Tentacle touching ticket

Version vom 20. Juli 2024, 22:54 Uhr von UploadBot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Infobox Key Item | Name = Tentacle touching ticket | Artikelname = Tentacle touching ticket | Index EN = 1965 | Index DE = <!-- keine Deutschen Begriffe vorhanden --> | Bild = Tentacle touching ticket.jpg | Typ = <!-- kein spezifischer Typ vorhanden --> | Beschreibung = A ticket that permits the bearer to shake appendages with the members of the morbol idol group Shining Bless. Written in tiny chigoe-sized font at the back is a disclaimer: Vana'diel P…“)
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Tentacle touching ticket

Beschreibung EN: Beschreibung DE: Key Item:
A ticket that permits the bearer to shake appendages with the members of the morbol idol group Shining Bless. Written in tiny chigoe-sized font at the back is a disclaimer: Vana'diel Productions and the M.H.M.U. bear no responsibility for any paralysis, silence, poison, blindness, weight, slow, sudden death, or any related trauma real or perceived that may occur during the performance.

Datei:Tentacle touching ticket.jpg



  • Systemdaten: Index EN = 1965, Index DE =