Bluffnix: Hey, buddy.
You hear about those cavernous maws?
Heard of the cavernous maws?
- Hasn't everyone?
You've seen one of 'em?
They make me think of the song me grandgobbie used to sing about the Mawed One.
- Cavernous...what?
You've never seen one?
Bah, why am I even talkin' to you?
Zusätzlicher Dialog
The Gobbiebag Part I
Bluffnix: Us Gobbies got bigger bags than you. Ya want one, don'tcha?
I bet you want a bigger bag, don'tcha?
- Yes, very much.
Oh, yeah? Well, hook me up with these, and I'll bump up your bag size a smidgen. I want a Square of dhalmel leather, a Steel ingot, a Square of linen cloth, and a Peridot. Bring 'em to me and I'll make your bag bigger. But I ain't gonna tell ya how it's done. Ancient Gobbie secret!
- Not at all.
No? And here I was, thinkin' I might bump up your bag size. Too bad!
There you go, pal. Bigger bag for ya. It still don't compare to gobbiebags, though.
The Gobbiebag Part II
Bluffnix: Hey, your bag's bigger than before, but compared to our gobbiebags, it's still puny. You jealous, right?
I bet you want a bigger bag, don'tcha?
- Yes, very much.
Oh, yeah? Well, hook me up with these, and I'll bump up your bag size some more. I want a Square of ram leather, a Mythril ingot, a Square of wool cloth, and a Turquoise. Bring 'em to me and I'll make your bag bigger. But I ain't gonna tell ya how it's done. Ancient Gobbie secret!
- Not at all.
No? And here I was, thinkin' I might bump up your bag size. Too bad!
There you go, pal. Bigger bag for ya. It still don't compare to gobbiebags, though.
The Gobbiebag Part III
Bluffnix: Hey, your bag's bigger than before, but compared to our gobbiebags, it's still puny. You jealous, right? I want a Square of black tiger leather, a Gold ingot, a Square of velvet cloth, and a Painite.
- Yes, very much.
You like the gobbiebags, don'tcha? Well, hook me up with these, and I'll max out your bag size. Bring 'em to me and I'll make your bag bigger. But I ain't gonna tell ya how it's done. Ancient Gobbie secret!
- Not at all.
No? And here I was, thinkin' I might bump up your bag size. Too bad!
There you go, pal. Bigger bag for ya. It still don't compare to gobbiebags, though.
The Gobbiebag Part IV
Bluffnix: Hey, your bag's bigger than before, but compared to our gobbiebags, it's still puny. You jealous, right? I want a Square of black tiger leather, a Gold ingot, a Square of velvet cloth, and a Painite.
- Yes, very much.
Well, hook me up with these, and I'll make your bag as big as a gobbiebag. I want a Cermet chunk, a Darksteel ingot, a Square of silk cloth, and a Goshenite. Bring 'em to me and I'll make your bag bigger. But I ain't gonna tell ya how it's done. Ancient Gobbie secret!
- Not at all.
No? And here I was, thinkin' I might bump up your bag size. Too bad!
Hey, your bag's as big as ours... I don't think I like that one bit.