- Monstrosity (Auftrag)
- Monstrous Mayhem report
- Mooching
- Moogle
- Moogle's largesse
- Moogle (Doll Festival)
- Moogle (Doll Festival Windurst Waters)
- Moogle (Doll Festival Windurst Woods)
- Moogle (Mog House)
- Moogle key
- Moogle sacoche
- Moogle storage slip 02
- Moogle storage slip 04
- Moogle storage slip 05
- Moogle storage slip 06
- Moogle storage slip 07
- Moogle storage slip 08
- Moogle storage slip 09
- Moogle storage slip 11
- Moogle storage slip 12
- Moogle storage slip 14
- Moogle storage slip 15
- Moogle storage slip 16
- Moogle storage slip 19
- Moogle storage slip 22
- Moogle storage slip 23
- Moogle storage slip 28
- Moogles in the Wild
- Moon Reading
- Moon bauble
- Moon crystal
- Moon pendant
- Moon ring
- Moondrop
- Moongate pass
- Moongate pass (Auftrag)
- Moonlight Medal ∮∮
- Moonlight ore
- Moonlit Path phantom gem
- Moonshade earring
- Moonstone
- Moontouched scale
- Mor. FB op. materials container
- Mor. FS building mat. container
- Mor. FS resource container
- Morbol Menace
- Morbolger vine
- Morbols/Attribute
- Mordion Gaol
- More Questions Than Answers
- Moreno-Toeno
- Morimar Basalt Fields
- Morimar Basalt Fields/Fishing
- Morjean
- Morlepiche
- Mortal Ray (Blue Magic)
- Moss-covered shard
- Moss Eater
- Mossy adamantoise shell
- Most confounding curio
- Most curious curio
- Mosusu
- Motionless plume
- Mottled Quadav egg
- Mouflon ring
- Mount Kamihr
- Mount Zhayolm
- Mourioche
- Mourning Crawler
- Mov Lingyoh
- Movalpolos
- Movamuq
- Movamuq (Monster)
- Mrc.cpt. doublet claim slip
- Mu necklace
- Muchavatte
- Mucid Ahriman eyeball
- Mucid worm segment
- Muckvix
- Muddy bar tab
- Mufeh Hajrrha
- Mug
- Mumeito
- Mummu bonnet
- Mummu bonnet +1
- Mummu bonnet +2
- Mummu gamashes
- Mummu gamashes +1
- Mummu gamashes +2
- Mummu jacket
- Mummu jacket +1
- Mummu jacket +1 set
- Mummu jacket +2
- Mummu jacket +2 set
- Mummu jacket set
- Mummu kecks
- Mummu kecks +1
- Mummu kecks +2
- Mummu ring
- Mummu wrists
- Mummu wrists +1
- Mummu wrists +2
- Munahda's package
- Murex/Attribute
- Murkmoan Umbril
- Mushroom helm
- Mushroom salad
- Musical score - 1st page
- Musical score - 2nd page
- Musichinery kit
- Mutihb
- Mutsunokami
- Mutsunokami +1
- My First Furrow
- Mydon
- Myochin armor claim slip
- Mysterial fragment
- Mysteries of Beadeaux I
- Mysteries of Beadeaux II
- Mysterious Light (Blue Magic)
- Mysterious amulet
- Mystic fragment
- Mystic ice
- Mystical canteen
- Mystifying metal rod
- Mythril Ballista chevron
- Mythril Marathon
- Mythril Marathon (W)
- Mythril Marathon Quarterly
- Mythril Star ∮∮∮
- Mythril Wings of Service ∮∮
- Mythril astrarium
- Mythril beastcoin
- Mythril bolt quiver
- Mythril hearts
- Mythril ingot
- Mythril mirror
- Mythril plate armor claim slip
- Nachou
- Nachtschatten
- Nadeey
- Naegling
- Naga samue
- Naguipeillont, R.K.
