- Duelist's chapeau -1
- Duelist's gloves
- Duelist's tabard
- Duke Decapod
- Duke Vepar's signet
- Dukkha
- Dull Gold Thread
- Dull Ra'Kaznarian plate
- Dull sword
- Dullahan axe
- Dullahan shield
- Dune Cockatrice
- Dune Manticore
- Dune chocograph
- Durgai leggings
- Durs-Vike's earring
- Dusky periapt of adaptability
- Dusky periapt of catalysis
- Dusky periapt of concentration
- Dusky periapt of concord
- Dusky periapt of exploration
- Dusky periapt of focus
- Dusky periapt of frontiers
- Dusky periapt of glory
- Dusky periapt of intensity
- Dusky periapt of prudence
- Dusky periapt of readiness
- Dusky periapt of vigilance
- Dustbuster
- Dusty tome
- Dvucca Isle Staging Point
- Dwarf pugil
- Dweomer knife
- Dynamic geomancer's shard
- Dynamic geomancer's soul
- Dynamis - Bastok
- Dynamis - Beaucedine
- Dynamis - Buburimu
- Dynamis - Buburimu sliver
- Dynamis - Jeuno
- Dynamis - Qufim
- Dynamis - Qufim sliver
- Dynamis - San d'Oria
- Dynamis - Tavnazia
- Dynamis - Tavnazia sliver
- Dynamis - Valkurm
- Dynamis - Valkurm sliver
- Dynamis - Windurst
- Dynamis - Xarcabard
- Dynamis Debugger
- EX-01 martello core
- EX-02 martello core
- EX-03 martello core
- EX-04 martello core
- EX-05 martello core
- EX-06 martello core
- EX-07 martello core
- Eald'narche
- Eald'narche (Monster)
- Eamonn
- Early Bird Catches the Bookworm
- Earth Elemental
- Earth Spirit pact
- Earth Threnody
- Earth cluster
- Earth crystal
- Earth fragment
- Earth sap crystal
- Earthen charm
- East Block code
- East Ronfaure
- East Ronfaure (S)
- East Sarutabaruta
- East Sarutabaruta/Field Manual
- East Sarutabaruta/Fishing
- East Sarutabaruta/Karten
- East Sarutabaruta/Treasure Casket
- East Ulbuka Territory
- Easterly Winds
- Eastern Adoulin
- Eastern Adoulin/Karten
- Eastern Adoulin patrol route
- Eastern Altepa Desert
- Eastern gem
- Eastern ginger root
- Eastern vine
- Ebon Ballista chevron
- Ebon Key
- Ebony Pudding
- Ebony log
- Ebur beret
- Echad ring
- Echo Bats
- Echo Drops
- Echo Hawk
- Eddies of Despair (Kapitel 1)
- Eddies of Despair (Kapitel 1)/Plot Details
- Eddies of Despair (Kapitel 2)
- Edmondo
- Eft memento
- Egeking
- Eggblix
- Eight of Clubs
- Eih Lhogotan
- Eisenplatte armor claim slip
- Eisentaenzer
- Eki Kamalabi
- Ekokoko
- Elasmoth memento
- Elder Goobbue
- Elder adenium memento
- Elder armor claim slip
- Elder branch
- Elder mandragora memento
- Elder wooden box
- Eldieme coffer key
- Electrocell
- Electrolocomotive
- Electropot
- Electrum chain
- Elegant gemstone
- Elegant paladin's shard
- Elegant paladin's soul
- Elementals/Attribute
- Elementary, My Dear Sylvie
- Elemente
- Eletta axe
- Eletta bow
- Eletta chopper
- Eletta claymore
- Eletta grip
- Eletta katana
- Eletta knife
- Eletta knuckles
- Eletta lance
- Eletta rod
- Eletta scythe
- Eletta staff
- Eletta sword
- Eletta tachi
- Elfriede
- Eliminate Your Apathy
- Elite Training Chapter 1
- Elite Training Chapter 2
- Elite Training Chapter 3
- Elite Training Chapter 4
- Elite Training Chapter 5
- Elite Training Chapter 6
- Elite Training Chapter 7
- Elite Training Introduction
- Elixir
- Elixir vitae
- Elixir voucher
- Elki
- Elm log
- Elm pole
- Elm strongbox
- Elmric
- Elshimo Lowlands
- Elshimo Lowlands EF insignia
- Elshimo Lowlands supplies
- Elshimo Uplands
- Elshimo Uplands EF insignia
- Elshimo Uplands supplies
- Elshimo palm
- Elvaan Mask of Darkness
