- Goggehn
- Gogoroon
- Goji
- Gokotai
- Gold-colored seal
- Gold-labeled vial
- Gold Ballista chevron
- Gold Ensorcellment
- Gold Purification
- Gold Skull
- Gold astrarium
- Gold beastcoin
- Gold chain
- Gold ingot
- Gold key
- Gold stud
- Golden Kist's key
- Golden Rule
- Golden Star ∮∮∮∮
- Golden seed pouch
- Golden shovel cordon
- Golden wing
- Goldsmith's argentum tome
- Goldsmith's aurum tome
- Goldsmithing: Copper Ring
- Goldsmithing kit 5
- Goldsmithing kit 50
- Goldsmithing kit 60
- Goldsmithing order
- Golem shard
- Golems/Attribute
- Goltata
- Gomada-Vulmada
- Gondebaud
- Gone but Not Forgotten
- Good Things Come in Threes
- Goraow
- Gordov's Ghost
- Gorget
- Gorpa-Masorpa
- Gory scorpion claw
- Goshenite
- Goshikitenge
- Gossamer Ballista chevron
- Gourmet whipped cream
- Gowam
- Graceful dancer's shard
- Graceful dancer's soul
- Gramk's axe
- Gramk-Droog's circlet
- Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
- Grand Slam (Blue Magic)
- Grandiloquent Groves
- Grapnel
- Grass Funguar
- Grasswix
- Gratzigg
- Grauberg (S)
- Grauberg Hippogryph
- Grav'iton
- Grav'iton (Monster)
- Gravity
- Gray chip
- Great adamantoise memento
- Great dhalmel memento
- Great ferromantoise memento
- Greater Pugil
- Green-labeled crate
- Green Ballista chevron
- Green Curry
- Green Groves
- Green Groves/Plot Details
- Green Sentinel badge
- Green Thumb Moogle
- Green bracelet
- Green chip
- Green earring
- Green foliage treant memento
- Green institute card
- Green invitation card
- Green present
- Green prize ballon
- Green recommendation letter
- Green rock
- Green wyvern memento
- Greenman
- Greeter Moogle
- Greeter Moogle (S)
- Greeter Moogle (W)
- Gregoirellaud (Adoulin)
- Grennith
- Grey abyssite
- Greyson
- Griffyth
- Grilau
- Grimgerde's feather
- Grimoire
- Grimoire page
- Grimy linkshell
- Grind to Sawdust
- Grohm
- Grotto chest key
- Groundskeeper
- Groundstomp Matamata
- Groundwater Leech
- Grow and Harvest (M)
- Growing Flowers
- Grudge (Auftrag)
- Grunt Heard 'Round the World
- Guardian Crawler
- Guardian of the Void
- Guardians
- Gudav
- Guddal
- Guest of Hauteur
- Guests of the Empire
- Guffawshroom
- Gugalanna
- Guiding bell
- Guilberdrier
- Guilloud
- Gulemont's document
- Gulltop's shell
- Gulmama
- Gulool Ja Ja
- Gumbah
- Gunromaru
- Gurfurlur
- Gurren-Murren
- Guruna-Maguruna
- Gusgen Mines
- Gusgen Mines/Grounds Tome
- Gushing Spring
- Guslam
- Gustaberg
- Gustaberg EF insignia
- Gustaberg supplies
- Gustav Tunnel
- Gustav Tunnel/Treasure Casket
- Gusterion
- Gysahl Medal
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse I
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse II
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse III
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse IV
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse V
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VI
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VII
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VIII
- Habida-Jubida
- Habitox
- Habitual behavior barometer
- Hachimonji
- Hae Jakhya
- Hae Jakkya
- Haja Zhwan
- Hakkuru-Rinkuru
- Hall of Transference
- Hall of the Gods
- Hall of the Gods/Fishing
- Hallowed Wood replica
- Halver
- Halvung
- Halvung Staging Point
- Halvung Territory
- Halvung brass key
- Hanbi's nail
- Handcrafted spatula
- Handful of Adoulinian tomatoes
- Handful of Nidhogg's scales
- Handful of Orcish mail scales
- Handful of bamboo shoots
- Handful of crystal scales
- Handful of iron arrowheads
- Handful of iron sand
- Handful of pugil scales
- Handful of scorpion arrowheads
- Handful of wyvern scales
- Handkerchief
- Hani
- Hans
- Hara-ate claim slip
- Harara, W.W.
