RoVicon.png Impurity (Unrein und schmutzig)
Auftraggeber: Keiner
Voraussetzungen: Keine
The great Siren is the cause of the recent disturbances plaguing Norg, and she claims that Iroha was not the only one who came to the present time from the future. The masked man attacked Iroha, who faded into nothingness. Chase after him.

Siren war der Grund, warum sich die Leute in Norg so seltsam verhielten. Dahinter steckt aber noch mehr, den nicht nur Iroha kam durch die Zeit gereist, sondern auch ein maskierter Mann welcher sie angegriffen hat. Verfolgt ihn.
Empfohlener Level: 60+
Beteiligte Items:
Belohnung: Vorherige Mission: Nächste Mission
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  • Begebt euch nach Yuhtunga Jungle zu den ??? bei (F-11) und klickt sie an um eine Zwischensequenz zu erhalten.
  • Die Mission ist damit abgeschlossen.

Spoiler Plot Details Spoiler

Rhapsodies of Vana'diel - Impurity
Skript Part 1: Yuhtunga Jungle - ??? Zwischensequenz
Halt! Remove your mask at once, that we may lay eyes upon our enemy!
Our world is not a toy for you to control!
This voidsent has emerged from the abyss, endeavoring to lead Vana'diel into it.
Even now, he turns his gaze to the fabrics of time, his arms pulsing as he rips a hole into emptiness that lies beyond.
Darkness is not to be feared, but embraced like a lover in the cold winds of the night.
Player Name! Could it be?
How do you respond?
  • It's just like in Qufim!
    We cannot let it fester.
    I care not whether it be born from a higher power. I refuse to permit it to consume our land!
    Impudent fools.
    I...I cannot move!
    Player Name, come hither, and let my song wash over you!
  • What is it?

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