Vial of fiend blood (Fiend Blood)[Alchemy] 1/12 This blood appears to havecome from a monstrous fiend. Beschaffung Verwendung Erwerb durch Auktionshaus Materials Alchemy Wird von Monster Hinterlassen Name Lvl Ort Typ Acrophies 33 - 34 Qufim Island Acrophies 33 - 36 Lufaise Meadows Labyrinth Leech 45 - 48 Gustav Tunnel Bouncing Ball 64 - 67 Toraimarai Canal Bouncing Ball 65 - 67 Temple of Uggalepih Bouncing Ball 76 - 78 Nyzul Isle Donjon Bat 91 - 96 Garlaige Citadel Funnel Bats 52 - 55 Bostaunieux Oubliette Undead Bats 36 - 39 Sea Serpent Grotto Blightdella 105 - 106 Dho Gates Vampire Leech 102 - 103 Foret de Hennetiel Yagudo Parasite 45 - 48 Castle Oztroja Thread Leech 21 - 25 Valkurm Dunes Werebat 55 - 59 Bostaunieux Oubliette Old Two-Wings 52 Garlaige Citadel NM Thirsting Obdella 107 - 109 Moh Gates Quiescent Leech ~ 125 Sih Gates Liquidbone Leech ~ 125 Moh Gates Writhing Obdella 101 - 102 Moh Gates Boiling Obdella 101 - 102 Moh Gates Blade Bat 4 - 6 Inner Horutoto Ruins Blade Bat 4 - 7 Outer Horutoto Ruins Blade Bat 4 - 7 Ranguemont Pass Echo Bats 101 - 102 Sih Gates Balas Bats 103 - 105 Cirdas Caverns Siege Bat 40 - 43 Garlaige Citadel Hemorraghic Bats ~ 125 Sih Gates Despoil (Plündern) von Monstern Name Lvl Ort Hinweis Typ Thirsting Obdella 107 - 109 Moh Gates Bloodsucker 65 - 68 Bostaunieux Oubliette Verkaufspreis 115 - 124 Verwendet bei Rezepten Item Fähigkeiten & Bedarf Bowl of adamantoise soup Cooking 69/80 Hinweise