Hullo there! You can call me Green, the newest member of the Magian Mooglehood!
I might still be wet behind the wings, but just you wait!
Someday I'll be as powerful and pretentious as my elders, kupo!
Need something, kupo?
What will you do?
- Take on a trial.
- Review current trial.
- Abandon current trial.
- List available trials.
- Ask for aid.
- Move on.
Zusätzlicher Dialog
Erste Begegnung
Hullo there! You can call me Green, the newest member of the Magian Mooglehood!
I might still be wet behind the wings, but just you wait!
Someday I'll be as powerful and pretentious as my elders, kupo!
Kupo-ho! You look like you're pretty proficient at that profession of yours.
Why don't I let you in on a little secret?
With just a modicum of guidance, you can acquire some special equipment to show the world, leaving folk oohing and aahing in the process!
Doesn't that sound like fun?
Care to give it a go, kupo?
Give it a go, kupo?
Erste Begegnung - Yeah!
Splendid answer! Your spirit of self-improvement rather reminds me of myself, kupo!
Here, take this Magian learner's log.
You can use this until you're ready to receive a full-fledged Magian learner's log from Elder Orange over there.
Oh, and don't worry, kupo. At that time, your trial records will be transferred automatically from the old log to the new.
Let it never be said that the Magian Mooglehood doesn't take care of its vict--er, challengers.
Now, you'll want to make sure that you have room in your gobbiebag before taking on a trial.
Go ahead, kupo! I won't be going anywhere.
Erste Begegnung - Nah.
Whenever you're ready, I'll be here, kupo!
What will you do? - Ask for aid
Ask something?
Ooh, ooh! Do I get to explain about trials? I've studied so, uh...studiously...for this day, kupo!
<Ahem>... The Magian Mooglehood is an ancient and august assembly of, er, moogles...who, uh, do super-secret special things, and...and...
So, yeah! You can talk to Elder Orange when you've reached a certain level of experience, and he'll send you on all sorts of sadistic--er, challenging--trials. Complete them, and you can receive all kinds of nifty items and stuff.
So here's the deal. In order to learn a gesture from me, you'll first need to achieve a certain level of proficiency in your chosen job.
In the perplexing parlance of the Magian Mooglehood, we call that "level 30."
Choose one of the trials, and I'll give you a piece of equipment, kupo.
You don't need to wear it, but keep it close by until you complete your task.
If you ever want to take a peek at your progress, just come back to me.
...Or if you change your mind and decide to quit. But that's no fun, kupo!
Any items requested of you in your trials can be tossed into that handy-dandy delivery crate sitting beside Elder Orange, kupo.
Once you've completed your objective, return here and trade back to me the piece of equipment I gave you at the start of your trial.
Just like that, your work is done! Huzzah!
So make especially sure that you don't lose the equipment, of course.
If you do, how will I know your deed is done, kupo?
I truly can't emphasize it enough: take extra-special care of the item I give you until your trial is through!
Are we clear, kupo?