Fähigkeiten & Bedarf
Brass baghnakhs
Datei:Vorlagentesticon.png Vorlagentest
Bronze axe
Bronze sword
Block of animal glue
Block of animal glue
Iron sword
Copper ingot
Copper ingot
Bronze knuckles
Brass knuckles
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Steel ingot
Bronze knife
Bronze knife
Brass ingot
Brass ingot
Brass ingot
Brass ingot
Square of wolf felt
Serving of icecap rolanberry
Serving of icecap rolanberry
Mythril ingot
Mythril ingot
Mythril ingot
Mythril ingot
Mythril ingot
Gold ingot
Gold ingot
Gold ingot
Cermet chunk
Cermet chunk
Cermet chunk
Darksteel ingot
Darksteel ingot
Paktong ingot
Brass rod
Adaman ingot
Adaman ingot
Platinum sheet
Platinum sheet
Damascus ingot
Roast carp
Roast carp
Serving of Goblin stir-fry
Lump of beeswax
Lump of beeswax
Lump of beeswax
Lump of beeswax
Bowl of witch stew
Serving of herb crawler eggs
Coconut rusk
Bronze ingot
Bronze ingot
Bronze ingot
Bronze ingot
Hepatizon ingot
Light steel ingot
Darksteel sheet
Darksteel sheet
Sheet of dark adaman
Iron ingot
Iron ingot
Platinum ingot
Platinum ingot
Platinum ingot
Bowl of yayla corbasi
Bronze mace
Bronze mace
Bronze dagger
Tin ingot
Tin ingot
Bronze bed
Plate of ratatouille
Apple pie
Apple pie
Apple pie
Hobgoblin pie
Orichalcum sheet
Orichalcum sheet
Dhalmel pie
Rolanberry pie
Hedgehog pie
Plate of coeurl saute
Plate of coeurl saute
Indurated gold ingot
Slice of salted hare
Dark bronze sheet
Dark bronze sheet
Cursed gauntlets
Beryllium ingot
Spirit orichalcum ingot
Frigid orichalcum ingot
Copper ring
Copper ring
Dweomer knife
Bowl of sopa de pez blanco
Bowl of sopa de pez blanco
Shrimp lantern
Boiled crayfish
Goblin mushpot
Serving of black pudding
Bowl of pea soup
Oberon's rapier
Roll of buche au chocolat
Roast mushroom
Roast mushroom
Roast mushroom
Serving of Frog Flambe
Melon pie
Melon pie
Butter crepe
Dish of spaghetti ortolana
Shrimp lure
Shrimp lure
Ginger cookie
Ginger cookie
Seafood stewpot
Dragon steak
Dragon steak
Balik sis +1
Iron sheet
Iron sheet
Serving of green curry
Lucent lance
Rabbit pie
Navy axe
Bowl of vegetable gruel
Bowl of vegetable gruel
Lebkuchen house
Lucent axe
Blurred axe
Bowl of yayla corbasi +1
Bone rod
Bone rod
Soft-boiled egg
Soft-boiled egg
Datei:Silber ingoticon.png Silber ingot
Datei:Silber ingoticon.png Silber ingot
Datei:Silber ingoticon.png Silber ingot
Datei:Silber ingoticon.png Silber ingot
Loaf of Goblin bread
Bowl of vegetable broth
Crepe des rois
Omelette sandwich