- Riding on the Clouds
- Right map piece
- Rigobertine
- Rime ice fragment
- Ring My Bell
- Ring My Bell/Plot Details
- Ring of supernal disjunction
- Rinzei
- Ripapa
- Ripe starfruit
- Ripe white rolanberry
- Ripped Final Fantasy painting
- Ripple Prominence concretion
- Riptide Naakual paragon
- Rise of the Zilart
- Rise of the Zilart 1
- Rise of the Zilart 10
- Rise of the Zilart 11
- Rise of the Zilart 12
- Rise of the Zilart 13
- Rise of the Zilart 14
- Rise of the Zilart 15
- Rise of the Zilart 16
- Rise of the Zilart 2
- Rise of the Zilart 3
- Rise of the Zilart 4
- Rise of the Zilart 5
- Rise of the Zilart 6
- Rise of the Zilart 7
- Rise of the Zilart 8
- Rise of the Zilart 9
- Rise of the Zilart Missionen
- Rishfee
- Rishi
- River Crab
- Riverne - Site A01
- Riverne - Site B01
- Rivernewort
- Rng
- Ro'Maeve
- Ro'Maeve/Field Manual
- Ro'Maeve/Karten
- Ro'Maeve (Mission)
- Roast carp
- Roast mushroom
- Roast turkey
- Robber Crab
- Robel-Akbel
- Rochefogne
- Rockberry
- Rockfin fin
- Rockfin tooth
- Rockhopper
- Rockmill
- Rocs/Attribute
- Rogue's armlets
- Rogue's attire claim slip
- Rogue's attire set
- Rogue's bonnet
- Rogue's culottes
- Rogue's poulaines
- Rogue's torque
- Rogue's vest
- Rogue rig
- Rolanberry
- Rolanberry (864 C.E.)
- Rolanberry (874 C.E.)
- Rolanberry (881 C.E.)
- Rolanberry Fields
- Rolanberry Fields/Field Manual
- Rolanberry Fields (S)
- Rolanberry delightaru
- Rolanberry pie
- Roll of buche au chocolat
- Romaa Mihgo
- Romaa Mihgo (WotG)
- Ronfaure
- Ronfaure EF insignia
- Ronfaure chestnut
- Ronfaure dawndrop
- Ronfaure maple syrup
- Ronfaure supplies
- Ronta-Onta
- Ropchop
- Roshina-Kuleshuna, W.W.
- Rosmerta's cape
- Rossignol
- Rossweisse's feather
- Rosulatia
- Rosulatia's pome
- Rotih Moalghett
- Rottata
- Rotting eyeball
- Rouliette
- Round frigicite
- Roundel earring
- Rounsey wand
- Roving bijou
- Royal Jelly
- Royal Knight Army lance +1
- Royal Knights' Davoi report
- Royal Leech
- Royal Puppeteer
- Royal Squire's collar
- Royal fiat banning colonization
- Royal redingote
- Ru'Aun Gardens
- Ru'Aun coffer key
- Ru'Lude Gardens
- Ru'aern
- Ruby Raptor
- Ruby Raptor (RNM)
- Rudianos's mantle
- Ruea's stone
- Ruenda
- Rughadjeen
- Ruhotz Silvermines
- Rukususu
- Rummager Beetle
- Rumors from the West
- Rune Fencer
- Rune Fencer/Rune Applications
- Rune Fencer/Spell List
- Rune saber
- Runic anelace
- Runic disc
- Runic key
- Runic kinegraver
- Runic portal use permit
- Rurukaka
- Ruspix's plate
- Russet yantric planchette
- Russet yggrete shard I
- Russet yggrete shard III
- Russet yggrete shard IV
- Russet yggrete shard V
- Rusted chariot gear
- Rusted handbell
- Rusted hound collar
- Rusted pickaxe
- Rusty bucket
- Rusty dagger
- Rusty katana
- Rusty leggings
- Rusty locket
- Rusty medal
- Ruszors/Attribute
- Ryan
- Ryl.sqr. chainmail claim slip
- Ryokei, I.M.
- Rytaal
- Ryumon
- SL Wildcat badge
- SM Wildcat badge
- SP Wildcat badge
- S Wildcat badge
- Saarlan
- Sabotender Royal's needle
- Sabotender memento
- Sachetan, I.M.