- Hariga-Origa
- Harith
- Harjeel
- Harlequin's horn
- Harmodios
- Harnek
- Harpy shield
- Harvest pastry
- Haste belt
- Hastily scrawled poster
- Hastily scribbled note
- Hatchet
- Hatxiik
- Haudrale
- Hauptseite
- Hauramus
- Hazhalm Testing Grounds
- Hazmat
- Head Butt (Blue Magic)
- Head Wind
- Head Wind phantom gem
- Headgear
- Headstone Pilgrimage
- Heal Without Using Magic
- Heal for 500+ HP
- Heal for 500+ HP (D)
- Healer's attire claim slip
- Healer's attire set
- Healer's briault
- Healer's cap
- Healer's duckbills
- Healer's mitts
- Healer's pantaloons
- Healer's torque
- Healing Breeze (Blue Magic)
- Healing mace
- Healing powder voucher
- Healing staff
- Healing the Land
- Heart of the bushin
- Hearts of Mythril
- Heartseeker earring
- Heartwings and the Kindhearted
- Heat Breath (Blue Magic)
- Heavenly fragment
- Heavens Tower
- Heavens Tower/Fishing
- Heavy Strike (Blue Magic)
- Heavy cuirass
- Hecatomb Hound
- Hecatomb Wave (Blue Magic)
- Hecteyes memento
- Hedgehog pie
- Hefty supply pack
- Hegouard
- Heimji-Keimji
- Helaku
- Helgoland
- Helldive (Blue Magic)
- Hellmine
- Helmwige's feather
- Hemborok
- Hemorraghic Bats
- Hen. FB op. materials container
- Hen. FS building mat. container
- Hen. FS resource container
- Henic torque
- Hennebloom leaf
- Hepatizon ingot
- Hepo Pinulpe
- Herb Pastoral
- Herb Seeds
- Heroes and Legends of Adoulin
- Heroic dragoon's shard
- Heroic dragoon's soul
- Hi-elixir
- Hi-ether +2
- Hi-ether +3
- Hi-ether voucher
- Hi-potion
- Hi-potion +2
- Hi-potion +3
- Hi-potion voucher
- Hi-reraiser
- Hide
- Hide and Go Peak
- Hideout key
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Ark Angels 1)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Ark Angels 2)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Ark Angels 3)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Ark Angels 4)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Ark Angels 5)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Champion of the Dawn)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Legacy of the Lost)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (One to Be Feared)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Puppet in Peril)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Return to Delkfutt's Tower)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (The Celestial Nexus)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (The Moonlit Path)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (The Savage)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (The Shadow Lord Battle)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (The Warrior's Path)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Trial by Earth)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Trial by Fire)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Trial by Lightning)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Trial by Water)
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) (Trial by Wind)
- High-quality buffalo horn
- High-quality crab shell
- High-quality eft skin
- High-quality xzomit organ
- High Kindred's crest
- High Wind
- Hightail bullet
- Highwing Chapuli
- Hike khat
- Hike khat +1
- Hilda
- Hildebert
- Hildegard
- Hill Lizard
- Hinaree
- Historische Erinnerungen
- Hitting the Marquisate
- Hiwon-Biwon
- Hizamaru haramaki
- Hizamaru haramaki +1
- Hizamaru haramaki +2
- Hizamaru hizayoroi
- Hizamaru hizayoroi +1
- Hizamaru hizayoroi +2
- Hizamaru kote
- Hizamaru kote +1
- Hizamaru kote +2
- Hizamaru ring
- Hizamaru somen
- Hizamaru somen +1
- Hizamaru somen +2
- Hizamaru sune-ate
- Hizamaru sune-ate +1
- Hizamaru sune-ate +2
- Hizamaru yoroi +1 set
- Hizamaru yoroi +2 set
- Hizamaru yoroi set
- Hlif
- Hobgoblin Alastor
- Hobgoblin Angler
- Hobgoblin Blagger
- Hobgoblin Physician
- Hobgoblin Toreador
- Hobgoblin pie
- Hoe
- Hohbiba-Mubiba
- Holla crystal of gales
- Holla gate crystal
- Hollow dragon eye
- Holy
- Holy II
- Holy One's invitation
- Holy One's oath
- Holy candle
- Holy sword