
Zusätzlicher Dialog

Scattered Into Shadow

Balpah: Stop...
Your futile attempts at respect are nothing but self-gratifying actions.
Do you think that throwing an aquaflora in this pond will bring the beasts back?
Do you think they will be appeased?
Have you ever stopped to think why it's always the people who survive and the beasts that die?
Only I can relieve them of their true pain--and that is through revenge.
You understand my words, do you not?
My pet was taken from me and my body left unable to perform my act.
I cannot forgive what has come upon me.
I ask you for your assistance.
I will be waiting for your answer the next time we meet, but I already know you will help me.

A New Dawn

Balpah: I see you made it this far. I was waiting.
People will often sacrifice other living beings to save themselves. Look at yourself. You are no exception.
However there is still time. We must call forth the power of the beasts to put an end to the foolish acts of men.
Now, let us get our revenge on those who built this world of deceit at the expense of others.
Hah. That sound brings back memories...but that is not enough to ease my pain. Come, now, and be my eternal servant.
What!? You...
Tebhi! Why are you here? searched for me all this time, while I did nothing to try and find you.
We traveled the world together, people welcoming us warmly wherever we went. They would laugh and cheer at our show...
Their smiling faces did not lie. They truly liked us, and it was only at those times that I felt joy. I had forgotten that laughter, and was controlled by my rage.
As long as you are by my side, I need nothing else... I can feel the warmth of those days past return to my bosom.
I was a fool. I forgot what was truly important to me--what I truly needed.
I no longer have any use for this. I give it to you.
Me? I think it is time I set off on a long, long journey.
I thank you again for reuniting me with Tebhi. I will never forget your kindness.
Let us go. The world awaits...
