- Olgald
- Omega
- Omelette sandwich
- Omen Participation (M)
- Omens
- Ominous Cloud
- Ominous Weapon
- Omnis Stone
- Omran
- On My Way
- One hundred eight-knot quipu
- One to be Feared
- Onikiri
- Onion sword
- Onward to Adoulin
- Onychophora's soil
- Onz of mythril sand
- Onzozo chest key
- Opabibi
- Opalescent stone
- Opaline dress claim slip
- Opaque wing
- Open Sesame
- Open sea route to Al Zahbi
- Open sea route to Mhaura
- Ophidian sword
- Ophij Akiivo
- Ophiotaurus
- Optistery ring
- Orahi-Karapahi
- Orange Ballista chevron
- Orange abyssite
- Oranyan
- Orastery Woes
- Orastery ring
- Orb of Batons
- Orb of Coins
- Orb of Cups
- Orb of Swords
- Orbital
- Orcfeltrap's coffer
- Orcfeltrap's leaf
- Orchestrion
- Orchid chip
- Orcish Counterstance (Blue Magic)
- Orcish armor plate
- Orcish axe
- Orcish battle plan
- Orcish crest
- Orcish dried food
- Orcish hut key
- Orcish infiltration kit
- Orcish seeker bats
- Orcish warmachine body
- Orcus
- Ordelle's Caves
- Ordelle's Caves/Grounds Tome
- Ordelle chest key
- Ordelle whetstone
- Order slip azimuth coat
- Order slip azimuth gaiters
- Order slip azimuth gloves
- Order slip azimuth hood
- Order slip azimuth tights
- Order slip erilaz galea
- Order slip erilaz gauntlets
- Order slip erilaz greaves
- Order slip erilaz leg guards
- Order slip erilaz surcoat
- Order slip lifestream bodygear
- Order slip lifestream footgear
- Order slip lifestream handgear
- Order slip lifestream headgear
- Order slip lifestream leggear
- Order slip logomorph bodygear
- Order slip logomorph footgear
- Order slip logomorph handgear
- Order slip logomorph headgear
- Order slip logomorph leggear
- Orez-Ebrez
- Orgis
- Orichalcum chain
- Orichalcum sheet
- Orison cape
- Orison seal: body
- Ormr
- Orn
- Ornamental Weapon
- Ornamented scroll
- Ornate package
- Ornate stool
- Ortharsyne
- Ortlinde's feather
- Oryx's plumage
- Oscairn
- Osker
- Osmosis (Blue Magic)
- Ossified gargouille hand
- Oswald
- Othinus' bow
- Ouka ranman
- Oupire
- Ouryu
- Outer Horutoto Ruins
- Outer Horutoto Ruins/Grounds Tome
- Outer Ra'Kaznar
- Outer Ra'Kaznar/Karten
- Outer Ra'Kaznar (U)
- Outpost Warp Aragoneu
- Outpost Warp Derfland
- Outpost Warp Elshimo Uplands
- Outpost Warp Gustaberg
- Outpost Warp Kolshushu
- Outpost Warp Li'Telor
- Outpost Warp Qufim
- Outpost Warp Ronfaure
- Outpost Warp Sarutabaruta
- Outpost Warp Vollbow
- Over Capacity
- Over Weapon
- Over the Rainbow
- Overalls
- Overcome Your Cowardice
- Overdue book notification
- Overdue book notification (Art for everyone)
- Overgrown Ivy
- Overgrown mandragora flower
- Ovjang
- Oxblood key
- Oxidized plate
- Oztroja chest key
- Oztroja coffer key
- P. Perpetrator phantom gem
- PFC Wildcat badge
- PSC Wildcat badge
- Pachypodium (Monipulator)
- Pachypodium memento
- Pachypodium spirit
- Pack of molten slag
- Pack of outpost repair tools
- Packet of Midras's explosives
- Pacomart
- Padded armor claim slip
- Padded box
- Pagdako
- Page from Abdhaljs on War
- Page from Miratete's Memoirs
- Pahluwan armor claim slip
- Painite
- Paintbrush of souls
- Paintbrush of souls (Auftrag)
- Painting of a windmill
- Pair of Liij-Vok's gloves
- Pair of Velkk gloves
- Pair of fuzzy earmuffs
- Pair of magian spectacles
- Pair of soul spectacles
- Pair of void handwear SAM
- Pakecet's blubber
- Pakh Jatalfih
- Pakku-Shakku
- Paktong ingot
- Pakulo-Kakulo
- Paladin
- Paladin's testimony
- Paladin/Spell List
