Shrouded Piper.jpg

Zusätzlicher Dialog

The Road to Divadom

Shrouded Piper: What? You're looking for someone who was attacked by a monster and dropped a pipe?
In that case, you need not look any further, for I am he. I love the beauty and solitude of this place, and often come here to play my pipe. Unfortunately, it seems a smilodon shares my sentiments.
I somehow managed to escape from its razor-sharp claws, but as luck would have it, I dropped my treasured pipe as I fled. I've been scouring the forest for it since. If I recall correctly...
Found it! Altana be praised!
But it's broken... If I had a Block of Yagudo glue, it might be possible to make repairs...

Shrouded Piper: Well well, we meet again.
Hey...isn't that a Block of Yagudo glue?
You brought it for me? Now I can fix my beloved pipe! You have my eternal gratitude.
There! Good as new!
So you're a dancer. That was some of the finest footwork I've seen in years.
That reminds me of when I trekked out here last. I was playing my favorite tune, when I caught glimpse of a little girl, a dancer. She must have heard my melody, because she started to dance. She was so pure, so full of joy and radiance, I was sincerely touched.
At that moment I felt as though the Goddess herself was smiling upon my decision to become a bard.
When the war is over, I plan to start a traveling circus troupe that will bring smiles and laughter wherever it goes.
I found this pebble here at the lake. As I gazed into its light, I realized that is what I wanted to do.
Hmmm? That's odd... It was glowing brightly until a while ago.
So the rumors were true.
Oh, you haven't heard?
You see, these peculiar, glowing pebbles come in pairs. It is said that if one were to be separated from the other, both would cease to glow.
Oh dear, it's getting rather late. I'd best be going. Till we meet again...
