Full Fields - Mog Garden
Skript Part 1: Mog Garden - "Garden Furrow" geklickt!
Green Thumb Moogle:
Congratulations on hauling in your headmost harvest!
Don't forget, all that palatable produce and paraphernalia is yours for the picking, kupo.
Kupopopo... I sense some seedlings of information sprouting.
Unlike at Mog Houses, leaving the fruits of your labor to languish on the vine won't dry them out like Hildebert's sense of humor, kupo.
They wouldn't wither if we moogles watched over them properly, you proffer?
Pish posh! We're on our best behavior when it comes to caring for crops, kupo!
I suppose the truth truly does hurt, kupo.
So...the ferociously firm fruit that plunked me on my pom-pom fell from that flora?
But how could it have come so far?
Did wild winds whip in from the Senroh Sea just to dent my dome? How devilishly disconcerting, kupo!
We have to corral these cranium-crippling conundrums before they bonk any more bystanders!
Player Name, examine the rustic roots growing from that green grove to extirpate the extraneous and evildoing edibles!
Trust me. It may seem irrelevant, but it'll actually help us get to the “root” of the problem. Kupopopo!