
  • {{Plot Details …perhaps my appearance here matters not, and you will be able to lead us to a brighter future.<br>Master, I shall head to the port while you search for…
    4 KB (695 Wörter) - 17:35, 20. Nov. 2015
  • {{Plot Details …r>Zee arena located deep within Fei'Yin was zen chosen as zee location for a fourth seal to strengthen zee barrier placed on zee Northlands from zee een
    7 KB (1.391 Wörter) - 21:03, 20. Sep. 2015
  • {{Plot Details …you, ''Player Name''. Let the stars guide you to victory on your celestial journey.
    6 KB (1.166 Wörter) - 23:26, 20. Sep. 2015