Synergy Engineer (PWC7).jpg


Greetings, friend! I am a synergy engineer, dispatched from the Institute to maintain the furnaces you see beside me. I also have knowledge and services to share with fellow synergists, if that is what you desire.
May I be of service?

  • Not now.

Zusätzlicher Dialog

Learn recipes.

Recipes, you say? Let's see what we have that's suitable for your level of expertise...

Check fewell.

But of course!
If you'll just allow me to inspect your synergy crucible for a moment...
Your fewell supply would appear to be as follows:

Replenish fewell.

Looking for a fewell fill-up, you say?
Then you've come to the right place!
...Hm? Why, your tank is already full to bursting.
Come back again if you need a refill.

Purchase materials.

Materials, you say? But of course!
Have a look at our selection.
Purchase something?

Receive training.

Ah, another dedicated synergist looking to refine his/her technique.
Excellent! That motivation will serve you well.
...But I'm afraid you'll need ever so slightly more/a bit more/more/a good deal more/considerably more experience before you're ready to benefit from my training.

Trade cinder.

Research into the composition of the cinder produced as a side effect of synergy just might lead to the next breakthrough in our field.
Provide us with samples for analysis, and we will gladly reward your contributions.
Trade in your cinder? (Currently: XX Pz)

Get information.

Ask about what?

  • Nothing.

  • Synergy furnaces.

  • Synergy overview.

  • Synergy procedure.

  • Synergy recipes.

  • Fewell replenishment.

  • Materials for sale.

  • Synergy techniques.

  • Trading cinder.
Get information. Synergy furnaces.

The synergy furnaces you see around town are provided as a public service by the Bastokan Institute of Synergy Research, to ensure that no synergist is ever far away from the tools of their trade.
The synergist must provide his or her own synergy crucible, as well as any materials to be used in the synergy process.
Provided those conditions are met, synergy furnaces may be used free of charge.
Needless to say, only one party may operate any given furnace at once.
Fortunately, there are multiple furnaces installed throughout town.
If the furnace before you is already in use, please seek out an unused one elsewhere, or wait patiently for your turn.

Get information. Synergy overview.

You may think of synergy as an evolved form of synthesis.
It is a discipline full of heretofore unimagined possibilities, but one which demands consummate skill from its practitioners.
Like synthesis, synergy involves combining materials according to a prescribed recipe to yield oft-spectacular results.
The rub is that each synergy recipe also dictates a certain elemental balance that must be achieved for the procedure to be successful.
This balance is achieved through skillful infusion of combustible elemental crystals that we synergists call “fewell.” To begin the synergy process, you'll have to feed the furnace with fewell and get those flames burning!
As a general rule, the more complex the recipe, the more fewell it will require.
Take care to check your stock before you fire up the furnace, lest you find its flames guttering out at a crucial moment.
With the belly of the furnace roaring up a storm, it's time to toss in your materials and start synergizing!
Keep a close eye on the balance of elements and deploy fewell as necessary. Approach the prescribed elemental balance, and your item will take form, allowing you to remove it from the furnace.
The closer you are to the ideal elemental balance, the higher the quality of your finished product will be.
In synergy, it pays to be a perfectionist!
But be forewarned: these furnaces can only sustain the elemental maelstrom swirling and storming inside them for so long.
If the furnace's durability should fail, the synergy process will be interrupted, and you will be forced to start anew.
Take heart, though, as any materials inside your synergy crusible will remain intact.
You may retrieve them or attempt the synergy process again as you see fit.
Any fewell consumed in the failed synergy attempt, on the other hand, will be permanently lost.
Synergists must also be wary of debris buildup, an unavoidable side effect of the volatile elemental reactions that take place within the synergy furnace.
Should too much debris be allowed to accumulate, the contents of the furnace will become unstable, potentially leading to unpleasant explosions and eruptions.
Such accidents pose considerable risk to the synergy attempt in progress, as well as the physical well-being of the synergist, so be sure to exercise due caution!
You may be asking yourself, “Why, how in the name of Hildolf am I going to oversee all of these complicated procedures and variables by myself?”
Here's the good news: you don't have to!
For you see, synergy furnaces are designed for use by multiple operators.
The more complex the recipe, the greater level of skill and hands-on manipulation it will demand.
At such times, it would be in your best interest to seek out like-minded synergists and take on the challenge together.
Finally, it would be remiss of me not to make mention of evolith, the curious substance whose properties are only now--with the emergence of synergy--becoming known to us.
Though there is much yet to be learned, our research has revealed that evolith may be used to bolster your equipment, if attached in a proper manner.
Mind you, evolith is not easy to come by, and I can offer no clues as to where or how to obtain it. Should you be fortunate enough to come across some in your travels, however, I encourage you to explore its potential.
Synergy is not a discipline for the faint of heart or mind, but with dedication and cooperation, there are great rewards to be reaped.
May your career as a synergist prove fruitful!

