- Tya Padolih
- Tzee Xicu's blade
- Tzee Xicu the Manifest (WotG)
- U. Communique F (UC)
- Uggalepih Offering
- Uggalepih coffer key
- Uggalepih key
- Ulbrecht
- Ulbrecht's mortarboard
- Ulbrecht's sealed letter
- Ulbrik-Mulbrok
- Ulbuka
- Ulbukan navigation chart
- Uleguerand Range
- Uleguerand Range/Karten
- Ullr
- Ulmia
- Ulrich
- Ultima
- Umbra bug
- Umbril Ooze
- Umbrils/Attribute
- Umdhlebi's flower
- Un Moment
- Unaddressed sealed letter
- Unadorned ring
- Unblemished pioneer's badge
- Uncertain Destinations
- Uncertain Futures
- Undead Bats
- Undead skin
- Under the Sea
- Underpass hatch key
- Undersea Scouting
- Undertake a FoV Training Regime
- Undertake a GoV Training Regime
- Undying juju
- Unfinished letter
- Unity Chat Greetings (M)
- Unkai kote
- Unlisted Qualities
- Unlit lantern
- Unlocking a Myth (Blue Mage)
- Unlocking a Myth (Dancer)
- Unlocking a Myth (Paladin)
- Unlocking a Myth (Red Mage)
- Unlocking a Myth (Samurai)
- Unlocking a Myth (Warrior)
- Unlucky Rat
- Unmoving collar
- Unparalleled corsair's shard
- Unparalleled corsair's soul
- Unraveling Reason
- Unrivalled blue mage's shard
- Unrivalled blue mage's soul
- Unshakable Nightmares
- Upper Delkfutt's Tower
- Upper Jeuno
- Uppercut (Blue Magic)
- Uragnite memento
- Uragnite shell
- Uragnite youngling memento
- Uragnites/Attribute
- Uran-Mafran's orb
- Urmahlullu's armor
- Utopian gold thread
- Uu Zhoumo
- VW Op. 054: Elshimo List
- VW Op. 101: Detour to Zepwell
- VW Op. 115: Li'Telor Variant
- VW Op. 126: Qufim Incursion
- Vacant bugard eye
- Vahzl gate crystal
- Vain
- Valah Molkot
- Valdeaunia
- Valdeaunia EF insignia
- Valdeaunia supplies
- Valderotaux
- Valiant knife
- Valiant ninja's shard
- Valiant ninja's soul
- Valkeng
- Valkeng's memory chip
- Valkurm Dunes
- Valkurm Imperator's coffer
- Valkurm Imperator's wing
- Valley of Sorrows
- Valley of Sorrows/Field Manual
- Valley of Sorrows/Karten
- Valley of Sorrows/Treasure Casket
- Valor Minuet
- Valor Minuet II
- Valor Minuet III
- Valor Minuet IV
- Valor Minuet V
- Valor armor claim slip
- Valor breeches
- Valor coronet
- Valor coronet -1
- Valor leggings
- Valor surcoat
- Vampire Leech
- Vampire mask
- Van. Mult. Enemies F (UC)
- Van. Vermin . Ph. Dmg. F (UC)
- Vana'diel
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.01
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.02
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.03
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.04
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.05
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.06
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.07
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.08
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.09
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.10
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.11
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.12
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.13
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.14
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.15
- Vana'diel Tribune II No.16
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.00
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.01
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.02
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.03
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.04
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.05
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.06
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.07
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.08
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.09
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.10
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.11
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.12
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.13
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.14
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.15
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.16
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.17
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.18
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.19
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.20
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.21
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.22
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.23
