- Poisona
- Poisonga
- Pollen (Blue Magic)
- Pond Probing
- Pond Probing/Plot Details
- Ponderer
- Ponono's charm
- Ponze of shell powder
- Pore-Ohre
- Poroggo hat
- Porphyrion
- Port Bastok
- Port Bastok/Fishing
- Port Bastok/Zeitplan
- Port Jeuno
- Port Jeuno/Zeitplan
- Port San d'Oria
- Port San d'Oria/Fishing
- Port San d'Oria/Zeitplan
- Port Windurst
- Port Windurst/Fishing
- Port Windurst/Karten
- Port Windurst/Zeitplan
- Port Windurst scoop
- Portable container
- Portal charm
- Porter Moogle
- Porter Moogle (Ad)
- Porter Moogle (Ah)
- Porter Moogle (J)
- Porter Moogle (K)
- Porter Moogle (Mh)
- Porter Moogle (Mo)
- Porter Moogle (S)
- Porter Moogle (T)
- Porter Moogle (W)
- Porter crab memento
- Portia
- Porting magic transcript
- Portrait of Melvien
- Posso Ruhbini
- Pot-au-feu
- Pot of Abdhaljs dye
- Pot of Tsetseroon's stew
- Pot of ebony lacquer
- Pot of honey
- Pot of martial relish
- Pot of pink clematis
- Pot of silent oil
- Pot of wards
- Pot of white clematis
- Potion
- Potion +1
- Potion +2
- Potion voucher
- Pouch of liminal residue
- Pouch of weighted stones
- Pouch of weighted stones (Auftrag)
- Povall
- Powdery Snoll
- Power Attack (Blue Magic)
- Power bow
- Powhatan
- Prairie chocograph
- Praying Chapuli
- Predators and Prey
- Prelate key
- Prelude of Black and White
- Prelude to Puissance
- Present for Megomak
- Preshi Yohnts
- President Salaheem
- Pretender to the Throne
- Preterig
- Pretty Little Things
- Prevalence of Pirates
- Prickly Pitriv
- Prickly Pitriv's coffer
- Prickly Pitriv's thread
- Prickly Sheep
- Pride and Honor
- Prido-Homildo
- Prim Pika
- Primal glow
- Primal nazar
- Primary nazar
- Prime Number
- Primer on Martial Techniques
- Princeps V-XI
- Prishe
- Prismatic Key
- Prismatic fragment
- Prismatic hourglass
- Pristine hair ribbon
- Priztrix
- Pro-ether
- Pro-ether +1
- Pro-ether +3
- Processionaire
- Procreator
- Progenerator
- Promathia
- Promathia (Monster)
- Promurouve
- Promyvion - Dem
- Promyvion - Dem sliver
- Promyvion - Holla
- Promyvion - Holla sliver
- Promyvion - Mea
- Promyvion - Mea/Karten
- Promyvion - Mea sliver
- Promyvion - Vahzl
- Proof of order runic footgear
- Proof of order runic handgear
- Proof of order runic headgear
- Propagator
- Prospector's pan
- Protect
- Protect II
- Protect III
- Protect IV
- Protect V
- Protectra
- Prototype attuner
- Prototype pearl of ashen wings
- Prototype pearl of the false king
- Prototype sigil pearl
- Providence pot
- Provoke
- Pso'Xja
- Pso'Xja pass
- Pso'Xja pass Mini-Quest
- Psyche earring
- Pteranodon
- Pug Pugil
- Pugils/Attribute
- Puk egg
- Puk wing
- Puks/Attribute
- Pukulatmuj
- Pukulatmuj +1
- Pulsating shard
- Pulsating soulflayer beard
- Pulse martello repair pack
- Pulverizing
- Pummeler's calligae
- Pummeler's cuisses
- Pummeler's lorica
- Pummeler's mask
- Pummeler's mufflers
- Pungent Fungus
- Pungent providence pot
- Puo Rhen
- Pup
- Pupil's camisa
- Pupil's shirt
- Pupil's shoes
- Pupil's trousers
- Puppet in Peril
- Puppet in Peril phantom gem
- Puppetmaster
- Puppetmaster's testimony
- Puppetmaster/The Automation
- Puppetry attire claim slip
- Puppetry churidas
- Pure white ampoule
- Pure white feather
- Puroboros
- Puroiko-Maiko, W.W.
