- Insulator tablet
- Intarabus's cape
- Intelligence potion
- Intense Ambuscade (M)
- Intuila's coffer
- Intuila's hide
- Inundation
- Inventors' Coalition pickaxe
- Inventory Expansion 35
- Inventory Expansion 40
- Inventory Expansion 45
- Inventory Expansion 50
- Inventory Expansion 55
- Inventory Expansion 60
- Inventory Expansion 65
- Inventory Expansion 70
- Inventory Expansion 75
- Inventory Expansion 80
- Invisible
- Invisible man sticker
- Invitation from Excenmille
- Invitation from Kupipi
- Invitation from Naji
- Invitation to a feast most dire
- Inyanga crackows
- Inyanga crackows +1
- Inyanga crackows +2
- Inyanga dastanas
- Inyanga dastanas +1
- Inyanga dastanas +2
- Inyanga jubbah
- Inyanga jubbah +1
- Inyanga jubbah +1 set
- Inyanga jubbah +2
- Inyanga jubbah +2 set
- Inyanga jubbah set
- Inyanga ring
- Inyanga shalwar
- Inyanga shalwar +1
- Inyanga shalwar +2
- Inyanga tiara
- Inyanga tiara +1
- Inyanga tiara +2
- Iolite
- Ionos's webbing
- Ipupu
- Iridal core of the pass
- Iridal core of the ruins
- Iridal core of the tomb
- Iris
- Irn.msk. cuirass claim slip
- Iroha
- Iroha in Distress
- Iron Eater
- Iron Eater's pearlsack
- Iron Emblem of Service ∮∮
- Iron chainmail claim slip
- Iron ingot
- Iron plate
- Iron scale armor claim slip
- Iron sheet
- Iron sword
- Ironhorn Baldurno's coffer
- Ironshell
- Ironside's maul
- Irradiant strand
- Iru-Kuiru
- Iruki-Waraki
- Irwyn
- Ishvad
- Iuitl tights
- Ivory Key
- Ivory abyssite of acumen
- Ivory abyssite of avarice
- Ivory abyssite of celerity
- Ivory abyssite of confluence
- Ivory abyssite of destiny
- Ivory abyssite of expertise
- Ivory abyssite of fortune
- Ivory abyssite of furtherance
- Ivory abyssite of guerdon
- Ivory abyssite of kismet
- Ivory abyssite of merit
- Ivory abyssite of perspicacity
- Ivory abyssite of prosperity
- Ivory abyssite of sojourn
- Ivory abyssite of the reaper
- Ivory chip
- Ivory wing talisman
- Ix'ghrah
- Ix'zdei
- Izdubar mantle
- Jabbar
- Jabbos
- Jacaranda log
- Jack of Clubs
- Jack of Hearts
- Jadagna
- Jade Ballista chevron
- Jade Sepulcher
- Jade abyssite of expertise
- Jade abyssite of lenity
- Jade abyssite of merit
- Jade abyssite of prosperity
- Jade abyssite of sojourn
- Jade cryptex
- Jade demilune abyssite
- Jade stratum abyssite
- Jade stratum abyssite II
- Jade stratum abyssite III
- Jade stratum abyssite IV
- Jadeite
- Jagdplaute
- Jagged apkallu beak
- Jagil
- Jaha Amariyo
- Jakoh Wahcondalo
- Jamal
- Janshura-Rashura
- Jar of Gnat pellets
- Jar of Gnole pellets
- Jar of acuex poison
- Jar of black ink
- Jar of monarch beetle saliva
- Jar of reversion dust
- Jar of toad oil
- Jar of umbril ooze
- Jaucribaix
- Javelin Wasp
- Jazaraat
- Jazaraat (Monster)
- Jeridade
- Jeronne
- Jester's hat
- Jester Malatrix's coffer
- Jester Malatrix's shard
- Jet Stream (Blue Magic)
- Jettatura (Blue Magic)
- Jeuno
- Jeuno (Mission)
- Jeunoan approval letter
- Jhakri coronal
- Jhakri coronal +1
- Jhakri coronal +2
- Jhakri cuffs
- Jhakri cuffs +1
- Jhakri cuffs +2
- Jhakri pigaches
- Jhakri pigaches +1
- Jhakri pigaches +2
- Jhakri ring
- Jhakri robe
- Jhakri robe +1
- Jhakri robe +1 set
- Jhakri robe +2
- Jhakri robe +2 set
- Jhakri robe set
- Jhakri slops
- Jhakri slops +1
- Jhakri slops +2
- Jillia
- Jimaida