- Nahshib
- Naiko-Paneiko (WotG)
- Naillina
- Naja Salaheem
- Naji
- Naji's gauger plate
- Naji's linkpearl
- Nanaa Mihgo
- Nanadaka
- Nanger ring
- Nangst
- Nannakola
- Nantosuelta's cape
- Nantoto
- Naphula's bracelet
- Narcheral
- Nareema
- Narigitsune
- Naruru's stewpot
- Nary a Cloud in Sight
- Nashira gages
- Nashmau
- Nashmau warp rune
- Nashmeira
- Nashmeira's Plea
- Nasshawan
- Nateeyu
- Nature's Meditation (Blue Magic)
- Navaratna talisman
- Navukgo Execution Chamber
- Navy axe
- Nbeh Dimehbariga
- Neak's treasure
- Nebimonite belt
- Nectarous Deluge (Blue Magic)
- Nepionic Soulflayer
- Nest Beetle
- Nest chest key
- Nest coffer key
- Nethercant chain
- Neutral periapt of frontiers
- Neutralizer
- New Fei'Yin seal
- New Worlds Await
- New Worlds Await/Plot Details
- New linkshell
- New model hat
- Newlyn
- News-Vorlagen
- Newton Movalpolos
- Newton coffer key
- Nguul
- Nhiko Rhaabel
- Nhili Uvolep
- Nhobi Zalkia
- Ni'Ghu Nestfender
- Nibiru blade
- Nibiru chopper
- Nibiru cudgel
- Nibiru gun
- Nibiru sickle
- Nicadio
- Nicked dagger
- Nidhogg Scales
- Nifty mantle
- Niht mantle
- Nine of Clubs
- Ninja
- Ninja's garb claim slip
- Ninja/Ninjutsu List
- Niveous chip
- No Rest for the Weary
- No Strings Attached
- No Time like the Future
- Nobilis
- Noble's bed
- Noct doublet claim slip
- Nocuous Weapon
- Noih Tahparawh
- Nomad's mantle
- Nomad Moogle
- Nomad Moogle (J)
- Nomad moogle rod
- Nonary nazar
- Nonberry's knife
- Noodle Kneading
- Noragu-Meragu
- Norg
- Norg warp rune
- Norgish Dagger
- Norrah
- North-bound petition
- North Block code
- North Gustaberg
- North Gustaberg (S)
- Northern San d'Oria
- Northern San d'Oria/Fishing
- Northern fur
- Northern vine
- Norvallen
- Norvallen EF insignia
- Norvallen supplies
- Nosoi's feather
- Note detailing seditious plans
- Note from Hariga-Origa
- Note from Ipupu
- Note written by Esha'ntarl
- Nous arbalest
- Novalmauge
- Npopo
- Nue fang
- Nuevo coselete
- Number eight shelter key
- Numbering Days
- Numbing blossom seed
- Numi Adaligo
- Nunyunuwi
- Nuu Kofu the Gentle
- Nyata-Mobuta, W.W.
- Nymph shield
- Nyumomo
- Nyzul Isle
- Nyzul Isle Assault orders
- Nyzul Isle route
- Oak log
- Oasis Amoeban
- Obelailai
- Oberon's rapier
- Oberon bullet pouch
- Oboro
- Obsidian granules of time
- Obtain Job: Bard
- Obtain Job: Beastmaster
- Obtain Job: Blue Mage
- Obtain Job: Corsair
- Obtain Job: Dancer
- Obtain Job: Dark Knight
- Obtain Job: Dragoon
- Obtain Job: Geomancer
- Obtain Job: Ninja
- Obtain Job: Paladin
- Obtain Job: Puppetmaster
- Obtain Job: Ranger
- Obtain Job: Rune Fencer
- Obtain Job: Samurai
- Obtain Job: Scholar
- Obtain Job: Summoner
- Obtain a Chocobo License
- Obtain a Support Job
- Obtain an Alter Ego: Bastok
- Obtain an Alter Ego: San d'Oria
- Obtain an Alter Ego: Windurst
- Occultation (Blue Magic)
- Ocean Jagil
- Ocean Kraken
- Ochacha
- Ochocho, W.W.
- Ochre Ballista chevron
- Octavien
- Octonary nazar
- Ocular orb
- Odd postcard
- Ode of Life Bestowing
- Ode of Life Bestowing (Schlachtfeld)
- Ode to the Serpents
- Odilia
- Odin
- Odious charm
- Odious cryptex
- Odious cup
- Odious pen
- Of Light and Darkness
- Off offering
- Offering to Uggalepih
- Officer Academy manual
- Offspring
- Oggbi
- Ogma's cape
- Ohbiru-Dohbiru
- Ohruru
- Oiheaurese
- Oil Spill
- Ojha Rhawash
- Old Goobbue
- Old Professor Mariselle
- Old Sabertooth
- Old Shuck's tuft
- Old Two-Wings
- Old Wounds
- Old boots
- Old gauntlets
- Old nametag
- Old piece of wood
- Old pocket watch
- Old ring
- Old rusty key
- Old tiger's fang
- Old toolbox
- Old trick box
- Old woman's portrait