- Elvaan Mask of Light
- Embalming Earth (Blue Magic)
- Ember-encrusted orichalcum
- Emblazoned handbell
- Emerald
- Emerald abyssite of acumen
- Emerald abyssite of expertise
- Emerald abyssite of fortune
- Emerald abyssite of lenity
- Emerald abyssite of sojourn
- Emerald chip
- Emerald counterseal
- Emerald demilune abyssite
- Emeth pick
- Eminent axe
- Eminent dagger
- Eminent scimitar
- Eminent sword
- Eminent wand
- Emissary from the Seas
- Emissary from the Seas/Plot Details
- Emperor Arthro's coffer
- Emperor Arthro's shell
- Empire waystone
- Empress band
- Emptiness investigation note
- Empty Nest
- Empty Thrash (Blue Magic)
- Empty barrel
- Empty fuel vat
- Empty hourglass
- Empty test tube 1
- Empty test tube 2
- Empty test tube 3
- Empty test tube 4
- Empty test tube 5
- Emputa's wing
- Empyreal Paradox
- Emxgha
- Enaero
- Enaero II
- Enblizzard
- Enblizzard II
- Enchanted cotton thread
- Enchanted linen thread
- Enchanted wool thread
- Enchanting Etude
- Encyclopedia Icthyonnica
- Endark
- Endorsement ring
- Endracion
- Enervation (Blue Magic)
- Enfire
- Enfire II
- Enjojo
- Enkidu
- Enlight
- Enlightened Endeavor
- Ennigreaud, R.K.
- Ensasa
- Enstone
- Enstone II
- Entanglement
- Enter the Talekeeper
- Enthunder
- Enthunder II
- Envelope from Monberaux
- Enveloped in Darkness
- Enwater
- Enwater II
- Eo'aern
- Eperdur
- Ephemeral Endeavor
- Ephemeron
- Ephramadian gold coin
- Ephramadian throne
- Epinolle
- Eppel-Treppel
- Erabu-Fumulubu
- Ergdrake
- Erinys's beak
- Erlene
- Erminold
- Erratic Flutter (Blue Magic)
- Erupting Geyser
- Erythemic Eft
- Escape
- Escha - Ru'Aun
- Escha - Ru'Aun (Mission)
- Escha - Zi'Tah
- Eschan Amoeban
- Eschan Clionid
- Eschan Euvhi
- Eschan Gargouille
- Eschan Ghrah
- Eschan Hpemde
- Eschan Weapon
- Eschan cellar
- Eschan nef
- Eschan urn
- Eschite gauntlets
- Esha'ntarl
- Espial bracers
- Espial cap
- Espial gambison
- Espial hose
- Espial socks
- Espionage pearlsack
- Essence of perfervidity
- Estoqueur's seal: feet
- Estramacon
- Esurient Bat
- Etaj-Pohtaj, W.W.
- Etched ring
- Eternal Mercenary
- Eternal flame
- Ether
- Ether +1
- Ether Leather
- Ether voucher
- Etoile attire claim slip
- Etoile attire set
- Etoile bangles
- Etoile casaque
- Etoile tiara
- Etoile tights
- Etoile toe shoes
- Eugie
- Eusmard
- Euvhi/Attribute
- Euvhi organ
- Ever Forward
- Everbloom Hollow
- Everyone's Grudge
- Everyone's Grudge (Blue Magic)
- Evil Weapon
- Evil Weapons/Attribute
- Evil warding seal
- Evisceration (Auftrag)
- Evoker's attire claim slip
- Examine a Home Point (M)
- Excalipoor
- Excalipoor II
- Excenmille
- Excenmille (ABA)
- Exoplates
- Exoray
- Exoray mold crumb
- Expanding Horizons
- Expanding Horizons/Plot Details
- Experience Chains (M)
- Experiment cheat sheet
- Exploring the Ruins
- Exploring the Trove
- Explosure
- Extradiemensional scar
- Extradimensional scar
- Extravagant harpoon
- Exuviation (Blue Magic)
- Eya Bhithroh
- Eye of flames
- Eye of frost
- Eye of gales
- Eye of storms
- Eye of tides
- Eye of tremors
- Eyes On Me (Blue Magic)
- Eyes on You
- F.A.I.L. badge
- FL Wildcat badge
- Fabricated pearl of ashen wings
- Fabricated pearl of biting winds
- Fabricated pearl of impurity
- Fabricated pearl of miasma
- Fabricated pearl of the false king
- Fabricated ward of ashen wings
- Fabricated ward of biting winds
- Fabricated ward of impurity
- Fabricated ward of miasma