- Waylayer's scarf
- Waypoint recalibration kit
- Waypoint scanner kit
- Weakening trap fluid
- Weakening trap fluid bottle
- Weapon Skills I
- Weapon training guide
- Weapons order
- Weapons receipt
- Weather vane wings
- Weathered Haverton hat
- Weathering shield
- Weatherspoon corona +1
- Weatherspoon cuffs +1
- Weatherspoon pants +1
- Weatherspoon robe +1
- Weatherspoon souliers +1
- Weaver's argentum tome
- Weaver's aurum tome
- Weaving: Headgear
- Wedding invitation
- Weeper
- Wegellion
- Welcome t'Norg
- Welcome t'Norg/Plot Details
- Wepwawet's tooth
- Werebat
- Werei
- West Ronfaure
- West Ronfaure/Treasure Casket
- West Sarutabaruta
- West Sarutabaruta/Chocobo Digging
- West Sarutabaruta/Field Manual
- West Sarutabaruta/Fishing
- West Sarutabaruta/Harvesting
- West Sarutabaruta/Karten
- West Sarutabaruta/Treasure Casket
- West Sarutabaruta (S)
- Westerly Winds
- Western Adoulin
- Western Adoulin/Fishing
- Western Adoulin/Karten
- Western Adoulin patrol route
- Western Altepa Desert
- Western Altepa Desert/Field Manual
- Western vine
- Wetata
- Whafael
- Wharudu
- What He Left Behind
- What Lies Beyond
- What Lies Beyond/Plot Details
- What Remains of Hope
- Wheel lock trigger
- When Angels Fall
- Whence Blows the Wind
- Where Divinities Collide
- Where Messengers Gather
- Where Two Paths Converge
- While the Cat is Away
- Whine Cellar key
- Whirl of Rage (Blue Magic)
- Whirring engine
- Whisper of dreams
- Whisper of flames
- Whisper of frost
- Whisper of gales
- Whisper of gloom
- Whisper of radiance
- Whisper of storms
- Whisper of the Wyrmking
- Whisper of the moon
- Whisper of tides
- Whisper of tremors
- Whispering conch
- White 3-drawer almirah
- White Ballista chevron
- White Card
- White Mage
- White Mage/Job Abilities
- White Mage/Job Traits
- White Mage/Spell List
- White Sentinel badge
- White Wind (Blue Magic)
- White adamantoise memento
- White chip
- White cloak
- White cloak claim slip
- White coral key
- White drop
- White handkerchief
- White invitation card
- White mage's testimony
- White orb
- White rabbit memento
- White rock
- White rolanberry
- White stratum abyssite
- White stratum abyssite II
- White stratum abyssite III
- White stratum abyssite IV
- White stratum abyssite V
- White stratum abyssite VI
- Whitegate warp rune
- Wight (BLM)
- Wight (WAR)
- Wightslayer
- Wild Carrot (Blue Magic)
- Wild Oats (Blue Magic)
- Wild Sheep
- Wild onion
- Wild rabbit tail
- Wilhelm
- Willis
- Willow fishing rod
- Willpower grip
- Wind Breath (Blue Magic)
- Wind Threnody
- Wind card (Escutcheon)
- Wind cluster
- Wind crystal
- Wind fragment
- Wind knife
- Wind knife +1
- Wind sap crystal
- Wind spear
- Winds of Promyvion (Blue Magic)
- Windslicer
- Windurst
- Windurst-Jeuno Airship
- Windurst Missionen
- Windurst Rank 1-1
- Windurst Rank 1-2
- Windurst Rank 1-3
- Windurst Rank 2-1
- Windurst Rank 2-2
- Windurst Rank 2-3
- Windurst Rank 3-1
- Windurst Rank 3-2
- Windurst Rank 3-3
- Windurst Rank 4
- Windurst Rank 5-1
- Windurst Rank 5-2
- Windurst Rank 6-1
- Windurst Rank 6-2
- Windurst Rank 7-1
- Windurst Rank 7-2
- Windurst Rank 8-1
- Windurst Rank 8-2
- Windurst Rank 9-1
- Windurst Rank 9-2
- Windurst Trust permit
- Windurst Walls
- Windurst Walls/Fishing
- Windurst Walls/Karten
- Windurst Walls scoop
- Windurst Waters
- Windurst Waters/Fishing
- Windurst Waters/Karten
- Windurst Waters (S)
- Windurst Waters (S)/Fishing
- Windurst Waters scoop
- Windurst Woods
- Windurst Woods/Fishing
