Yagudo Avatar.jpg

Zusätzlicher Dialog

Magicite (Windurst), Magicite (Bastok), Magicite (San d'Oria)

Geheime Bibliothek
Star Sibyl: Summoning, you say?
Karaha-Baruha: Yes, I would like to name this magic “summoning.”
The divine texts depict it in the form of the Star Sibyl commanding a great beast.
At any rate, we are very close. Soon, the magic of summoning will be complete.
Star Sibyl: Hmm...
Karaha-Baruha: Are you uneasy, Your Holiness?
Star Sibyl: Yes... Very.
Time is of the essence.
The lines of battle are at Tahrongi Canyon, and draw close to Sarutabaruta.
The attack on Oztroja shall fail, and many flames of life will be extinguished...like the Star Reading, long ago.
Karaha-Baruha: Place your trust in me, Your Holiness. Windurst shall escape its fate of ruin.
The Book of the Gods has taught me everything.
It told me the meaning of the tower and the fountain. And it has taught me how to command the greatest of beasts.
Castle Oztroja
Yagudo Avatar: You are a fool for coming here to the throne room...alone.
You say you are the Windurst Orastery minister, Ajido-Marujido?
Yagudo Templar: Gawk! Orastery minister? And I am Aviatory minister!
How do we know what you speak is not lies? Gawk!
I should cut you up and send you to Heavens Tower! Gawk! Gawk!
Yagudo Templar: Kahk! Silence...
Our little friend came all the way from Windurst to greet us. Let us hear what he has to say.
Kahk-ka-ka! You came all this way to ask about the Full Moon Fountain?
Well, you Tarutaru have probably already realized why the Horutoto Ruins were built and why the Full Moon Fountain exists underneath them.
Those ruins are evil.
The towers sponge dry the areas around Sarutabaruta of all their magic.
You think that we Yagudo are the cause of these wastelands, but you only have yourselves to thank. You--the Tarutaru that activated those towers!
Ajido-Marujido:The towers are all damaged! How do you explain magic still being drained from the plains of Sarutabaruta?
What about you Yagudo? What are those things that you continue digging? Those stones...maybe they are the cause of all this?
Yagudo Avatar: Kahk-ka-ka...I commend you on your perceptiveness.
But the reason Sarutabaruta is becoming a wasteland has nothing to do with those stones.
That night, twenty years ago, when we were defeated by your armies, you made a grave mistake...
Kahk! Kahk! You still do not understand?
Make your way deep into the central tower of the Horutoto Ruins. There you will see first hand what the Star Sibyl and those summoners really did.
The moon and the stars no longer smile upon Windurst. Now, the world shall kneel before the Yagudo!

Heavens Tower
Star Sibyl: Stars of the heavens, tell me what to do!
Tell me, Karaha-Baruha! Help me!

Altar Room
Lion: What happened? Are you all right?
So, that's what magicite looks like.
What could they possibly want with it?
What the...!?
Shadow of Darkness: You are too late...
I have already awakened.
Your rage, cowardice, envy, arrogance, and apathy...from these I will spread the bane that will destroy Vana'diel.
Lion: Who are you!?
Shadow of Darkness: Your kind has awakened me...and this time, you will be destroyed!
You cannot stop me.
Vana'diel will be the grave for you and all your kind!
Lion: Was that a phantom?
An image...of the Shadow Lord?
The Shadow Lord? It can't be!
His powers can't have returned!
Then it is true.
The beastmen are trying to bring the Shadow Lord back.
You be careful, too.
