- Commodore attire claim slip
- Commodore frac
- Communication from Tzee Xicu
- Compass of transference
- Completion certificate
- Concoction
- Concordoll
- Confessions of Royalty
- Confidential Imperial order
- Conflagrant Eruca
- Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds I
- Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds II
- Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds III
- Conflict: Dangruf Wadi
- Conflict: Dho Gates I
- Conflict: Dho Gates III
- Conflict: Doh Gates II
- Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tha I
- Conflict: Giddeus (UC)
- Conflict: Gustav Tunnel
- Conflict: Ro'Maeve
- Conflict: Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
- Conflict: Shrine of Ru'Avitau
- Conflict: Western Altepa Destert
- Conflict: Yhoator Jungle
- Connor's Communique
- Conquest Overseer
- Conquest Participation (M)
- Conquest promotion voucher
- Consecrated Baelfyr
- Conservative Chop
- Conservative Slice
- Conservative Smash
- Constantia Stone
- Consummate simulacrum
- Container of Abdhaljs resin
- Conveyance cape
- Cooking: Pebble Soup
- Copper-colored seal
- Copper A.M.A.N. voucher
- Copper Emblem of Service ∮
- Copper frog
- Copper ingot
- Copper ring
- Copy of "Autumn's End in Gustaberg"
- Copy of "Fernan's Diaries"
- Copy of "Lines and Space"
- Copy of Adoulin's Patroness
- Copy of Hallowed Wood
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 1
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 10
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 2
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 3
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 4
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 5
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 6
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 7
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 8
- Copy of Rem's Tale, chapter 9
- Copy of Shrouded in Enigma
- Copy of The Verdancy
- Copy of Wrath of the Land
- Copy of melodious plans
- Copy of primacy plans
- Copy of the alliance agreement
- Coral Ballista chevron
- Coral crest key
- Coral fragment
- Coral scale mail
- Coralline Uragnite
- Cordial invite
- Corked ampoule
- Cornelia
- Cornelia (Mythril Musketeer)
- Cornette
- Corrosive Ooze (Blue Magic)
- Corrupted dirt
- Corsair
- Corsair's attire claim slip
- Corsair/Phantom Roll
- Corsair bullet pouch
- Corsair die
- Coruscant rosary
- Coruscanti
- Cosmo-Cleanse
- Costume kit
- Cotelle
- Cotton Tofu
- Cotton cape
- Cotton headband
- Cough medicine
- Count's garb
- Count Borel's letter
- Counterstance
- Courageous warrior's shard
- Courageous warrior's soul
- Courisaille
- Courtesy Crustacean
- Couse
- Coven's dust
- Coveter
- Crab caller
- Crab memento
- Crab shell
- Crabs/Attribute
- Cracked Mana Orb
- Cracked Mimeo Mirror
- Cracked club
- Cracked fuel reservoir
- Cracked linkshell
- Cracked nut
- Cracked skeleton clavicle
- Cracked wivre horn
- Craggy fin
- Craklaw
- Craklaws/Attribute
- Crane Fly
- Crashing Waves
- Crashing Waves/Plot Details
- Craver
- Cravers/Attribute
- Crawler
- Crawler blood
- Crawler calculus
- Crawlers' Nest
- Crawlers' Nest/Grounds Tome
- Crawlers' Nest (S)
- Crawlers/Attribute
- Crayfish
- Creature Counter magic doll
- Creed seal: body
- Creel of moat carp
- Crepe des rois
- Crest of Davoi
- Crest of Davoi (Auftrag)
- Crest of Davoi (Key Item)
- Crestfallen Baelfyr
- Crimson Key
- Crimson abyssite of acumen
- Crimson abyssite of celerity
- Crimson abyssite of confluence
- Crimson abyssite of destiny
- Crimson abyssite of lenity
- Crimson blade
- Crimson bloodstone
- Crimson chest
- Crimson demilune abyssite
- Crimson granules of time
- Crimson orb
- Crimson orb (Auftrag)
- Crimson stratum abyssite
- Crimson stratum abyssite II
- Crimson stratum abyssite III
- Crimson stratum abyssite IV
- Crimson traverser stone
- Critical Chop
- Critical Slice
- Critical Smash
- Crom Dubh's helm
- Crossbow bolt
- Crow jupon claim slip
- Cruadin
- Cruor Prospector (AAl)
- Cruor Prospector (AG)
- Cryptic memorandum
- Cryptonberry Assassin
- Cryptonberry Executor
- Crystal dowser
- Crystallized lifestream essence
- Crystallized psyche
- Crystals
- Cthonic Chapuli
- Cube of cotton tofu
- Cuelebre's horn
- Cuijatender
- Cuir armor claim slip
- Cuir gloves
- Cuir highboots
- Culinarian's argentum tome
- Culinarian's aurum tome
- Culinary knife
- Culling Is Caring poster
- Culling the Darkness
- Cumetouflaix
- Cumulator
- Cumulus masque
- Cunnast's talon
- Cup of Tahrongi cactus water
- Cup of dhalmel saliva
- Cup of leech saliva
- Cup of sweet tea
- Cupful of dust-laden sap
- Curaga
- Curaga II
- Curaga III
- Curaga IV
- Curaga V
- Cure
- Cure II
- Cure III
- Cure IV
- Cure V
- Cure VI
- Curilla
- Curilla's bottle
- Curilla's bottle (leer)
- Curilla's bottle (voll)
- Curilla Unleashed
- Curio Vendor Moogle (W)
- Curse wand
- Cursed Puppet
- Cursed Sphere (Blue Magic)
- Cursed Weapon
- Cursed coat
- Cursed gauntlets
- Cursed greaves
- Cursed key
- Cursed orb
- Cursed sollerets
- Cursepaper
- Curses, Foiled...Again!?
