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Beschreibung EN: | Beschreibung DE: | Key Item: |
A tale based off the legend of Reodoan, who secretly worked to save the dying forestry industry. It follows a teenage lumberjack torn between two loves: his forest and his work. Older generations of housewives swoon for the main character, but pioneers who read it report having the rank of their Mog Garden grove increase by one. |
Der Überraschungshit der letzten Gartensaison. 10 Tipps zur Baumpflege, die in Reimform gehalten, wie Eselsbrücken im Gedächtnis haften bleiben. Nach der Lektüre dieses Lehrbuchs erreicht dein Mog-Hain einen neuen Rang. |
- Systemdaten: Index EN = 2753, Index DE = 1702