- Save My Son
- Save the Children
- Savory lamb roast
- Savory shank
- Scalding ironclad spike
- Scapegoat
- Scaredy-Cats
- Scarlet abyssite of furtherance
- Scarlet abyssite of kismet
- Scarlet abyssite of lenity
- Scarlet abyssite of perspicacity
- Scarlet abyssite of sojourn
- Scarlet chip
- Scarlet counterseal
- Scarlet demilune abyssite
- Scarlet stone
- Scattered Into Shadow
- Schah's gambit
- Schiavona
- Scholar
- Scholar's attire claim slip
- Scholar/Schultz Stratagems
- Scholar/Spell List
- Schultz
- Schultz's sealed letter
- Schwertleite's feather
- Scintillant strand
- Scintillating Rhapsody
- Scission sphere
- Scoop-Dedicated Linkpearl
- Scop's Operetta
- Scorched Yanthu
- Scoriaceous Clot
- Scoriaceous Clot (RNM)
- Scorpion claw
- Scorpion shell
- Scorpions/Attribute
- Scourshroom
- Scout's attire claim slip
- Scout's beret
- Scout's bracers
- Scout's socks
- Scowling stone
- Scrap of papyrus
- Screwdriver (Blue Magic)
- Scripture of Water
- Scripture of Wind
- Scroll of Absob-Attri
- Scroll of Absorb-AGI
- Scroll of Absorb-INT
- Scroll of Absorb-STR
- Scroll of Absorb-VIT
- Scroll of Addle
- Scroll of Aero
- Scroll of Aero V
- Scroll of Aeroga III
- Scroll of Aeroja
- Scroll of Aerora
- Scroll of Aerora II
- Scroll of Army's Paeon
- Scroll of Banish
- Scroll of Banish II
- Scroll of Banishga
- Scroll of Barblind
- Scroll of Barsleep
- Scroll of Bind
- Scroll of Bio
- Scroll of Bio II
- Scroll of Blaze Spikes
- Scroll of Blind
- Scroll of Blink
- Scroll of Blizzaga II
- Scroll of Blizzaga III
- Scroll of Blizzaja
- Scroll of Blizzara
- Scroll of Blizzara II
- Scroll of Blizzard
- Scroll of Blizzard III
- Scroll of Blizzard IV
- Scroll of Blizzard V
- Scroll of Boost-AGI
- Scroll of Boost-CHR
- Scroll of Boost-DEX
- Scroll of Boost-MND
- Scroll of Boost-STR
- Scroll of Boost-VIT
- Scroll of Breakga
- Scroll of Burn
- Scroll of Choke
- Scroll of Comet
- Scroll of Curaga
- Scroll of Curaga IV
- Scroll of Curaga V
- Scroll of Cure
- Scroll of Cure II
- Scroll of Cure IV
- Scroll of Cure V
- Scroll of Dark Carol II
- Scroll of Dia
- Scroll of Dia II
- Scroll of Dia III
- Scroll of Dispel
- Scroll of Distract II
- Scroll of Drain
- Scroll of Drain II
- Scroll of Drown
- Scroll of Endark
- Scroll of Enlight
- Scroll of Erase
- Scroll of Escape
- Scroll of Fira
- Scroll of Firaga
- Scroll of Firaga II
- Scroll of Firaja
- Scroll of Fire
- Scroll of Fire Carol II
- Scroll of Flash
- Scroll of Flood
- Scroll of Foe Lullaby
- Scroll of Foe Requiem
- Scroll of Freeze II
- Scroll of Frost
- Scroll of Gain-AGI
- Scroll of Gain-CHR
- Scroll of Gain-MND
- Scroll of Gain-VIT
- Scroll of Goddess's Hymnus
- Scroll of Gravity
- Scroll of Gravity II
- Scroll of Haste II
- Scroll of Herb Pastoral
- Scroll of Holy II
- Scroll of Horde Lullaby
- Scroll of Horde Lullaby II
- Scroll of Ice Carol
- Scroll of Ice Carol II
- Scroll of Ice Spikes
- Scroll of Instant Reraise
- Scroll of Instant Retrace
- Scroll of Instant Warp
- Scroll of Invisible
- Scroll of Knight's Minne
- Scroll of Light Carol II
- Scroll of Light Threnody
- Scroll of Lightning Carol II
- Scroll of Mage's Ballad III
- Scroll of Monomi: Ichi
- Scroll of Paralyze
- Scroll of Pining Nocturne
- Scroll of Poison
- Scroll of Protect
- Scroll of Protect II
- Scroll of Protect III
- Scroll of Protect IV
- Scroll of Protectra
- Scroll of Quake
- Scroll of Rasp
- Scroll of Refresh
- Scroll of Regen
- Scroll of Regen III
- Scroll of Regen V
- Scroll of Reprisal
- Scroll of Reraise
- Scroll of Reraise III
- Scroll of Sacrifice
- Scroll of Shell
- Scroll of Shell II
- Scroll of Shell IV
- Scroll of Shell V