- Curses, Foiled A-Golem!?
- Curses, Foiled Again!
- Cursna
- Custom armor (♀) claim slip
- Custom armor (♂) claim slip
- Cut of porxie pork
- Cyan Deep salt
- Cyclone concretion
- Cyllenian abjuration: legs
- Cynosure ring
- Cyranuce
- Daa Bola the Seer
- Dabnorrin
- Dabotz's Ghost
- Dagger of trials
- Dagoza-Beruza
- Dahak
- Dalham
- Dalzakk
- Damaged stewpot
- Damascus ingot
- Damp envelope
- Damselfly
- Damselfly worm
- Dancer
- Dancer's attire claim slip
- Dancer's attire set
- Dancer's bangles
- Dancer's bangles +1
- Dancer's casaque
- Dancer's casaque +1
- Dancer's tiara
- Dancer's tiara +1
- Dancer's tights
- Dancer's tights +1
- Dancer's toe shoes
- Dancer's toe shoes +1
- Dancer's torque
- Dancer/Art of the Dance
- Dancer Artefact Mini-Quest
- Dances with Luopans
- Danceshroom
- Dancing Prince
- Dancing Wolf
- Dangruf Wadi
- Dangruf Wadi/Grounds Tome
- Dangruf stone
- Darcia
- Dark Bats
- Dark Clouds Ahead
- Dark Elemental
- Dark Key
- Dark Knight
- Dark Knight/Job Abilities
- Dark Knight/Job Traits
- Dark Knight/Spell List
- Dark Legacy
- Dark Mana Orb
- Dark Orb (Blue Magic)
- Dark Puppet
- Dark Rider hoofprint
- Dark Spark
- Dark Stalker
- Dark Threnody
- Dark bronze sheet
- Dark card (Escutcheon)
- Dark cluster
- Dark crystal
- Dark fragment
- Dark key
- Dark orichalcum ingot
- Dark sap crystal
- Darkfire cinder
- Darkflame arm
- Darkling bolt quiver
- Darkness Beckons
- Darkness Named
- Darkness Rising
- Darksteel Formula
- Darksteel Golem
- Darksteel engraving
- Darksteel ingot
- Darksteel sheet
- Darter
- Darumomo, W.W.
- Das Ende des Zeitalters der Menschen
- Das Zeitalter der Bestien
- Das Zeitalter der Macht
- Das Zeitalter der Magie
- Das Zeitalter der Technologie
- Daswil
- Data Analyzer and Logger EX
- Date
- Dauman
- Davoi
- Davoi chest key
- Davoi coffer key
- Davoi storage key
- Davyad
- Dawn
- Dawn of Death
- Dawn phantom gem
- Dawn talisman
- Dawnlight Medal ∮∮∮
- Dawnmaiden
- Dawon
- Dazbog
- Dazbog (Monster)
- Daze-breaker charm
- Dazzling Dolores's vine
- De'Vyu Headhunter
- Deadly Minnow
- Deadly Spider
- Deal 10-20 Damage
- Deal 1000+ Damage
- Deal 110-120 Damage
- Deal 1110-1120 Damage
- Deal 1500+ Damage
- Deal 2000+ Damage
- Deal 310-320 Damage
- Deal 500+ Damage