- Killing Weapon
- Kindel-Bandel
- Kindred's crest
- Kindred's seal
- Kindred crest
- Kindred report
- King Ranperre's Tomb
- King Ranperre's Tomb/Grounds Tome
- King behemoth memento
- King locust
- King of Batons
- King of Hearts
- King of Wands
- King truffle
- Kin’s bead
- Kirin's Fervor
- Kit Empathizer
- Kitchen brick
- Kitchen plate
- Kitchen stove
- Kite shield
- Knight's Minne
- Knight's Minne II
- Knight's Minne III
- Knight's Minne IV
- Knight's Minne V
- Knight's boots
- Knight's confession
- Knight's soul
- Knight Crawler
- Knight of Gold
- Knot Quite There
- Knotted Root
- Knuckles of trials
- Kodada
- Koga chainmail
- Koga garb claim slip
- Koga hatsuburi
- Koga tekko
- Koh's letter
- Kohlo-Lakolo
- Kolapo-Oilapo
- Kolshushu
- Kolshushu EF insignia
- Kolshushu supplies
- Konschtat Highlands
- Korrigan
- Korrigan (Monipulator)
- Korrigan (Monipulator)/Spell List
- Korrigan memento
- Korroloka Tunnel
- Korroloka Tunnel/Grounds Tome
- Koru-Moru (WotG)
- Kosshin
- Krabkatoa
- Krabkatoa shell
- Kriegsbeil
- Kriegsmesser
- Kucha Malkobhi
- Kuftal Tunnel
- Kuftal coffer key
- Kukki-Chebukki
- Kukki-Chebukki (Monster)
- Kuku stone
- Kumama
- Kunchichi
- Kupipi
- Kupipi's Dilemma
- Kupivolo
- Kupofried
- Kupofried's Dagger Moogle Magic
- Kupofried's Great Axe Moogle Magic
- Kupofried's Sword Moogle Magic
- Kupofried's corundum
- Kupofried's medallion
- Kupofried's ring
- Kuroido-Moido
- Kurou-Morou
- Kurrea
- Kushdeel
- Kususu
- Kuu Mohzolhi
- Kuuwari-Aori, W.W.
- Kuzotz
- Kuzotz EF insignia
- Kuzotz supplies
- Kyanta-Pakyanta, W.W.
- Kyou’s bead
- Kyujutsugi
- Kyuka uchiwa
- Kyume-Romeh
- L'Ancienne
- L'Ephemere
- LC Wildcat badge
- La'Loff Amphitheater
- La Theine Plateau
- La Theine Plateau/Field Manual
- La Theine Plateau/Fishing
- La Theine cabbage
- La Vaule (S)
- La Vaule dawndrop
- Laa Mozi
- Labyrinth Leech
- Labyrinth of Onzozo
- Labyrinth of Onzozo/Fishing
- Labyrinth of Onzozo/Grounds Tome
- Labyrinth of Onzozo/Karten
- Lacquer tree log
- Ladybugs/Attribute
- Laila
- Laila (WotG)
- Lair Reives: Ceizak Battlegrounds
- Lair Reives: Cirdas Caverns
- Lair Reives: Foret de Hennetiel
- Lair Reives: Kamihr Drifts
- Lair Reives: Marjami Ravine
- Lair Reives: Morimar Basalt Fields
- Lair Reives: Outer Ra'Kaznar
- Lair Reives: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court
- Lair Reives: Yahse Hunting Grounds
- Lair Reives: Yorcia Weald
- Lake Sahagin
- Lakeside Minuet
- Lamb memento
- Lament
- Lamia homunculus
- Lamia staff
- Lamian claw key
- Lamian fang key
- Lamp lighter's membership card
- Lance fish
- Lancer's vambraces
- Lancet Jagil
- Lancewood log
- Land crab bisque
- Land of Milk and Honey hive
- Land of Sacred Serpents
- Lanolin cube
- Lapis coral
- Lapis monocle
- Largantua's coffer
- Large memory fragment
- Large strip of Velkk hide
- Large trick box
- Lasthenes
- Lathuya
- Lauan log
- Lauan shield
- Laughing Lizard
- Lavarion
- Lavender-colored seal
- Leaf bench
- Leafallia
- Leafstorm (Blue Magic)
- Leaftip stone +2
- Learned Etude
- Learned summoner's shard
- Learned summoner's soul
- Leather-bound book
- Leather Ensorcellment
- Leather Purification
- Leather bandana
- Leathercraft kit 5
- Leathercraft kit 90
- Lebkuchen house
- Lebondur
- Lebros Assault orders
- Lebros Cavern
- Leeches/Attribute
- Leepe-Hoppe
- Left map piece
- Legacy of the Lost
- Legacy phantom gem
- Legendary Weapon
- Legion
- Legion Medal: An
- Legion Medal: Im
- Legion Medal: Ki
- Legion Medal: Muru
- Legion Medal An
- Legion Medal Im
- Legion Medal Ki
- Legion Medal Muru
- Legion tome page: minimus
- Legion tome page maximus
- Legion tome page minimus
