- Gajasimha's mane
- Galka Mask of Darkness
- Galka Mask of Light
- Gallant armor claim slip
- Gallauciond
- Galley kitchen
- Galliard trousers
- Galmut
- Gambilox Wanderling
- Gambilox Wanderling (Monster)
- Gambison claim slip
- Ganemu-Punnemu, W.W.
- Gang whereabouts note
- Ganged Up On
- Gantineux
- Gantineux's letter
- Garde pick
- Garden of Antiquity
- Gardenia pass
- Gardenia seed
- Gargantua
- Gargouilles/Attribute
- Garish tunic claim slip
- Garlaige Citadel
- Garlaige Citadel/Grounds Tome
- Garlaige Citadel (S)
- Garlaige chest key
- Garlaige coffer key
- Garlaige key
- Garuda
- Garuda's dagger
- Gasponia stamen
- Gastornis
- Gate Guard
- Gate Sentry
- Gate Sentry (G)
- Gatherer of Light (I)
- Gatherer of Light (II)
- Gaubious ring
- Gaudylox
- Gauntlet Challenge Kupon
- Gavergo
- Gavotvut
- Gawful
- Gaze of the Saboteur
- Geist Wall (Blue Magic)
- Gekko
- Gelid sulfur
- Gem of the East
- Gem of the North
- Gem of the South
- Gem of the West
- Gemscope
- Genbu's Honor
- Geo-AGI
- Geo-Acumen
- Geo-Attunement
- Geo-Barrier
- Geo-CHR
- Geo-DEX
- Geo-Fade
- Geo-Fend
- Geo-Focus
- Geo-Frailty
- Geo-Fury
- Geo-Gravity
- Geo-Haste
- Geo-INT
- Geo-Languor
- Geo-MND
- Geo-Malaise
- Geo-Paralysis
- Geo-Poison
- Geo-Precision
- Geo-Refresh
- Geo-Regen
- Geo-STR
- Geo-Slip
- Geo-Slow
- Geo-Torpor
- Geo-VIT
- Geo-Vex
- Geo-Voidance
- Geo-Wilt
- Geomagnetic compass
- Geomagnetron
- Geomancer
- Geomancer/Spell List
- Geomancer claim ticket
- Geomancerrific
- Geomantic Reservoir
- Gerbaum
- Gerhilde's feather
- Gerwitz
- Gerwitz's Axe
- Gerwitz's Scythe
- Gerwitz's Soul
- Gerwitz's Sword
- Gerwitz's axe
- Gerwitz's sword
- Geschichte der Avatare
- Gespenst
- Gessho
- Gestalt's retina
- Ghantata, W.W.
- Ghast
- Ghastly stone
- Ghatsad
- Ghebi Damomohe
- Ghelsba Outpost
- Ghelsba chest key
- Ghoo Pakya
- Ghost
- Ghosts of the Past
- Ghosts of the Past (Auftrag)
- Ghoyu's Reverie
- Ghrah/Attribute
- Ghyo Molkot
- Giant Bee
- Giant bird feather
- Giant bird plume
- Giant femur
- Giant scale
- Giant sheep export record
- Giant stinger
- Giddeus
- Giddeus/Karten
- Giddeus chest key
- Gift for Megomak
- Gigant octopus
- Gigas bracelets
- Gigas helm
- Gigas necklace
- Gigas socks
- Gil repository
- Gildge
- Gilgamesh
- Gilgamesh's introductory letter
- Gindaff
- Ginger cookie
- Gin’s bead
- Girru
- Girtablulu
- Give My Regards to Reodoan
- Give a Moogle a Break
- Gizerl's Ghost
- Gladiatorial writ of summons
- Glass pendulum
- Gleeful Ungeweder
- Gleipnir
- Glimmering mica
- Glinting shield
- Glistening orobon liver
- Glittering fragment
- Glittering pixie choker
- Gloom Phantom
- Gloom Phantom (Monster)
- Glossy fragment
- Glossy sea monk sucker
- Glove of perpetual twilight
- Glowstone
- Glutinous Clot
- Glutinous Dart (Blue Magic)
- Glyph Hanger
- Gnarled lizard nail
- Gnarring Yztarg
- Go! Go! Gobmuffin!
