- Boltmaker
- Bomb Toss (Blue Magic)
- Bomb arm
- Bomb coal fragment
- Bomb incense
- Bomb key
- Bomb masque
- Bomb memento
- Bonanza Moogle (W)
- Bonaria
- Bonarpant (ABA)
- Bonbori
- Boncort
- Bone Ensorcellment
- Bone Purification
- Bone chip
- Bone harness
- Bone harness set
- Bone knife
- Bone leggings
- Bone mask
- Bone mittens
- Bone rod
- Bone subligar
- Bonecraft kit 5
- Boneworker's argentum tome
- Boneworker's aurum tome
- Boneworking: Shell Powder
- Boneyard Gully
- Bonfire
- Bongo
- Book of Tasks
- Book of the East
- Book of the Gods
- Book of the West
- Booming Naakual paragon
- Boost
- Booster earring
- Bopa Greso
- Boreal Coeurl
- Boreal Hound
- Boreal Tiger
- Borealis
- Borealis Shadow's coffer
- Borer Beetle
- Borghertz
- Borghertz's Healing Hands
- Borghertz's Shadowy Hands
- Borghertz's Sneaky Hands
- Borghertz's Sorcerous Hands
- Borghertz's Striking Hands
- Borghertz's Warring Hands
- Borghertz's Wild Hands
- Born of Her Nightmares
- Boronene
- Bostaunieux Oubliette
- Bostaunieux Oubliette/Grounds Tome
- Bostaunieux Oubliette/Karten
- Both Paths Taken
- Bottle of Abdhaljs sap
- Bottle of Rust 'B' Gone
- Bottle of Yagudo drink
- Bottle of amrita
- Bottle of avatar blood
- Bottle of dawn mulsum
- Bottle of fertilizer X
- Bottle of illuminink
- Bottle of melon juice
- Bottle of military ink
- Bottle of mulsum
- Bottle of orange juice
- Bottle of rolanberry 854
- Bottle of treant tonic
- Bottled pixie
- Bottled punch bug
- Boulder Eater
- Boulder box
- Boulder case
- Bouncing Ball
- Bounding Belinda
- Bounding Belinda's coffer
- Bountibox
- Bouquet for the pioneers
- Bowl of Goblin stew 880
- Bowl of Quadav stew
- Bowl of adamantoise soup
- Bowl of ambrosia
- Bowl of bland Goblin salad
- Bowl of dragon soup
- Bowl of gysahl slop
- Bowl of moogurt
- Bowl of pea soup
- Bowl of sopa de pez blanco
- Bowl of vegetable broth
- Bowl of vegetable gruel
- Bowl of witch stew
- Bowl of yayla corbasi
- Bowl of yayla corbasi +1
- Box of Adoulinian tomatoes
- Box of Tarutaru rice
- Box of sticky rice
- Boyahda Sapling
- Boyahda Tree
- Boyahda coffer key
- Boytz
- Bracelet of verve
- Branch of gnatbane
- Brand of Dawn
- Brand of Twilight
- Brand of the Flameserpent
- Brand of the Galeserpent
- Brand of the Skyserpent
- Brand of the Springserpent
- Brand of the Stoneserpent
- Branded
- Branded wing
- Brass Ribbon of Service ∮∮
- Brass Wings of Service ∮
- Brass baghnakhs
- Brass canteen
- Brass cap
- Brass harness
- Brass harness set
- Brass ingot
- Brass knuckles
- Brass leggings
- Brass mask
- Brass mittens
- Brass rod
- Brass scale mail claim slip
- Brass subligar
- Brave blade
- Brazen Rush
- Brd
- Break
- Breakga
- Breaking the Ice
- Breath of dawn
- Breath of the avatars
- Breeze geode
- Brenna
- Brenner Band
- Brenner Shovel
- Brenton
- Brier-proof net
- Brigand's chart
- Brigantia's mantle
- Bright Uragnite
- Bright blue seal
- Brittlis's ring
- Broken flying machine
- Broken fuse
- Broken harpoon
- Broken iron giant spike
- Broken rapier hilt
- Broken wand
- Bronze-hued tag
- Bronze-labeled vial
- Bronze Ballista chevron
- Bronze Ribbon of Service ∮
- Bronze Star ∮
- Bronze astrarium
- Bronze axe
- Bronze bed
- Bronze bolt quiver
- Bronze cap
- Bronze dagger
- Bronze harness set