- Legshard: BLU
- Lehko Habhoka
- Leitfaden: Final Fantasy XI spielen
- Leleroon's letter (blue)
- Leleroon's letter (green)
- Leleroon's letter (red)
- Length of Goblin rope
- Length of Jugner ivy
- Lerene
- Lerene's Lament
- Lerene's paten
- Letter from Alfesar
- Letter from Bernahn
- Letter from Dalzakk
- Letter from Despachiaire
- Letter from Domien
- Letter from Halver
- Letter from Jakoh Wahcondalo
- Letter from Maat
- Letter from Magriffon
- Letter from Muckvix
- Letter from Naji
- Letter from Octavien
- Letter from Roh Latteh
- Letter from Shikaree X
- Letter from Shikaree Y
- Letter from Virnage
- Letter from Werei
- Letter from Zeid
- Letter from Zonpa-Zippa
- Letter from Zubaba
- Letter from the Darksteel Forge
- Letter from the Mithran Trackers
- Letter from the Tenshodo
- Letter of receipt
- Letter to Aldo
- Letter to Angelica
- Letter to Count Aurchiat
- Letter to the Bas. Conflict Cmd.
- Letter to the San. Conflict Cmd.
- Letter to the Win. Conflict Cmd.
- Letter to the ambassador
- Letter to the consuls
- Letter to the consuls (Bastok)
- Letter to the consuls (San d'Ora)
- Letter to the consuls (Windurst)
- Letters from Ulmia and Prishe
- Leujaoam Assault orders
- Leujaoam Sanctum
- Level
- Level Cap Increase: 55
- Level Cap Increase: 60
- Level Cap Increase: 65
- Level Cap Increase: 70
- Level Cap Increase: 75
- Level Cap Increase: 75 (BLU)
- Level Cap Increase: 75 (GEO)
- Level Cap Increase: 80
- Level Cap Increase: 85
- Level Cap Increase: 90
- Level Cap Increase: 95
- Level Cap Increase: 99
- Level Sync to Van. Enemies II
- Level Sync to Vanquish Enemies I
- Leviathan
- Levil
- Levitation device
- Lewenhart
- Leyla
- Lhaiso Neftereh
- Lhaiso Neftereh's bell
- Lhe Lhangavo
- Li'Telor
- Li'Telor EF insignia
- Li'Telor supplies
- Liber Daemonium
- Lich
- Life float
- Life on the Frontier
- Light Elemental
- Light Threnody
- Light cluster
- Light crystal
- Light fragment
- Light geode
- Light gorget
- Light of Al'Taieu
- Light of Dem
- Light of Holla
- Light of Judgment
- Light of Mea
- Light of Penance (Blue Magic)
- Light of Vahzl
- Light sap crystal
- Light steel ingot
- Lightning Threnody
- Lightning belt
- Lightning card (Escutcheon)
- Lightning cell
- Lightning cluster
- Lightning crystal
- Lightning fragment
- Lightning ring
- Lightning sap crystal
- Lightreaver
- Lightsworm
- Ligneous Naakual paragon
- Lilac
- Lilac-colored seal
- Lilac ribbon
- Lilisette
- Limascabra memento
- Limbus
- Limit breaker
- Linen cloak claim slip
- Linen slops
- Linzaza
- Lion
- Lion (Monster)
- Lion statue
- Lioumere
- Liquid quicksilver
- Liquidbone Leech
- Lithic wyvern scale
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.1
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.2
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.3
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.4
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.5
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.6
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.7
- Little Goblin's Adventure Vol.8
- Little worm
- Little worm belt
- Livura-Novora
- Lizard egg
- Lizard memento
- Lizard molt
- Lizard skin
- Lizard tail
- Loadstone
- Loaf of Goblin bread
- Loathsome Leech
- Loathsome Obdella
- Lobho Ukipturi
- Lock of Hiwon's hair
- Lock of golden hair
- Lode Golem
- Lofty trophy
- Logging
- Login Campaign April 2019
- Login Campaign April 2020
- Login Campaign April 2021
- Login Campaign April 2022
- Login Campaign April 2023
- Login Campaign April 2024
- Login Campaign August 2014
- Login Campaign August 2019
- Login Campaign August 2020