- Go'Bhu Gascon
- Gobbie Mystery Box
- Gobbie Mystery Box (M)
- Goblin Ambusher
- Goblin Fisher
- Goblin Poacher
- Goblin Reaper
- Goblin Robber
- Goblin Rush (Blue Magic)
- Goblin Thug
- Goblin Weaver
- Goblin helm
- Goblin mail
- Goblin mask
- Goblin mushpot
- Goblin recommendation letter
- Goggehn
- Gogoroon
- Goji
- Gokotai
- Gold-colored seal
- Gold-labeled vial
- Gold Ballista chevron
- Gold Ensorcellment
- Gold Purification
- Gold Skull
- Gold astrarium
- Gold beastcoin
- Gold chain
- Gold ingot
- Gold key
- Gold stud
- Golden Kist's key
- Golden Rule
- Golden Star ∮∮∮∮
- Golden seed pouch
- Golden shovel cordon
- Golden wing
- Goldsmith's argentum tome
- Goldsmith's aurum tome
- Goldsmithing: Copper Ring
- Goldsmithing kit 5
- Goldsmithing kit 50
- Goldsmithing kit 60
- Goldsmithing order
- Golem shard
- Golems/Attribute
- Goltata
- Gomada-Vulmada
- Gondebaud
- Gone but Not Forgotten
- Good Things Come in Threes
- Goraow
- Gordov's Ghost
- Gorget
- Gorpa-Masorpa
- Gory scorpion claw
- Goshenite
- Goshikitenge
- Gossamer Ballista chevron
- Gourmet whipped cream
- Gowam
- Graceful dancer's shard
- Graceful dancer's soul
- Gramk's axe
- Gramk-Droog's circlet
- Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
- Grand Slam (Blue Magic)
- Grandiloquent Groves
- Grapnel
- Grass Funguar
- Grasswix
- Gratzigg
- Grauberg (S)
- Grauberg Hippogryph
- Grav'iton
- Grav'iton (Monster)
- Gravity
- Gray chip
- Great adamantoise memento
- Great dhalmel memento
- Great ferromantoise memento
- Greater Pugil
- Green-labeled crate
- Green Ballista chevron
- Green Curry
- Green Groves
- Green Groves/Plot Details
- Green Sentinel badge
- Green Thumb Moogle
- Green bracelet
- Green chip
- Green earring
- Green foliage treant memento
- Green institute card
- Green invitation card
- Green present
- Green prize ballon
- Green recommendation letter
- Green rock
- Green wyvern memento
- Greenman
- Greeter Moogle
- Greeter Moogle (S)
- Greeter Moogle (W)
- Gregoirellaud (Adoulin)
- Grennith
- Grey abyssite
- Greyson
- Griffyth
- Grilau
- Grimgerde's feather
- Grimoire
- Grimoire page
- Grimy linkshell
- Grind to Sawdust
- Grohm
- Grotto chest key
- Groundskeeper
- Groundstomp Matamata
- Groundwater Leech
- Grow and Harvest (M)
- Growing Flowers
- Grudge (Auftrag)
- Grunt Heard 'Round the World
- Guardian Crawler
- Guardian of the Void
- Guardians
- Gudav
- Guddal
- Guest of Hauteur
- Guests of the Empire
- Guffawshroom
- Gugalanna
- Guiding bell
- Guilberdrier
- Guilloud
- Gulemont's document
- Gulltop's shell
- Gulmama
- Gulool Ja Ja
- Gumbah
- Gunromaru
- Gurfurlur
- Gurren-Murren
- Guruna-Maguruna
- Gusgen Mines
- Gusgen Mines/Grounds Tome
- Gushing Spring
- Guslam
- Gustaberg
- Gustaberg EF insignia
- Gustaberg supplies
- Gustav Tunnel
- Gustav Tunnel/Treasure Casket
- Gusterion
- Gysahl Medal
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse I
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse II
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse III
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse IV
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse V
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VI
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VII
- Habalo's Eclogue - verse VIII
- Habida-Jubida
- Habitox
- Habitual behavior barometer
- Hachimonji
- Hae Jakhya
- Hae Jakkya
- Haja Zhwan
- Hakkuru-Rinkuru
- Hall of Transference
- Hall of the Gods
- Hall of the Gods/Fishing
- Hallowed Wood replica
- Halver