Rhea Myuliah: For the upcoming performance, we will dance with Troupe Valeriano perforrrming beside us. The whole purpose of the collaborrration is to allow the audience to enjoy both circus and dance performances simultaneously... But Laila is hell-bent on outdoing Troupe Valeriano. So we must perform a style of dance that will please and drrraw the audience's attention. Just to give you a general idea... Younger folk tend to prrrefer waltz, the elderly are more fond of samba, while little kiddies can't get enough of jigs. While you're dancing, observe what type of crrrowd is watching Troupe Valeriano's circus performance, then dance a style that is to their taste. If you do so, the crowd will be surrre to turn their attention to Troupe Brilioth's performance instead.
But you also mustn't neglect those who are alrrready watching us. If a style of dance isn't to their taste, it's only a matterrr of time before the audience turns their attention elsewhere. Does that make sense? Would you like to prrractice?
That was grrreat, Player Name! Laila will be pleased if you can keep up the good form. I know how you feel... Competing for the audience isn't my idea of fun either, but let's just give it our best, okay?