Get information. Synergy procedure.

First, you'll be wanting to check your fewell supply.
You may do so by speaking with a synergy engineer such as myself, or by examining a synergy furnace
You'll be needing at least one unit of fewell for each element dictated by your recipe.
Without this, even the most skilled synergist cannot hope to succeed.
Should your fewell supply be in order, it's time to proceed with the synergy.
If you are using one of these public synergy furnaces here, you'll need to examine it and lay claim to its use.
You may then deposit your ingredients. Should they correspond to a proper recipe, the synergy furnace will fire up automatically.
Note that as a safety precaution, the furnace will not activate if the recipe is beyond your level of synergy skill.
From here, it becomes a race against the clock!
Through skilled operation of the synergy furnace, you must achieve the elemental balance prescribed by the recipe before the furnace's durability fails.
Fortunately, synergy furnaces are outfitted with a wide array of features designed to aid the synergist in this demanding task.
First, you'll want to confirm the current balance of elements within the furnace and compare it to your desired result.
Next, you can begin to feed fewell into the furnace to gradually raise the level of elemental concentration.
Feeding fewell into the furnace until the required elemental balance is achieved is the most fundamental operation of synergy.
However, high concentrations of elemental power can lead to volatile and unpredictable reactions.
Simply adding fewell haphazardly without making the necessary adjustments is a recipe for only one thing, and that's disaster.
If you sense that the furnace is on the verge of elemental overload, you'll want to employ thesafety lever and pressure handle to prevent an unfortunate accident from occurring.
You'll also want to mind the laws of elemental ascendancy and opposition.
Increasing the concentration of a particular element will cause its counterpart to decrease.
The furnace cannot sustain its power indefinitely, and will gradually lose durability as the synergy process continues. You'll need to perform periodic furnace repair should the furnace near its breaking point.
It is also possible to recycle strewn fewell during synergy.
While this will not impact the success or failure of the process itself, it will result in a greater amount of salvageable cinder produced as a by-product.
This cinder is of great interest to our researchers back at the institute.
As such, we have introduced a reward system through which quality samples can be traded in for an assortment of synergy-related wares.
As marvelous an apparatus as the synergy furnace may be, keep in mind that the technology is still in its infancy, and highly unstable.
There may be times when accidents occur despite the best efforts of the synergist.
For your safety, we recommend stepping as far away from the furnace as possible at the first sign of danger.
Some synergists claim that giving the furnace a good thwack is also effective in preventing such accidents, but this is pure madness, if you ask me!
You will also find that there are numerous techniques that can be applied to make the synergy procedure go even more smoothly.
In many cases, expertise and knowledge acquired through crafting will serve you in synergy as well.
To truly master synergy, one must master crafting as well.
Now let us return to the synergy process itself.
As your elemental balance approaches that prescribed by the recipe, the furnace will signal you, and you may retrieve your finished product.
If the furnace is still holding strong at this time, you may choose to keep working to achieve an even closer balance. The closer you come to the ideal balance, the higher the quality of your finished product will be.
Indeed, many synergy masters consider these waning moments after the signal to be the time to really show off their skills!
Why, if they manage to achieve an elemental surge...
What's an elemental surge, you ask?
Why, it's a miraculous phenomenon that occurs rarely--ever so rarely--upon feeding the furnace fewell.
The elements react just in the right way, creating a miraculous reaction that brings the level of elemental concentration to exactly the desired level. Truly a boon from the Goddess for any synergist, no?
...And that is the synergy process in a nutshell.
There's quite a bit of information to take in, so don't hesitate to return any time for a refresher course.

Get information. Synergy recipes.

