Somo Aatsula.jpg


I haven't seen you around here beforrre. Are you new in town?
Are you new to Mhaura?

  • Yes, it's my first time here.
  • No, I've come here plenty of times.

You can't tell if you're in the town, but I hearrr the beastmen are up to something out there. How are things where you come from?

I can't let you through this door. This is the guards' barrrracks. No unauthorized people allowed.

Zusätzlicher Dialog

Yes, it's my first time here.

Ah, I thought so. Welcome to Mhaura.
You should go to the governor's house. They'll tell you all you need to know about our little town.
First, climb the stairs there, and walk along the ledge to another set of stairs. Go up, and you're therrre.