- Paladin lobster
- Palborough Mines
- Palborough Mines logs
- Palborough chest key
- Pale azure cloth
- Palila's talon
- Palling Salvo (Blue Magic)
- Panacea voucher
- Panja-Nanja
- Pankii-Mankii
- Panna-Donna
- Panoru-Kanoru
- Pantin attire claim slip
- Pantin babouches
- Pantin churidars
- Pantin dastanas
- Pantin taj
- Pantin tobe
- Pantin wire
- Paore-Kuore
- Paparoon's sealed invitation
- Papo-Hopo
- Paprika
- Paragon blue mage card
- Paralyna
- Paralysis trap fluid
- Paralysis trap fluid bottle
- Paralyze
- Paralyze II
- Paralyzing Triad (Blue Magic)
- Parasite skin
- Parelbriaux
- Paresis resilience
- Parradamo supply pack
- Parraggoh
- Parrying knife
- Participate in Fish Ranking
- Particularly poignant petal
- Partners Without Fame
- Paruru
- Pashhow Marshlands
- Pashhow Marshlands (S)
- Pashhow gate crystal
- Passing Glory
- Past Imperfect
- Past Sins
- Pateruru
- Path of Blood
- Path of Darkness
- Path of the Bard
- Path of the Beastmaster
- Patio design plan document
- Patissier
- Patsaa Maehoc
- Patt-Pott
- Pattel-Bacchel
- Pattna-Ottna
- Pauluart
- Pavvke
- Paya-Sabya
- Paying Lip Service
- Paytah
- Pazuzu's blade hilt
- Peach coral key
- Peapuk
- Pearl
- Pebble
- Peeled crayfish
- Peeler
- Peeling hairpin
- Peerless red mage's shard
- Peerless red mage's soul
- Peirithoos's hoof
- Peiste
- Peiste dung
- Peiste skin
- Peiste stinger
- Pekuku
- Pelftrix
- Pellio
- Pellucid fly eye
- Pellucid stone
- Pelte
- Penance (Mission)
- Pendant compass
- Pepigort
- Peppe-Aleppe's superlative tonic
- Pepper Hare
- Pequetender memento
- Perchond's envelope
- Percipient eye
- Perfaumand
- Perfect Counter
- Perfect Dodge
- Periapt of clarity
- Periapt of emergence
- Periapt of guidance
- Periapt of percipience
- Periapt of recompense
- Periapt of sapience
- Peridot
- Periduque
- Perih Vashai
- Perih Vashai (WotG)
- Periqia
- Periqia Assault area entry permit
- Periqia Assault orders
- Pernicious Presents brief
- Persikos snow cone
- Pet Food Epsilon biscuit
- Petals of Recollection
- Petra Shovel
- Petra eater voucher
- Petrified log
- Phalanx
- Phalanx II
- Phanauet Channel
- Phanauet Channel/Fishing
- Phanauet Channel/Karten
- Phantom
- Phantom gem of apathy
- Phantom gem of arrogance
- Phantom gem of cowardice
- Phantom gem of envy
- Phantom gem of rage
- Phara
- Phawaylla earring
- Pherchabalet
- Pherimociel
- Phial of counteragent
- Phillarceaux
- Philosopher's stone
- Phlox yantric planchette
- Phlox yggrete rock
- Phlox yggrete shard I
- Phlox yggrete shard IV
- Phobos orb
- Phoenix
- Phoenix's blessing
- Phoenix armlet
- Phoenix feather
- Phoenix pearl
- Phomiuna Aqueducts
- Phoochuchu
- Photopticator
- Phuabo organ
- Piccolo
- Pichichi
- Pick of trials
- Pickaxe
- Piece of Arch-Ultima's cerebrum
- Piece of Arch-Ultima's heart
- Piece of Maliyakaleya coral
- Piece of Omega's eye
- Piece of Omega's heart
- Piece of a SCT Coalition report
- Piece of a broken key
- Piece of a stone wall
- Piece of ancient papyrus
- Piece of bewitched ash lumber
- Piece of copse candy
- Piece of crawler cocoon
- Piece of dried ebony lumber
- Piece of eastern pottery
- Piece of evidence
- Piece of exalted lumber
- Piece of inviolable bark
- Piece of kionite
- Piece of lauan lumber
- Piece of mahogany lumber
- Piece of oxblood
- Piece of paper
- Piece of ripped floorplans
- Piece of rugged tree bark
- Piece of shattered lumber
- Piece of sodden oak lumber
- Piece of void headwear: DRG