ohne Mog Garden Zugang)
Disappointingly, I doubt you've the discernment to descry the details of these documents. Exit then, and expand the extent of your experience.
