- Bard's cuffs
- Bard's justaucorps
- Bard's roundlet
- Bard's slippers
- Bard/Job Abilities
- Bard/Job Traits
- Bard/Song List
- Bard/Spell List
- Barfire
- Barfire ointment voucher
- Barge multi-ticket
- Barge ticket
- Bark Spider
- Bark Tarantula
- Barnabas
- Barparalyze
- Barpetrify
- Barpoison
- Barrel of Opo-Opo brew
- Barrens Treant
- Barrier Tusk (Blue Magic)
- Barsilence
- Barsleep
- Barsleepra
- Barstone
- Barstone ointment voucher
- Barstonra
- Barthunder
- Barthunder ointment voucher
- Bartolomeo
- Barvirus
- Barwater
- Barwater ointment voucher
- Bashmu's trinket
- Bastion of Knowledge
- Bastok
- Bastok-Jeuno Airship
- Bastok-Jeuno Airship/Zeitplan
- Bastok Markets
- Bastok Markets (S)
- Bastok Mines
- Bastok Missionen
- Bastok Rank 1-1
- Bastok Rank 1-2
- Bastok Rank 1-3
- Bastok Rank 2-1
- Bastok Rank 2-2
- Bastok Trust permit
- Bastok warp rune
- Bastokan approval letter
- Bastokan flag
- Bat Hunt
- Bat Trios/Attribute
- Bat fang
- Bat wing
- Batallia Downs
- Batallia Downs (S)
- Bataron
- Bataumnalle
- Battery Charge (Blue Magic)
- Battle Dance (Blue Magic)
- Battle boots
- Battle on a New Front
- Battle rations
- Battle trophy 1st echelon
- Battle trophy 2nd echelon
- Battle trophy 3rd echelon
- Battle trophy 4th echelon
- Battle trophy 5th echelon
- Battlerigged Chariot
- Battue Bats
- Baudin
- Baunise
- Bead pouch
- Beadeaux
- Beadeaux (S)
- Beadeaux coffer key
- Beadurinc
- Bearclaw Pinnacle
- Beast armor claim slip
- Beast armor set
- Beast collar
- Beast gaiters
- Beast gloves
- Beast helm
- Beast jackcoat
- Beast torque
- Beast trousers
- Beast whistle
- Beastbane arrowheads
- Beastbane bullets
- Beastcoin
- Beastly shank
- Beastman Confederate crate
- Beastmaster
- Beastmaster's testimony
- Beastmaster/Job Abilities
- Beastmaster/Job Traits
- Beastmaster/Pet Commands
- Beastmaster/Pets
- Beastmen's seal
- Beat cesti
- Beaucedine Glacier
- Beaucedine Glacier/Field Manual
- Beaucedine Glacier/Fishing
- Beaucedine Glacier/Karten
- Beaucedine Glacier/Treasure Casket
- Beaucedine Glacier (S)
- Beaucedine dawndrop
- Beauty and the Galka
- Become Something More
- Bedraggled Lucerewe
- Beech log
- Beehive chip
- Bees/Attribute
- Beetle jaw
- Beetle mask
- Beetle quiver
- Beetle ring
- Beetle shell
- Beetle spirit
- Befehls-Vorlage
- Beginnings
- Begrimed dragon hide
- Beguiling petrifact
- Beheader +1
- Behemoth
- Behemoth's Dominion
- Behemoth cub memento
- Behemoth hide
- Behemoth horn
- Behemoth key
- Behemoth memento
- Behind the Sluices
- Beholder
- Beist's coffer
- Beitetsu box
- Beitetsu parcel
- Belaboring Wasp
- Belenus's cape
- Belgidiveau
- Bell-themed gift token
- Belladonna Sap
- Below the Arks
- Below the Arks/Plot Details
- Belphegor's crown
- Bennu
- Benthic Typhoon (Blue Magic)
- Berghent
- Beriphaule
- Berry Grub
- Berserk
- Bertenont
- Beryllium ingot
- Besieged Participation (M)
- Bestiarium
- Better Humes and Mannequins
- Bewitched ash lumber
- Beyond Infinity
- Beyond the Stars
- Beyond the Stars/Plot Details
- Bhaflau Remnants
- Bhaflau Thickets
- Bharifhal
- Bhuta
- Bia's glove
- Bibiki Bay
- Bibiki Bay/Karten
- Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
- Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle/Karten
- Big Bomb
- Big Leech
- Bight Rarab
- Bilopdop
- Bilp
- Bin Steijihna
- Bind
- Bio
- Bio II
- Bio III
- Birch tree
- Bird egg
- Bird feather
- Bird key
- Biscuit a la Rholont
- Biyaada
- Biyaada's letter
- Bki Tbujhja
- Blabbivix
- Black-labeled vial
- Black Ballista chevron
- Black Card
- Black Fish of the Family
- Black Mage
- Black Mage/Job Abilities
- Black Mage/Job Traits
- Black Mage/Spell List
- Black Mud
- Black Triple Stars
- Black Wolf
- Black abyssite
- Black book
- Black chip
- Black coral key
- Black mage's testimony
- Black matinee necklace
- Black pearl
- Black rivet
- Black tunic
- Blacksmith's argentum tome
- Blacksmith's aurum tome
- Blade Bat
- Blade of Darkness
- Blade of Evil
- Blamor
- Blanched Mandragora
- Blandine
- Blank Book of the Gods
- Blank Card
- Blank Card (PW)
- Blank Gaze (Blue Magic)
- Blank ash runic board
- Blastbomb (Blue Magic)
- Blaze Spikes
- Blazewing's pincer
- Blazing Bound (Blue Magic)
- Blazing cluster soul
- Blazing wyrm memento
- Blessed hammer
- Blightberry
- Blightdella
- Blind
- Blind II
- Blind bolt quiver
- Blindna
- Blink
- Blitzstrahl (Blue Magic)
- Blizzaga
- Blizzaga II
- Blizzaga III
- Blizzaja
- Blizzara
- Blizzara II
- Blizzard
- Blizzard II
- Blizzard III
- Blizzard IV
- Blizzard V
- Blizzard VI
- Blizzard brand
- Blizzard brand +1
- Bloated Acuex
- Block of Yagudo glue
- Block of animal glue
- Blood-smeared Gigas helm
- Blood Bat
- Blood Drain (Blue Magic)
- Blood Rage
- Blood Saber (Blue Magic)
- Blood orb
- Bloodbead ring
- Bloodied arrow
- Bloodied bat fur
- Bloodied dragon ear
- Bloodied saber tooth
- Bloodlapper
- Bloodspattered Fly
- Bloodstained bugard fang
- Bloodsucker
- Bloodsword
- Bloody Ballista chevron
- Bloody robe
- Blotched doomed tongue
- Blu
- Bludgeon (Blue Magic)
- Blue-labeled crate
- Blue Mage
- Blue Mage/Job Traits
- Blue Mage/Spell Job Traits
- Blue Mage/Spell List
- Blue Mage Artefact Mini-Quest
- Blue Sentinel badge
- Blue abyssite
- Blue acidity tester
- Blue bell
- Blue bracelet
- Blue coral key
- Blue institute card
- Blue invitation card
- Blue mage's testimony
- Blue present
- Blue prize balloon
- Blue recommendation letter
- Blue rivet
- Blue rock
- Blue sea monk memento
- Blue wyvern memento
- Bluffalo
- Bluffnix
- Blurred axe
- Blustering Twitherym
- Bo'Who Warmonger
- Boarding permit
- Bodach
- Body Slam (Blue Magic)
- Body boost voucher
- Bog Body
- Boggelmann
- Boiled crayfish
- Boiling Obdella
- Bokwus circlet
- Boltmaker
- Bomb Toss (Blue Magic)
- Bomb arm
- Bomb coal fragment
- Bomb incense
- Bomb key
- Bomb masque
- Bomb memento
- Bonanza Moogle (W)
- Bonaria
- Bonarpant (ABA)
- Bonbori
- Boncort
- Bone Ensorcellment
- Bone Purification
- Bone chip
- Bone harness
- Bone harness set
- Bone knife
- Bone leggings
- Bone mask
- Bone mittens
- Bone rod
- Bone subligar
- Bonecraft kit 5
- Boneworker's argentum tome
- Boneworker's aurum tome
- Boneworking: Shell Powder
- Boneyard Gully
- Bonfire
- Bongo
- Book of Tasks
- Book of the East
- Book of the Gods