- Windurst Woods/Karten
- Windurst Woods scoop
- Windurst warp rune
- Windurstian approval letter
- Windurstian flag
- Winged wand
- Wingrats
- Wings of Gold
- Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
- Wings of Integrity ∮∮∮
- Winrix
- Wisdom of Our Forefathers
- Wistful Bison
- Wivre egg
- Wizard's attire claim slip
- Wizard's coat
- Wizard's gloves
- Wizard's petasos
- Wizard's petasos +1
- Wizard's sabots
- Wizard's tonban
- Wizard's torque
- Wizardess board
- WoE Weapon Skill Trials Mini-Quest
- Woh Gates
- Wolf mantle
- Wolf mantle +1
- Wolfgang
- Wonder Magic Set
- Wonder armor claim slip
- Wondrix
- Wood Ensorcellment
- Wood Purification
- Woodland Mender's coffer
- Woodworker's belt
- Woodworking: Padded Box
- Woodworking kit 5
- Wool gambison claim slip
- Wool hat
- Wool robe claim slip
- Woozyshroom
- Workbench
- Worker Crawler
- World Tree sapling
- Worn sack of duskdim stones +1
- Worn sack of duskorb stones +1
- Worn sack of duskslit stones +1
- Worn sack of dusktip stones +1
- Worn sack of leafdim stones +1
- Worn sack of leaforb stones +1
- Worn sack of leafslit stones +1
- Worn sack of leaftip stones +1
- Worn sack of snowdim stones +1
- Worn sack of snoworb stones +1
- Worn sack of snowslit stones +1
- Worn sack of snowtip stones +1
- Wraith
- Wrathare's carrot
- Wreaker
- Writhing Obdella
- Writhing ghost finger
- Written in the Stars
- Wyatt
- Wyatt's proposal
- Wynne
- Wyrm God phantom gem
- Wyrm armet
- Wyrm armor claim slip
- Wyrm brais
- Wyrm finger gauntlets
- Wyrm greaves
- Wyrm mail
- Wyrmking masque +1
- Wyrmking suit +1
- Wyvern egg
- Wyvern egg shell
- Wyvern memento
- Wyvern tailskin
- Wyvernpoacher Drachlox
- Wyverns/Attribute
- X's knife
- X-potion
- X-potion +2
- X-potion voucher
- Xalmo feather
- Xarcabard
- Xarcabard, Land of Truths
- Xarcabard (S)
- Xarcabard dawndrop
- Xhifhut
- Xicu's rosary
- Xiphos
- Xoanon
- Xzomit organ
- Yachemidot
- Yacumama
- Yafa Yaa
- Yagudo Acolyte
- Yagudo Avatar
- Yagudo Flagellant
- Yagudo Initiate
- Yagudo Parasite
- Yagudo Piper
- Yagudo Scribe
- Yagudo Templar
- Yagudo bead necklace
- Yagudo cherry
- Yagudo crest
- Yagudo feather
- Yagudo torch
- Yahse Hunting Grounds
- Yahse wildflower petal
- Yakshi's scroll
- Yali
- Yallery Brown
- Yaman-Hachuman
- Yapam-Alpam
- Yasfel
- Yasin
- Yasin's sword
- Yasmina
- Yatagarasu
- Yawn (Blue Magic)
- Yaya
- Yayla Corbasi +1
- Yazquhl
- Ye Olde Mannequin Catalogue
- Yefafa
- Yeggha Dolashi
- Yellow abyssite
- Yellow linkpearl
- Yellow rock
- Yerva Libarello
- Yew fishing rod
- Yggdrasil (Mission)
- Yggdreant bole
- Yggdreant root
- Ygnas
- Ygnas's insignia
- Ygnas's leaf
- Yhoator Jungle
- Yhoator Jungle/Field Manual
- Yhoator gate crystal
- Yigit armor claim slip
- Yilan's scale
- Yilbegan
- Yin Pocanakhu
- Ymmr-Ulvid's necklace
- Yohra-Ora
- Yomotsu Hirasaka
- Yomotsu feather
- Yor. FB op. materials container
- Yor. FS building mat. container
- Yor. FS resource container
- Yoran-Oran
- Yoran-Oran Unity shirt
- Yorcia's tear
- Yorcia Weald
- Yorcia Weald (U)
- Yorcia eudaemon
- Yorcia simulacrum
- Young Aldo
- Your Crystal Ball
- Yovra organ
- Yrvaulair S Cousseraux
- Yughott Grotto
- Yuhito-Kubhito
- Yuhtunga Jungle
- Yujuju
- Yurim
- Yve'noile
- Yztargs/Attribute
- Za'Dha chopper
- Zaffre yantric planchette
- Zaffre yggrete rock
- Zaffre yggrete shard I
- Zaffre yggrete shard III
- Zaffre yggrete shard IV
- Zaffre yggrete shard V
- Zaffre yggzi bead I
- Zaffre yggzi bead III