- Scroll of Shellra IV
- Scroll of Shock
- Scroll of Silence
- Scroll of Sleep
- Scroll of Sleep II
- Scroll of Sleepga
- Scroll of Slow
- Scroll of Sneak
- Scroll of Stone
- Scroll of Stone II
- Scroll of Stone IV
- Scroll of Stonera
- Scroll of Stoneskin
- Scroll of Teleport-Dem
- Scroll of Teleport-Holla
- Scroll of Teleport-Mea
- Scroll of Temper
- Scroll of Thundaga II
- Scroll of Thundaga III
- Scroll of Thundaja
- Scroll of Thundara
- Scroll of Thundara II
- Scroll of Thunder
- Scroll of Thunder III
- Scroll of Thunder IV
- Scroll of Thunder V
- Scroll of Tornado
- Scroll of Tractor
- Scroll of Valor Minuet
- Scroll of Warding Round
- Scroll of Warp
- Scroll of Warp II
- Scroll of Water
- Scroll of Water Carol II
- Scroll of Water II
- Scroll of Watera
- Scroll of Waterga II
- Scroll of Waterja
- Scroll of Wind Carol II
- Scroll of treasure
- Scutum crab
- Scythe Victim
- Scythe belt
- Scythe of trials
- Sea Monks/Attribute
- Sea Serpent Grotto
- Sea monk larva memento
- Sea monk memento
- Sea serpent statue
- Seafood stewpot
- Seal of Byakko
- Seal of banishing
- Seal of the Serpent
- Seal of the resistance
- Sealed Immortal envelope
- Sealed dagger
- Sealed iron box
- Sealion's Den
- Sealion crest key
- Sealord skin
- Seance staff
- Searcher
- Seashell
- Seasoning stone
- Seburoa-Mabilua
- Second Mimeo Feather
- Second dark Mana Orb
- Second forged envelope
- Second glowing Mana Orb
- Second signed forged envelope
- Secondary nazar
- Secret Imperial order
- Secrets of Runic Enhancement
- Sedal-Godjal
- Seductive petrifact
- Seed Crystal
- Seed Crystal (Monster)
- Seed Goblin
- Seed Goblin (Monster)
- Seed Mandragora
- Seed Mandragora (Monster)
- Seed Orc
- Seed Orc (Monster)
- Seed Quadav
- Seed Quadav (Monster)
- Seed Sowing
- Seed Thrall
- Seed Yagudo
- Seed Yagudo (Monster)
- Seedspall Astrum
- Seedspall Caerulum
- Seedspall Luna
- Seedspall Lux
- Seedspall Roseum
- Seedspall Viridis
- Seedspray (Blue Magic)
- Seeker Bats
- Seekers of Adoulin Chapter 1
- Seekers of Adoulin Chapter 2
- Seekers of Adoulin Chapter 3
- Seekers of Adoulin Missionen
- Seer's tunic claim slip
- Seether
- Segment of Omega's hind leg
- Segment of Ultima's claw
- Segomo's mantle
- Seika uchiwa
- Seika uchiwa +1
- Seiryu's Nobility
- Sekhmet corset
- Selbina
- Selbina warp rune
- Selemnus belt
- Self-Destruct (Blue Magic)
- Selh'teus
- Selkit's pincer
- Semi-pure alizarin yggzi
- Semi-pure aster yggzi
- Semi-pure celadon yggzi
- Semi-pure phlox yggzi
- Semi-pure russet yggzi
- Semi-pure zaffre yggzi
- Semih Lafihna
- Sempurne
- Senary nazar
- Sentient Carafe
- Sentinels' Honor
- Senuna's mantle
- Seps
- Septenary nazar
- Septic Acuex
- Sepulcher ensign
- Sequined Ballista chevron
- Serac Rabbit
- Serket
- Serpent Rumors
- Serpentking Zahak relief
- Serpentking Zahak relief shard
- Serpopard Ishtar
- Serpopard Ninlil's bone
- Serpopard Ninlil's coffer
- Serra
- Serving of Frog Flambe
- Serving of Goblin stir-fry
- Serving of black pudding
- Serving of green curry
- Serving of herb crawler eggs
- Serving of icecap rolanberry
- Serving of royal jelly
- Set Free
- Set Free/Plot Details
- Set of festival dolls
- Set of fish bones
- Seven of Clubs
- Seven of Spades
- Severed Gigas collar
- Sha Wujing's lance
- Sha Wujing's lance +1
- Shade harness claim slip
- Shaded Cruse
- Shades of Vengeance
- Shadow Dragon
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Lord phantom gem
- Shadow bug
- Shadow flames
- Shadow fragment
- Shadow geode
- Shadow gorget
- Shadow of Darkness
- Shadow throne
- Shadows/Attribute
- Shaeema
- Shaft 2716 operating lever
- Shaft gate operating dial
- Shaggy Ovim