Romaa Mihgo (WotG) bezieht sich auf einen NPC in der Vergangenheit von Vana'diels. Um den gegenwärtigen NPC zu sehen, gehe auf Romaa Mihgo.

Romaa Mihgo (WotG).jpg


It's a bit rrroughed up rrright now, but this place ain't so bad.
I could think about livin' here once we send the birdmen packin'...

Zusätzlicher Dialog

Back to the Beginning / Snake on the Plains

Romaa Mihgo (S): This had better be good, Miah. You remember what happened to the last person who woke me from my nap.
Miah Riyuh: Ulp... Sir, yes, sir!
I just wanted to introduce you to the newest member of the Cobras,
Player Name.
Romaa Mihgo (S): Hmmm......
Player Name, eh? Looks kind of scrrrawny if you ask me. You called me all the way over here to waste my time with this?
Miah Riyuh: Uh... Sir, no sir, ma'am. I think this one may be different. I've already given him/her an assignment and he/she came through without any problems.
Romaa Mihgo (S): Without any problems, you say?
Well then. Let's see what you're worth...
And that goes for you too, Miah Riyuh. Your tail is riding on Player Name 's performance.
