Jack of Clubs.jpg


AlLow mE tO aSsisT You iF yOu arE loSt.
What CaN jAck dO For yOu?
Inquire about what?

  • ...
  • ..
  • .
  • Nothing for now.
    • FeEl frEe tO AsK nEXt tIme yOu NeEd JaCk's heLp. OvEr AnD oUt!

Zusätzlicher Dialog

I want to find some quests!

tHe CiTIzEns oF WiNDurSt cRy oUT FoR yOUr Aid. ShALl I fInD peOplE WhO NeeD HElp?
Inquire about which locale?

I want to try the tutorial!

tHe tuToRIal EveNt iS perFeCT fOr beGiNNerS! YoU CaN lEaRN aBouT aDveNTurInG iN tHe LanD of VAnA'dIel!
taLk tO SeLelE at thE GatE coNNecTinG wINdurST WooDs To EaSt SAruTabAruTA.
FirSt, hEaD tO WiNDurSt WooDs bY wAlkINg to tHe gaTe hEre LeaDIng EaSt.
KeEp GoinG, and fiNd SeLEle. JacK'lL mArk heR LocATioN oN yoUr MaP.
YoU CaN fInd tHE MarK bY pREssIng tHe “MaP” buTTon, seLecTiNG “mARkErs,” and lOOkinG tO tHe RigHT.
SeLEctInG “WiDE sCaN” wiLL aLso SHow yOu thE LoCAtiOns oF vAriOuS pEopLE.

Teach me about Records of Eminence!

REcoRdS oF EminENcE CaN bE ENjoYeD BY anYonE At ANytiMe. YoU EvEN Get rEwaRDs fOr pArtiCIPaTinG!
OPeN tHe MAiN meNu aNd pREss tO tHe RigHT. SeLecT “QueSTs” and tHen “ObJEcTiVE LiSt” tO Get sTarTEd.
FrOM ThERe, sElecT “TUtorIaL,” tHEn “BaSicS” anD “FiRsT StEP fOrwArd.” SeT ThaT OBjeCTivE tO gEt STarTeD.

Teach me about the Trust initiative!

THe TruST iNitIAtivE is A New tYpe OF MaGIc DevElOpED bY aN inStiTUtE in jEUnO.
YoU CAn fINd ComPanIOns tO jOiN yOu iN BattLe IF yOu pArTIciPAte.
I'lL PrOVidE yOu wITh MoRe InFOrmaTIoN wHEn YoU ReAcH LEvEl FIvE.
WEtAtA In WInduRsT WOOds CaN TeLL yOU MorE. LeT Me MArK hER LoCAtIOn On yOur MAp.
YoU CaN fInd tHE MarK bY pREssIng tHe “MaP” buTTon, seLecTiNG “mARkErs,” and lOOkinG tO tHe RigHT.
SeLEctInG “WiDE sCaN” wiLL aLso SHow yOu thE LoCAtiOns oF vAriOuS pEopLE.

I want a map of the area I'm in!

JaCk nOw ShoWIng mAP.
YoU CaN fInd tHE MarK bY pREssIng tHe “MaP” buTTon, seLecTiNG “mARkErs,” and lOOkinG tO tHe RigHT.
SeLEctInG “WiDE sCaN” wiLL aLso SHow yOu thE LoCAtiOns oF vAriOuS pEopLE.
OtHEr pEoPlE aLSo KnoW a LoT aBouT MaPs, LiKE ZeLaLA in WindUrsT WaTErs. LeT JacK ShOw WHerE sHe iS.

I want maps of the whole city!

JaCk nOw ShoWIng mAP.

The Federation of Windurst (Karte).jpg
How do I give items to people?

InTerchAnge oF iTeMs aNd mOnEy beTwEeN PeoPle AnD tHiNgs iS calLeD “TRaDiNg.”
FIrSt tarGet EnTiTy tO IntErAcT wITh.
NoThIng hApPeNs uNlESs reCeIver iS pRoperLy TaRgeTEd.
OpEn MaIn MenU.
PrESs “TRADE” bUtTon.
NeXt cHoOsE ItEms tO HanD oVEr!
PreSs “CONFIRM” bUttOn!
TaRgeTed eNtIty sHouLd rEcEiVe IteMs.

How do I fight outside town?

BeFoRe sETtinG oUt tO BaTtLe:
ConFiRm EqUiPmEnt iS pRopeRLy EQUIPped!
MaGiC-UsErS “USE” SpeLl ScRolLs oN tHeMsElvEs TO lEaRn mAgIc!
BeForE cOmMeNcInG BatTlE wITh MoNSter:
“CHECK” MOnstER tO COnFIrm Its StrEngTh!
AfTer BAttLE iS WoN:
LooK fOr “SPOILS” dRoPpEd bY MonSters.

What are quests and missions?

QUESTS aRe ReQueSts FoR HelP fRoM oRdiNaRy ToWnsFoLk.
iT pAyS To hELp pEOplE iN NeEd.
MISSIONS aRe OfFIcIaL rEqUesTs fOr aSSiStanCe mAdE bY tHe WInDuRStiAN AuThoRiTIes.
yoU CaN ReCeIvE MISSIONS frOm ThE gUarDs aT tHe ToWn'S GATeHOuSe.

I have other questions.

oPeNInG tHe MaiN mENu and CliCKinG tO thE rIghT giVes yoU An opTIoN to oPeN tHe “HeLP dEsK.”
prEssIng thE “HelP DesK” buTToN aNd sEleCTiNg thE “HeLp dESk” CaTegOrY WiLL BRiNg uP a SelECtIoN tITleD “I NeED hElP wITh tHe GaME cOntRolS.”
REadInG tHe inFOrmAtiOn tHerE MaY reSoLve YOur iSSue.
