Kam'lanaut bezieht sich auf einen einfachen NPC in Vana'diel. Um den Gegner-NPC zu sehen, gehe auf Kam'lanaut (Monster).


Zusätzlicher Dialog

Magicite (Windurst), Magicite (Bastok), Magicite (San d'Oria)

Ru'Lude Gardens
Kam'lanaut: So, you're the new attaché.
I am Kam'lanaut, Archduke of Jeuno. I'd like your nation's help with a certain matter.
Eald'narche: Oh, a visitor?
Hello there. My name's Eald'narche. Pleased to meet ya.
Kam'lanaut: This is my brother. Don't let him bother you.
Now, let us get down to business. I summoned you here for a certain mission. Have you heard word of the Shadow Lord?
Eald'narche: My sources tell me that beastmen in Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja are conspiring to return him to Vana'diel.
Kam'lanaut: They seek to do so by harnessing the power of mysterious stones called magicite.
To stop their nefarious plan, I want you to go to those three places and seize that magicite.
Of course, I intend to reward you for a task of this magnitude. I will issue Airship pass upon receipt of the three magicite.
With it, you can swiftly travel home, or to any civilized land, for that matter.
Eald'narche: So they're after magicite, are they? I wonder what this means... Take extra special care. The thought of a world under the control of the beastmen makes me shudder.
I bet the beastmen have traps waiting. First, you've got to find out as much as you can.
Eald'narche: Eald'narche speaks the truth. Start by finding out what you can in town. I'm counting on you!
Mawl'gofaur: A moment, please.
By the order of His Grace, we have decided to seek the assistance of the Tenshodo, the organization run by that Aldo fellow.
This secret dispatch outlines our wishes. Would you be so kind as to deliver it to him?
He is a man of many talents. It would be wise to seek his acquaintance. Good luck!

Kam'lanaut: Magicite! Yes, these stones emit the same power as crystals. Though impure, that power is great indeed.
Now it is clear why the beastmen gathered where they did. They were drawn to the magicite's great power!
Yes, it is time to eradicate the beastmen threat once and for all.
I thank you for your service. Here is an Airship pass. With it, you may travel to any nation you please.
Mawl'gofaur: The three stones are incomplete, but with the powers of the fourth stone that rests deep beneath Castle Zvahl...
Perhaps then the Shadow Lord will rise again.
Kareh'ayollio: Of course, the talisman that seals Zvahl's inner depths was put in place over twenty years ago. It would stop any attempt.
I've also read that the three keys to open the seal were kept safely by the three great nations...
High Wind: Your Grace!
Kam'lanaut: What is it?
High Wind: Dire news, Your Grace! The leaders of all three nations have been attacked!
Kam'lanaut: Attacked... By beastmen?
High Wind: Yes, Your Grace.
Kam'lanaut:Confound them! They're one step ahead of us.
So, they seek to resurrect the Shadow Lord... Quite a lofty goal for beastmen.
So be it, then. Perhaps you should return to your embassy.
I will call for your aid again soon. Until then, be well.
Eald'narche: Hey, what's going on? Oh, you don't have to tell me.
Oh, so you went to Castle Oztroja and met a girl named Verena there.
And she gets along with the beastmen. Wow, so maybe we could get along.
Hey, Wolfgang! Wolfie, you here?
Wolfgang: What would you ask of me, Lord Eald'narche?
Eald'narche: Could you find someone named Verena and bring her here? I heard she's Aldo's little sister.
Wolfgang: Of course, my lord. But may I ask why? She seems of...questionable intentions.
Eald'narche: I think she has some nifty powers, so I just want to play with her. That's all.
Oh, and don't tell this to Kam'lanaut. I want to surprise him.
Wolfgang: As you wish, my lord.
Eald'narche: Heh. I can't wait!
