
Zusätzlicher Dialog

Magicite (Windurst), Magicite (Bastok), Magicite (San d'Oria)

Castle Oztroja
Ficklix: Ungh... Verena: Fickblix!
What happened? Are you all right?
Fickblix: Oh... Verena...
Verena: What has happened here?
Who did this to you? Tell me who!
Fickblix: Nobody... Verena... Don't hate...them...
Verena: I know! I know! Hate will get us nowhere.
I understand how you feel. If only we all could. Then...then there'd be no more fighting.
Fickblix: Verena... Don't cry...
Verena: It's okay, Fickblix. You don't have to worry. I'll be...I'll be all right.
Fickblix: Yeah...
Verena: Shhh. Your courage needs no words. Even now I can feel the warmth of your heart. Just...just hang in there.
Fickblix: Something else...
Verena: Yes, Fickie, what is it?
Verena: No, Fickie. Thank you. You've shown us our mistakes.
Fickblix always told us that someday people and beastmen would get along.
I suppose you'll keep on hating them. No, not just hating, actually fighting them.
But just remember this one thing. Some beastmen think like Fickblix did.
There's more to life than what you see in front of you. We are all flowing on the river of life, not just watching from the banks.
