- Charis bangles
- Charis bangles +1
- Charis necklace
- Charis seal: hands
- Charm of light
- Charmer's merlin
- Charred helm
- Charred propeller
- Chasalvige
- Chasing Tales
- Chateau d'Oraguille
- Chaupire
- Cheer Abyssal Wyrm
- Cheer Abyssobugard
- Cheer Adamantoise
- Cheer Adenium
- Cheer Ake-Ome
- Cheer Alabaster Lizard
- Cheer Baby Adamantoise
- Cheer Baby Cockatrice
- Cheer Baby Colibri
- Cheer Baby Eft
- Cheer Baby Lizard
- Cheer Baby Rabbit
- Cheer Baby Raptor
- Cheer Behemoth
- Cheer Behemoth Cub
- Cheer Blazing Wyrm
- Cheer Blue Sea Monk
- Cheer Blue Wyvern
- Cheer Bomb
- Cheer Buffalo
- Cheer Buffalo Calf
- Cheer Bugard
- Cheer Citrullus
- Cheer Clot
- Cheer Cluster
- Cheer Cockatrice
- Cheer Coeurl
- Cheer Coeurl Cub
- Cheer Colibri
- Cheer Crab
- Cheer Dhalmel
- Cheer Dhalmel Calf
- Cheer Djinn
- Cheer Dragon Hatchling
- Cheer Eft
- Cheer Elasmoth
- Cheer Elder Adenium
- Cheer Elder Mandragora
- Cheer Ferromantoise
- Cheer G. Fol. Treant
- Cheer Great Adamantoise
- Cheer Great Dhalmel
- Cheer Great Ferromantoise
- Cheer Green Wyvern
- Cheer Hecteyes
- Cheer Immature Crab
- Cheer Jumbotender
- Cheer Karakul
- Cheer King Behemoth
- Cheer Korrigan
- Cheer Lamb
- Cheer Limascabra
- Cheer Lizard
- Cheer Lunar Wyrm
- Cheer Lycopodium
- Cheer Lynx
- Cheer Mandragora
- Cheer Mandragora Sproutling
- Cheer Mini Slime
- Cheer Pachypodium
- Cheer Pequetender
- Cheer Porter Crab
- Cheer R. Fol. Treant
- Cheer Rabbit
- Cheer Ram
- Cheer Raptor
- Cheer Red Raptor
- Cheer Sabotender
- Cheer Sapling
- Cheer Sea Monk
- Cheer Sea Monk Larva
- Cheer Sheep
- Cheer Skormoth
- Cheer Slime
- Cheer Snoll
- Cheer Tarichuk
- Cheer Tiny Bugard
- Cheer Toucalibri
- Cheer Uragnite
- Cheer Uragnite Youngling
- Cheer White Adamantoise
- Cheer White Rabbit
- Cheer Wyvern
- Cheer Ziz
- Chekochuk
- Chekochuk (Monster)
- Cherished Axe
- Cherished Pick
- Cherished Sickle
- Chero-Machero
- Cherry tree
- Cherufe
- Cherukiki
- Cherukiki (Monster)
- Chesma
- Chest
- Chestnut-colored seal
- Chestnut log
- Cheupirudaux
- Chi Blast
- Chickcharney
- Chicken bone
- Chieftainness's twinstone earring
- Children of the Rune
- Chipmy-Popmy
- Chipped imp's olifant
- Chipped linkshell
- Chipped sandworm tooth
- Chipped wind cluster
- Chocobo's Wounds
- Chocobo Circuit
- Chocobo Circuit grandstand pass
- Chocobo Races (M)
- Chocobo chair
- Chocobo chair II
- Chocobo commode
- Chocobo egg (bit warm)
- Chocobo key
- Chocobo license
- Chocobo on the Loose!