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.24
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.25
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.26
- Vana'diel Tribune Vol.27
- Vanity Dive (Blue Magic)
- Vanquish Efts (UC)
- Vanquish Multiple Enemies (D)
- Vanquish Multiple Enemies I
- Vanquish Multiple Enemies II
- Vanquish Multiple Enemies III
- Vanquish One Enemy
- Vanya hood
- Vanya slops
- Vapor Spray (Blue Magic)
- Varangian helm
- Varicose Mineral Veins
- Variegated uragnite shell
- Vase of Ru'Lude orchids
- Vat of martello fuel
- Vauderame
- Vault Weapon
- Vault quipus
- Vavaroon
- Ve'Lugannon Palace
- Ve'Lugannon Palace/Grounds Tome
- Ve'Lugannon coffer key
- Vedrfolnir's coffer
- Vedrfolnir's wing
- Vegetable Broth
- Vegnix Greenthumb
- Veiled trophy
- Veinous hecteyes eyelid
- Velkk fetish
- Velkk mask
- Velvet Ballista chevron
- Velvet robe claim slip
- Veneficium ring
- Venom Shell (Blue Magic)
- Venom bolt quiver
- Venomous hydra fang
- Venomous peiste claw
- Venomous wamoura feeler
- Venus orb
- Vera
- Verdant and Verdon'ts
- Verdical Conflux 15
- Verena
- Veridical Conflux 09
- Veridical Conflux 10
- Veridical Conflux 12
- Veridical Conflux 13
- Veritas Stone
- Verm. abyssite of perspicacity
- Vermillion abyssite of avarice
- Vermillion abyssite of guerdon
- Vermillion abyssite of kismet
- Vermillion abyssite of lenity
- Vermillion demilune abyssite
- Vertical Cleave (Blue Magic)
- Vessel of Light
- Vessel of light
- Vessel of light (Key Item)
- Vessel of summoning
- Vestavius
- Vexed jacket
- Vhim Puralghi
- Vhino Delkahngo
- Vial of Abdhaljs metal
- Vial of Beist's blood
- Vial of Chaos's blood
- Vial of Jody's acid
- Vial of Lumber Jill's spittle
- Vial of Quadav mage blood
- Vial of beastman blood
- Vial of befouled water
- Vial of belladonna sap
- Vial of bird blood
- Vial of black beetle blood
- Vial of chimera blood
- Vial of crimson catalyst
- Vial of desert venom
- Vial of dream incense
- Vial of fiend blood
- Vial of flower-wower fertilizer
- Vial of gear fluid
- Vial of lambent potion
- Vial of luminous water
- Vial of mercury
- Vial of military prism powder
- Vial of odious blood
- Vial of purification agent (blk.)
- Vial of purification agent (brz.)
- Vial of purification agent (gld.)
- Vial of purification agent (slv.)
- Vial of shrouded sand
- Vial of slime oil
- Vial of spectral scent
- Vial of toxic Zoldeff water
- Vial of translurry
- Vial of transmelange
- Vial of untainted holy water
- Vial of vivid rainbow extract
- Vial of wyrm blood
- Vichuel
- Vicious mufflers
- Vidala's claw
- Vidmapire's claw
- Viking shield
- Vile elixir
- Vile elixir +1
- Vinipata's blade
- Violet counterseal
- Vir'ava's stalk
- Viridian Key
- Viridian abyssite of avarice
- Viridian abyssite of destiny
- Viridian abyssite of guerdon
- Viridian abyssite of lenity
- Viridian abyssite of merit
- Viridian demilune abyssite
- Viridiana
- Virnage
- Viruna
- Visions of Dread
- Visucius's mantle
- Vitrallum
- Vivacious Etude
- Vivid periapt of adaptability
- Vivid periapt of catalysis
- Vivid periapt of concentration
- Vivid periapt of concord
- Vivid periapt of exploration
- Vivid periapt of focus
- Vivid periapt of frontiers
- Vivid periapt of glory
- Vivid periapt of intensity
- Vivid periapt of prudence
- Vivid periapt of readiness
- Vivid periapt of vigilance
- Voay staff -1
- Voay sword -1
- Void Hare
- Void cluster
- Voidstone
- Voidwatch Officer (W)
- Voidwatch Ops: Border Crossing
- Voidwatch Purveyor
- Voidwatch Purveyor (PW)
- Voidwatch Purveyor (WWat)
- Voidwatch alarum
- Voidwatcher's emblem: Jeuno
- Voidwatcher's emblem: Qufim
- Voidwatcher's emblem Jeuno
- Voidwatcher's emblem Qufim
- Voidwrought plate
- Volcanic Gas
- Volker
- Vollbow
- Vollbow EF insignia
- Vollbow supplies
- Volto Oscuro
- Volto Oscuro/Plot Details
- Vongola clam
- Voracious Trunk (Blue Magic)
- Vorpal Bunny
- Vorpal sword
- Vortimere
- Vorzill
- Vukki-Chebukki
- Vulpangue's wing
- Vunkerl Inlet (S)
- Vunkerl herb
- Vunkerl herb memo
- Vyala's prey
- WAR Artifact Quest I
- WAR Artifact Quest II
- WAR Artifact Quest III
- WHM Artifact Quest I
- WHM Artifact Quest II
- WHM Artifact Quest III
- Wading Beasts
- Wajaom Woodlands
- Waking Dreams
- Waking Dreams phantom gem
- Waking the Beast phantom gem
- Waktza crest
- Waktza rostrum
- Walk of Echoes
- Walk of Echoes (M)
- Walk of Echoes dawndrop
- Walnut
- Waltraute's feather
- Wamoura
- Wamoura Prince
- Wamoura cocoon