Gondebaud: I, Gondebaud, am an esteemed member of the storied Jeuno Institute of Magical Studies.
The leading council has bid me come to this fair land of San d'Oria with a most sacred mission.
You know about this all-important Trust initiative already? Rumors truly do spread like wildfire on a dry summer day. Whether my compatriots in Bastok or Windurst informed you is of little consequence. What matters most is that you are here--and wish to engage in the trials we San d'Orians can offer.
Participate in the experiment?
- I'd love to.
How fortuitous! I swear by every gray hair on this head that you will not regret it!
Your first task is to head to the city gates in Northern San d'Oria. There you will find someone engaged in the running of "Ballista," a type of mock skirmish. Some call him by the moniker of "the grand hero of San d'Oria." As you have already surmised, experimental magic may have unknown effects on the world, so he is very careful to ensure the safety of everyone involved. In fact, he is so dedicated to this goal that he himself stepped up as the nation's first participant in the program. Take this letter of introduction with you and head to Ranperre Gate in Northern San d'Oria. To get to Northern San d'Oria, you must first head west of here, then north toward Victory Square. After reaching Northern San d'Oria, you are to make for Ranperre Gate. Once there, seek out Excenmille--and pray do not affront him in any fashion. The words of a hero such as he carry unmatched weight in this land.
- I'm not sure it's for me.
You leave my jaw so agape that I fear my dentures are starting to slip!