- Bronze ingot
- Bronze key
- Bronze knife
- Bronze knuckles
- Bronze leggings
- Bronze mace
- Bronze mattock cordon
- Bronze mittens
- Bronze nugget
- Bronze shovel cordon
- Bronze spear
- Bronze sword
- Brown Abyssite
- Brown Ballista chevron
- Brown abyssite
- Brugaire
- Brugaire goods
- Bruised starfruit
- Brulo
- Brunello
- Brunello -1
- Brunhilde's feather
- Brushing Up
- Brutal Sheep
- Brutal earring
- Brutus
- Brygid
- Brygid (ABA)
- Bst
- Buburimu Peninsula
- Buburimu Peninsula/Field Manual
- Buburimu Peninsula/Karten
- Bucket of compound compost
- Bucket of divine paint
- Budding Prospects
- Buff Allies (D)
- Buffalo calf memento
- Buffalo memento
- Buffalos/Attribute
- Bugard memento
- Bugard skin
- Bugbby
- Buggane horn
- Bugul Noz
- Bukktooth
- Bulb of shaman garlic
- Bulbous crawler cocoon
- Bumblebee
- Bundle of half-inscribed scrolls
- Bundle of half-inscribed scrolls (Auftrag)
- Bundle of sundry plants
- Bune
- Buntz
- Buramenk'ah
- Burdock root
- Burgeoning Dread
- Burn
- Burnt seal
- Burrower's wand
- Burrowing Chapuli
- Burst
- Burst II
- Bush chocograph
- Butsutsu, W.W.
- Butter crepe
- Butterfly-shaped key
- Butterpear
- Buu Xolo the Bloodfaced
- Byakko's Pride
- Byrgen
- Bztavian stinger
- Bztavian wing
- C. L. report
- CS Wildcat badge
- C Wildcat badge
- Cacaroon
- Cacaroon's hood
- Cacophonous Discord
- Cactuar key
- Caedarva Mire
- Cahaurme
- Cait Sith
- Cait Sith's whisker
- Cait Sith (Mission)
- Calamity in the Kitchen
- Caliber ring
- Caliginous Blade
- Calixte
- Call Forth an Alter Ego
- Call of the Void
- Call to Serve
- Call to Serve/Plot Details
- Caller's bracers
- Calm After the Storm
- Calm Before the Storm
- Calma gauntlets
- Calor resilience
- Caloussu ring
- Calovour
- Camelopard
- Camelopardalis
- Campaign Participation (M)
- Campaign supplies
- Campestres's cape
- Camulus's mantle
- Candle-making
- Candy cane
- Cannonball
- Cannonball (Blue Magic)
- Cannonball (Monster)
- Canteen of Yagudo holy water
- Canto necklace
- Canyon Eft
- Canyon Rarab
- Canyon Scorpion
- Caoineag
- Capacity ring
- Cape
- Cape Teriggan
- Capiria
- Capricornus
- Captain Argus's linkpearl
- Captain Helga's linkpearl
- Captain Rashid's linkpearl
- Captain Wildcat badge
- Carabosse's gem
- Carapace harness claim slip
- Carbuncle
- Carbuncle's Tear
- Carbuncle's ruby
- Carbuncle mitts
- Card Jailer Teodor
- Care package
- Caretaker
- Caritas Stone
- Carmelo's song sheet
- Carmine Swallows' map
- Carnelian
- Carnivorous Crawler
- Carpenter's argentum tome
- Carpenter's aurum tome
- Carpenters' Landing
- Carpenters' Landing/Karten
- Carrier pigeon letter
- Carrion Crow
- Carthi
- Cast metal plate
- Cast metal plate Mini-Quest
- Castigation
- Castilchat
- Casting wand
- Castle Oztroja
- Castle Oztroja (S)
- Castle Zvahl Baileys
- Castle Zvahl Baileys (S)
- Castle Zvahl Keep
- Castle Zvahl Keep (S)
- Cat Burglar's note
- Cathedral donation
- Cathedral medallion
- Cathedral tapestry
- Catholicon voucher
- Cattleya
- Cauldron coffer key
- Cauterize
- Cauzeriste
- Cave Panopt
- Cavernous Maws
- Cehuetzi claw
- Cehuetzi ice shard
- Cehuetzi pelt
- Cei. FB op. materials container
- Ceizak Battlegrounds
- Celadon yantric planchette
- Celadon yggrete shard I
- Celadon yggrete shard II