- Purple, The New Black
- Purple Ballista chevron
- Purple abyssite
- Purple purgation cloth
- Purplish grey seal
- Pygmaioi
- Pygmy Mandragora (Monipolator)
- Pyo Nzon
- Pyopyoroon
- Qaaxo tights
- Qatsunoci
- Qu'Bia Arena
- Quadav augury shell
- Quadav backscale
- Quadav charm
- Quadav crest
- Quadav fetich arms
- Quadav fetich head
- Quadav fetich torso
- Quadrastrike (Blue Magic)
- Quadratic Continuum (Blue Magic)
- Quagmire Pugil
- Quake
- Quake II
- Quake grenade
- Quarterstaff
- Quartz transmitter
- Quaternary nazar
- Queasyshroom (Blue Magic)
- Queen Crawler
- Queen of Coins
- Queen of Swords
- Queen of swords card
- Quell Your Rage
- Quellebie, R.K.
- Quelveuiat
- Quemaricond's report
- Qufim
- Qufim EF insignia
- Qufim Island
- Qufim Island/Fishing
- Qufim Island/Treasure Casket
- Qufim supplies
- Quh Berhuja
- Quick Etude
- Quicksand Caves
- Quies ring
- Quiescence
- Quiescent Leech
- Quinary nazar
- Qultada
- Qulun Dome
- Qutrub bandage
- Qutrub knife
- Quu Bokye
- Quwi Orihbhe
- RDM Artifact Quest I
- RDM Artifact Quest II
- Ra'Kaznar Inner Court
- Ra'Kaznar simulacrum
- Raaz/Attribute
- Rabao
- Rabao warp rune
- Rabbit hide
- Rabbit memento
- Rabbit pie
- Rabbits/Attribute
- Rabntah
- Race chocobo training token: END
- Rachemace
- Rachuchu
- Radialens
- Radiant Breath (Blue Magic)
- Radiant lance
- Raebrimm
- Raebrimm's memento
- Rafflesia dreamspit
- Rafflesia vine
- Ragelise
- Ragnarok
- Rahal
- Rahi Fohlatti
- Raibaht
- Raider's armlets
- Raider's armlets +1
- Raider's seal: hands
- Rail Cannon (Blue Magic)
- Raillefal
- Raillefal's letter
- Raillefal's note
- Raina
- Rainbow-colored linkpearl
- Rainbow Ballista chevron
- Rainbow berry
- Rainbow pearl
- Rainbow resonator
- Raise
- Raise II
- Rajas ring
- Raker Bee
- Rakish Kayak
- Rakocha-Mukocha
- Rakoh Buuma
- Rakula-Motakula
- Rala Waterways
- Rala Waterways (U)
- Rala eudaemon
- Rala simulacrum
- Rala visage I
- Rala visage V
- Ram Charge (Blue Magic)
- Ram horn
- Ram leather missive
- Ram memento
- Ram skin
- Rambukk
- Ramponneau
- Rams/Attribute
- Ramuh
- Ramuh's staff
- Ramuh Prime
- Ranchuriome's legacy
- Rancor Den coffer key
- Rancor flame
- Rancorous psyche
- Randecque
- Ranemaud
- Ranger
- Ranger's necklace
- Ranguemont Pass
- Ranguemont Pass/Fishing
- Ranguemont Pass/Grounds Tome
- Ranguemont Pass/Karten
- Ranguemont Pass/Treasure Casket
- Ranine staff
- Rank Eft
- Ranpi-Monpi's special stew
- Ranpi-Monpi Specialty
- Raogrimm
- Rapier belt
- Raptor armor claim slip
- Raptor mantle
- Raptor memento
- Rarab tail
- Rashid
- Rasmus
- Rasp
- Rasusu
- Rasusu (WotG)
- Ratatoskr
- Ratol Ja
- Ratonne
- Raubahn
- Raubahn (Monster)
- Rauteinot's parcel
- Raven scythe
- Ravine water testing kit
- Raw Fish Handling
- Razfahd
- Razfahd (Monster)
- Razor axe
- Rdm
- Re-Drafted by the Duchy
- Reactor Cool (Blue Magic)
- Reaper
- Reassembling technique
- Reaving Wind (Blue Magic)
- Receipt for the prince
- Recluse Spider
- Recollection of fear
- Recollections
- Record of a cavernous foray
- Record of a thousand lights