- Joachim
- Job
- Job breaker
- Job gesture: bard
- Job gesture: beastmaster
- Job gesture: black mage
- Job gesture: corsair
- Job gesture: dancer
- Job gesture: dark knight
- Job gesture: geomancer
- Job gesture: monk
- Job gesture: paladin
- Job gesture: puppetmaster
- Job gesture: ranger
- Job gesture: red mage
- Job gesture: rune fencer
- Job gesture: samurai
- Job gesture: scholar
- Job gesture: thief
- Job gesture: warrior
- Job gesture: white mage
- Job gesture bard
- Job gesture beastmaster
- Job gesture black mage
- Job gesture blue mage
- Job gesture corsair
- Job gesture dancer
- Job gesture dark knight
- Job gesture dragoon
- Job gesture geomancer
- Job gesture monk
- Job gesture ninja
- Job gesture paladin
- Job gesture puppetmaster
- Job gesture ranger
- Job gesture red mage
- Job gesture rune fencer
- Job gesture samurai
- Job gesture scholar
- Job gesture summoner
- Job gesture thief
- Job gesture warrior
- Job gesture white mage
- Jobs
- Joker
- Joker card
- Jolwa-Moowa
- Joseaneaut
- Josef
- Josefina
- Joyous Green's coffer
- Judgment key
- Judith
- Jug of blackwater broth
- Jug of greasy Goblin juice
- Jug of honey wine
- Jug of humus
- Jugner Forest
- Jugner Forest (S)
- Jugner dawndrop
- Jugner gate crystal
- Jumbotender memento
- Jungle chocograph
- Justice badge
- Justinius
- Juu Zeni the Poisonmist
- Jyeshtha
- Kaa Toru the Just
- Kaabnax trousers
- Kabandha's wing
- Kagero
- Kagetora
- Kagotsurube
- Kahah Hobichai
- Kaiser sword
- Kaja axe
- Kaja bow
- Kaja chopper
- Kaja claymore
- Kaja grip
- Kaja katana
- Kaja knife
- Kaja knuckles
- Kaja lance
- Kaja rod
- Kaja scythe
- Kaja staff
- Kaja sword
- Kaja tachi
- Kakai cap
- Kaleidoscopic clam
- Kalgahn
- Kalsu-Kalasu
- Kam'lanaut
- Kam'lanaut (Monster)
- Kam. FB op. materials container
- Kam. FS building mat. container
- Kam. FS resource container
- Kamih Mapokhalam
- Kamihr Drifts
- Kammavaca's binding
- Kamohoalii's fin
- Kamolo-Domilo
- Kamui
- Kanil
- Kapor log
- Karababa
- Karaha-Baruha
- Karakul memento
- Karambit
- Kareh'ayollio
- Karine
- Karl
- Karst
- Kartenverkäufer
- Kasaroro
- Kayeel-Payeel (WotG)
- Kazham
- Kazham's Chieftainess
- Kazham's Chieftainess/Plot Details
- Kazham-Jeuno Airship
- Kazham/Fishing
- Kazham warp rune
- Keep On Giving
- Keeper of Heiligtum's coffer
- Keeping Notes
- Kei’s bead
- Ken's escort award
- Kenapa-Keppa
- Keremet
- Kerutoto
- Keshab-Menjab
- Kettenkaefer
- Kevan
- Key to the Oztroja mines
- Khaf Jhifanm
- Khandroma
- Khandroma -1
- Khel Pahlhama
- Khimaira kecks
- Khon's scepter
- Khonsu
- Khun's crown
- Khuta Colaara
- Kieran
- Killing Weapon
- Kindel-Bandel
- Kindred's crest
- Kindred's seal
- Kindred crest
- Kindred report
- King Ranperre's Tomb
- King Ranperre's Tomb/Grounds Tome
- King behemoth memento
- King locust
- King of Batons
- King of Hearts
- King of Wands
- King truffle
- Kin’s bead
- Kirin's Fervor
- Kit Empathizer
- Kitchen brick
- Kitchen plate
- Kitchen stove
- Kite shield
- Knight's Minne
- Knight's Minne II
- Knight's Minne III
- Knight's Minne IV
- Knight's Minne V
- Knight's boots
- Knight's confession
- Knight's soul
- Knight Crawler
- Knight of Gold
- Knot Quite There
- Knotted Root
- Knuckles of trials
- Kodada
- Koga chainmail
- Koga garb claim slip