Much like synthesis, to fashion items through synergy, you will need to follow a recipe.
We synergy engineers are always unearthing new recipes, and are happy to share with you those suitable for your level of skill.
Unlike synthesis, however, a synergy recipe is more than just a list of ingredients.
There is also a required elemental balance that must be attained to achieve your desired result.
Simple recipes involve only small doses of a limited number of elements, but more complex ones require the synergist to skillfully juggle wide ranges of elements in extremely high concentrations.
The ingredients, you will have to remember on your own.
The required elemental balance, however, may be reviewed at any time during the synergy process by observing the readings on the synergy furnace.
In particular, recipes through which the curious substance known as evolith can be attached to equipment are creating quite a buzz among synergistically inclined adventurers these days.
Evolith cannot be attached directly.
First, equipment must be prepared by etching an aperture into which an elementally compatible piece of evolith can then be embedded.
The type of aperture that may be etched will depend on the piece of equipment.
There are also pieces of equipment that, alas, may not be modified at all.
If you are curious what manner of aperture may be etched into a particular piece of equipment, you need only trade it to me or one of my colleagues.
As a general rule, the higher the level of the item in question, the more difficult the synergy process for creating an aperture will be.
You will find that certain pieces of equipment may be etched with multiple apertures.
It is, however, only possible to create one aperture at a time.
Etching requires the use of a corrosive substance we call mordant.
Deposit mordant into a synergy furnace along with your equipment, and the process will begin.
My colleagues and I have a stock of mordant available for sale.
The best way to learn is to practice, so if you're curious, we encourage you to purchase some and begin experimenting!
The difficulty of the synergy process when embedding evolith is decided by a number of factors.
Such factors include the variety of aperture and evolith, as well as the quantity of evolith you seek to attach.
Embedding the first piece is not too difficult a task, but the second and third pieces will not go in so easily.
To begin the embedding process, deposit your evolith into the synergy furnace along with a piece of equipment with a compatible aperture.
When etching or embedding, the required elemental balance may be confirmed at any time during the synergy process, so let this be your guide.
Should you ever wish to remove any apertures and embedded evolith from a piece of equipment entirely, you may do so with an ingredient we call revertant.
Toss the revertant in a synergy furnace along with your equipment, and its potent powers will restore your item to a pure and pristine state!
Be warned, however, that embedded evolith will be lost forever in the process.

Get information. Fewell replenishment.

As you are no doubt already aware, synergy makes use of a highly combustible form of elemental crystals that we call “fewell.”
The more complex the recipe, the greater the quantity of fewell required.
Veteran synergists know well the hassle of having to constantly monitor their fewell supply and procure crystals to replenish depleted stock.
To free you of such trifling burdens and allow you to focus your mind entirely on your art, we synergy engineers are offering a convenient fewell replenishment service!
For a nominal fee calculated based upon the current state of your fewell reserves, we will instantly refill you to full capacity.
That's right--all elements in one simple transaction, directly to your synergy crucible!
What could be easier?

Get information. Materials for sale.

Looking to fire up your furnace and enter the world of evolith?
If so, you've come to the right place!
We're proud to offer a supply of the corrosive agent known as mordant for sale.
With this, synergy newcomers can hone their skills and outfit their equipment with evolith-capable apertures in the process.
Mind you, our stock is limited to only the most diluted, readily produced form of the stuff.
You'll find that it only has the strength to etch items of relatively low level.
Etching high-powered equipment requires the use of more concentrated and potent forms of mordant.
As quantities are limited, we can offer these only in exchange for cinder.

Get information. Synergy techniques.

Ah, synergy techniques!
Those handy tricks of the trade that can mean the difference between a shiny new item and a major furnace meltdown.
My colleagues and I are always eager to train fellow synergists in a wide range of techniques.
We can't do it all, though--you'll need to hone your synergy skill in order to benefit from our instruction.
Bear in mind that certain techniques can only be imparted to students possessing specialized crafting knowledge.
For example, only skilled smiths will be able to comprehend the method for more efficient fewell feeding.
Accomplished goldsmiths will be able to observe the inner workings of the furnace and stave off potential accidents.
You will find that all crafting skills--even those you may not expect--may be applied in some way to support the synergy process.
Word has it that there are also pieces of equipment that can impart hidden synergy techniques to the wearer.
These, too, are said to be only accessible to skilled crafters.
The moral of the story is this: while synergy skill is important, neglect not your other crafting skills.
To become a true synergy master, finding the proper balance is key.

Get information. Trading cinder.

Synergy remains a young discipline, and researchers back at the institute are burning the midnight fewell in the hopes of uncovering the next breakthrough in our field.
Research of late is centered around the cinder that is left behind as a by-product of each synergy operation.
Their composition, it would seem, has much to teach us of the true nature of the complex elemental reactions that go on within the bellies of these furnaces.
We've even instituted a reward program for adventurers willing to contribute prime samples in the name of science.
It would be no exaggeration to say that, to us, cinder is worth more than its weight in gold!
Bring it to me or my colleagues--preferably in large quantities--and you're sure to be pleased at what we can offer you in return.