- Sack of fish bait
- Sack of victuals
- Sack of white sand
- Sacrarium
- Sacred Kindred's crest
- Sacred branch
- Sacred sprig
- Sacrifice (Mission)
- Sacrificial Chamber
- Sacrificial Chamber key
- Saevus pendant
- Safeguard palimpsest
- Saffron blossom
- Saga of the Skyserpent
- Sagasinger
- Sagheera
- Saintly Invitation
- Sajalda
- Sajj'aka's protective ward
- Sakura's Excellent Adventure
- Sakura and the Cactus Corps
- Sakura and the Fountain
- Sakura and the Holy Grail
- Sakura and the Magic Spoon
- Sakura and the Magicked Net
- Sakura racing badge
- Salabwahn
- Salaheem's Sentinels
- Salamander
- Saline Coat (Blue Magic)
- Salire belt
- Salmon-colored seal
- Salmon sub sandwich
- Saltvix
- Saltwater aquarium
- Salus Stone
- Sample of Grauberg chert
- Sample of Luminian tissue
- Samurai
- Samurai's testimony
- San d'Oria
- San d'Oria-Jeuno Airship
- San d'Oria-Jeuno Airship/Zeitplan
- San d'Oria Missionen
- San d'Oria Rank 1-1
- San d'Oria Rank 1-2
- San d'Oria Rank 1-3
- San d'Oria Rank 2-1
- San d'Oria Trust permit
- San d'Oria dawndrop
- San d'Oria warp rune
- San d'Orian Martial arts scroll
- San d'Orian approval letter
- San d'Orian martial arts scroll
- Sanctitas Stone
- Sand Hare
- Sand Lizard
- Sand Murex
- Sand Pugil
- Sand Sweeper
- Sandspin (Blue Magic)
- Sandspray (Blue Magic)
- Sandy's lasher
- Sang Buaya's tusk
- Sangarius
- Saotome armor claim slip
- Saotome domaru
- Saotome haidate
- Saotome kote
- Saotome sune-ate
- Sapara of trials
- Sapientia Stone
- Sapling memento
- Sapphire Ballista chevron
- Sapphire abyssite of fortune
- Sapphire abyssite of furtherance
- Sapphire abyssite of lenity
- Sapphire abyssite of merit
- Sapphire abyssite of sojourn
- Sapphire demilune abyssite
- Sarameya's hide
- Sarsaok's hoard
- Sarutabaruta
- Sarutabaruta EF insignia
- Sarutabaruta supplies
- Sassa-Kotassa
- Sasuke shuriken pouch
- Satata
- Sattal-Mansal
- Sattsuh Ahkanpari
- Sattva ring
- Saurian Slide (Blue Magic)
- Sauromugue Champaign
- Sauromugue Champaign/Field Manual
- Sauromugue Champaign/Karten
- Sauromugue Champaign (S)
- Sauromugue Skink
- Sava Savanovic's cape
- Savage's phantom gem
- Savage Blade (Auftrag)
- Savage armor claim slip
- Savanna Rarab
- Savant's seal: feet
- Save My Son
- Save the Children
- Savory lamb roast
- Savory shank
- Scalding ironclad spike
- Scapegoat
- Scaredy-Cats
- Scarlet abyssite of furtherance
- Scarlet abyssite of kismet
- Scarlet abyssite of lenity
- Scarlet abyssite of perspicacity
- Scarlet abyssite of sojourn
- Scarlet chip
- Scarlet counterseal
- Scarlet demilune abyssite
- Scarlet stone
- Scattered Into Shadow
- Schah's gambit
- Schiavona
- Scholar
- Scholar's attire claim slip
- Scholar/Schultz Stratagems
- Scholar/Spell List
- Schultz
- Schultz's sealed letter
- Schwertleite's feather
- Scintillant strand
- Scintillating Rhapsody
- Scission sphere
- Scoop-Dedicated Linkpearl
- Scop's Operetta
- Scorched Yanthu
- Scoriaceous Clot
- Scoriaceous Clot (RNM)
- Scorpion claw
- Scorpion shell
- Scorpions/Attribute
- Scourshroom
- Scout's attire claim slip
- Scout's beret
- Scout's bracers
- Scout's socks
- Scowling stone
- Scrap of papyrus
- Screwdriver (Blue Magic)
- Scripture of Water
- Scripture of Wind
- Scroll of Absob-Attri
- Scroll of Absorb-AGI
- Scroll of Absorb-INT
- Scroll of Absorb-STR
- Scroll of Absorb-VIT
- Scroll of Addle
- Scroll of Aero
- Scroll of Aero V
- Scroll of Aeroga III
- Scroll of Aeroja
- Scroll of Aerora
- Scroll of Aerora II
- Scroll of Army's Paeon
- Scroll of Banish
- Scroll of Banish II
- Scroll of Banishga
- Scroll of Barblind
- Scroll of Barsleep
- Scroll of Bind
- Scroll of Bio
- Scroll of Bio II
- Scroll of Blaze Spikes
- Scroll of Blind
- Scroll of Blink
- Scroll of Blizzaga II
- Scroll of Blizzaga III
- Scroll of Blizzaja
- Scroll of Blizzara
- Scroll of Blizzara II
- Scroll of Blizzard
- Scroll of Blizzard III
- Scroll of Blizzard IV