- Chocobo wand
- Choke
- Choleric Umbril
- Choral attire claim slip
- Choral torque
- Choubollet
- Choyi Totlihpa
- Chrysoberyl
- Chuglix Berrypaws
- Chululu
- Chumimi
- Chumimi (ABA)
- Chunk of Abdhaljs matter
- Chunk of Goblin chocolate
- Chunk of Harold Hugemaw's red ore
- Chunk of Lufet salt
- Chunk of Phrygian ore
- Chunk of Shu'Meyo salt
- Chunk of adaman ore
- Chunk of bomb coal
- Chunk of copper ore
- Chunk of darksteel ore
- Chunk of diorite
- Chunk of durium ore
- Chunk of fire ore
- Chunk of flan meat
- Chunk of fool's gold ore
- Chunk of glittering ore
- Chunk of glocolite
- Chunk of gold ore
- Chunk of iron ore
- Chunk of khroma ore
- Chunk of milky white minerals
- Chunk of mine gravel
- Chunk of mythril ore
- Chunk of orichalcum ore
- Chunk of platinum ore
- Chunk of rock salt
- Chunk of silver ore
- Chunk of smoked Goblin grub
- Chunk of snowy cermet
- Chunk of tin ore
- Chunk of vanadium ore
- Chunk of white steel
- Chunk of wind ore
- Chunk of wootz ore
- Chunk of zinc ore
- Chupaile
- Cicatricose Raaz
- Cichol's mantle
- Cid
- Cid's catalyst
- Cimicine Discharge (Blue Magic)
- Cipher of AA EV's alter ego
- Cipher of AA GK's alter ego
- Cipher of AA HM's alter ego
- Cipher of AA MR's alter ego
- Cipher of AA TT's alter ego
- Cipher of Arciela's alter ego II
- Cipher of Lion's alter ego II
- Cipher of Prishe's alter ego II
- Cipher of Semih's alter ego
- Cipher of Shantotto's alter ego II
- Cipher of Tenzen's alter ego II
- Cipher of Zeid's alter ego II
- Circlet
- Cirdas Caverns
- Cirdas Caverns (U)
- Cirdas eudaemon
- Cirdas simulacrum
- Citadel Bats
- Citrullus memento
- Citrullus shirt
- Claidie's Concern
- Clairvoy ant
- Clamming kit
- Clarion Star
- Clarite
- Claw Cyclone (Blue Magic)
- Cleades
- Cleanly snapped rod
- Clear abyssite
- Clear chip
- Clear demilune abyssite
- Clear topaz
- Clemency grip
- Cleric's attire claim slip
- Cleric's briault
- Cleric's cap
- Cleric's cap -1
- Cleric's duckbills
- Cleric's duckbills -1
- Cleric's mitts
- Cleric's pantaloons
- Cletae
- Clever scholar's shard
- Clever scholar's soul
- Climbing
- Climbpix Highrise
- Clionidae/Attribute
- Clipped bird wing
- Clipper
- Cloak and Dagger
- Cloak and Dagger/Plot Details
- Clock tower oil
- Clockmaking
- Clockwork Pod
- Cloister of Flames
- Cloister of Frost
- Cloister of Gales
- Cloister of Storms
- Cloister of Tides
- Cloister of Tremors
- Clone ward reinforcement pack
- Clot memento
- Cloth-lined basket
- Cloth Ensorcellment
- Cloth Purification
- Clothcraft kit 10
- Clothcraft kit 15
- Clothcraft kit 20
- Clothcraft kit 5
- Club Weapon Skills (UC)
- Club of trials
- Clumb of great Boyahda moss
- Clump of Boyahda moss
- Clump of Gausebit wildgrass
- Clump of Tokopekko wildgrass
- Clump of Windurstian Tea leaves
- Clump of akaso
- Clump of animal hair
- Clump of bee pollen
- Clump of blue pondweed
- Clump of exoray mold
- Clump of goobbue humus
- Clump of moko grass
- Clump of red moko grass
- Clump of red pondweed
- Clump of sheep wool
- Clump of shoalweed
- Clump of wamoura hair
- Cluster memento
- Cluster of paprika
- Cluster of profane memories
- Coalition Assignments (M)
- Coalition bow
- Coarse gauntles
- Coastal Chaos
- Coastal chocograph
- Cockatrice/Attribute
- Cockatrice (Monster)
- Cockatrice memento
- Cockatrice skin
- Coconut rusk
- Cocoon (Blue Magic)
- Code of Beastmasters
- Coeurl cub memento
- Coeurl leather missive
- Coeurl memento
- Coeurl whisker
- Coin of glory
- Cold Wave (Blue Magic)
- Cold medicine
- Colibri memento
- Collaborator
- Collect Tarut Cards
- Collet
- Colonization Reives: Ceizak
- Colonization Reives: Cirdas Caverns
- Colonization Reives: Dho Gates
- Colonization Reives: Hennetiel
- Colonization Reives: Kamihr Drifts
- Colonization Reives: Marjami Ravine
- Colonization Reives: Moh Gates
- Colonization Reives: Morimar
- Colonization Reives: Outer Ra'Kaznar
- Colonization Reives: Ra'Kaznar I.C.
- Colonization Reives: Shi Gates
- Colonization Reives: Woh Gates
- Colonization Reives: Yahse
- Colonization Reives: Yorcia Weald
- Colorful abyssite
- Colorful demilune abyssite
- Combat Caster's boomerang
- Combat Skills/Bard
- Combat Skills/Beastmaster
- Combat Skills/Black Mage
- Combat Skills/Blue Mage
- Combat Skills/Corsair
- Combat Skills/Dancer
- Combat Skills/Dark Knight
- Combat Skills/Dragoon
- Combat Skills/Geomancer
- Combat Skills/Monk
- Combat Skills/Ninja
- Combat Skills/Paladin
- Combat Skills/Puppetmaster
- Combat Skills/Ranger
- Combat Skills/Red Mage
- Combat Skills/Rune Fencer
- Combat Skills/Samurai
- Combat Skills/Summoner
- Combat Skills/Thief
- Combat Skills/Warrior
- Combat Skills/White Mage
- Combat caster's cloak claim slip
- Comeback Queen
- Comet
- Comitiolus
- Commander's endorsement
- Commodore attire claim slip
- Commodore frac
- Communication from Tzee Xicu