- Stirrings of War
- Stoic dark knight's shard
- Stoic dark knight's soul
- Stona
- Stone
- Stone Golem
- Stone II
- Stone III
- Stone IV
- Stone V
- Stone VI
- Stone of Brihaspati
- Stone of Budha
- Stone of Chandra
- Stone of Flabra
- Stone of Gelus
- Stone of Ignis
- Stone of Ketu
- Stone of Lux
- Stone of Mangala
- Stone of Rahu
- Stone of Shani
- Stone of Shukra
- Stone of Sulpor
- Stone of Surya
- Stone of Tellus
- Stone of Tenebrae
- Stone of Unda
- Stone of unknown runic origins
- Stonega
- Stonega II
- Stonega III
- Stoneja
- Stonera
- Stoneskin
- Storeroom key
- Storied black mage's shard
- Storied black mage's soul
- Storms of Fate
- Story of a curious chocobo
- Story of a diligent chocobo
- Story of a happy chocobo
- Story of a worrisome chocobo
- Story of a youthful chocobo
- Story of an impatient chocobo
- Strand gages
- Strand of Ra'Kaznar filament
- Strand of Sleepy Mabel's fur
- Strange doll
- Strange sheet of paper
- Strangely shaped coral
- Stray
- Stray (Holla)
- Stray (Wanderers)
- Strip of meat jerky
- Strix's coffer
- Strongarm Zodvad
- Strophadia's pearl
- Studded armor claim slip
- Studded trousers
- Studium Stone
- Stuffed "big one"
- Stun
- Sturdy axe
- Sturdy hide pouch
- Sturdy metal strip
- Sturm
- Stygian Pact phantom gem
- Sub-zero Smash (Blue Magic)
- Subduction (Blue Magic)
- Subj.: Herbage Hunter (UC)
- Subj.: Keeper of Heiligtum (UC)
- Subjugation: Abyssdiver (UC)
- Subjugation: Arke (UC)
- Subjugation: Ayapec (UC)
- Subjugation: Azure-tooth. Claw. (UC)
- Subjugation: Beist (UC)
- Subjugation: Borealis Shadow (UC)
- Subjugation: Bounding Belinda (UC)
- Subjugation: Cactrot Veloz (UC)
- Subjugation: Emperor Arthro (UC)
- Subjugation: Hugemaw Harold (UC)
- Subjugation: Hurkan
- Subjugation: Intuila (UC)
- Subjugation: Ironhorn Baldurno (UC)
- Subjugation: Jester Malatrix (UC)
- Subjugation: Joyous Green (UC)
- Subjugation: Largantua (UC)
- Subjugation: Lumber Jill (UC)
- Subjugation: Mephitas (UC)
- Subjugation: Orcfeltrap (UC)
- Subjugation: Prickly Pitriv (UC)
- Subjugation: Serpopard Ninlil (UC)
- Subjugation: Sleepy Mabel (UC)
- Subjugation: Sovereign Behem. (UC)
- Subjugation: Strix (UC)
- Subjugation: Sybaritic Samantha (UC)
- Subjugation: Tchakka
- Subjugation: Valkurm Imperator (UC)
- Subjugation: Vedrfolnir (UC)
- Subjugation: Warblade Beak (UC)
- Subjugation: Woodland Mender (UC)
- Sublime lucky egg
- Sublime statue of the Goddess
- Submerged Slime
- Subniveal mines
- Subodh
- Succulent dragon fruit
- Sucellos's cape
- Sudden Lunge (Blue Magic)
- Sueleen
- Suffering Sacchariferous
- Suffering psyche
- Sugn
- Suibhne
- Suit of Centurio XX-I's armor
- Suit of Hahava's mail
- Suit of dullahan armor
- Sulevia's cuisses
- Sulevia's cuisses +1
- Sulevia's cuisses +2
- Sulevia's gauntlets
- Sulevia's gauntlets +1
- Sulevia's gauntlets +2
- Sulevia's leggings
- Sulevia's leggings +1
- Sulevia's leggings +2
- Sulevia's mask
- Sulevia's mask +1
- Sulevia's mask +2
- Sulevia's plate armor +1 set
- Sulevia's plate armor +2 set
- Sulevia's plate armor set
- Sulevia's platemail
- Sulevia's platemail +1
- Sulevia's platemail +2
- Sulevia's ring
- Summer fan
- Summerstone
- Summoner
- Summoner's attire claim slip
- Summoner's bracers
- Summoner's pigaches
- Summoner's pigaches -1
- Summoner's spats
- Summoner's spats -1
- Summoner/Blood Pacts
- Summoner/Summons
- Summoner/Summons Commands
- Sun yellow pome
- Sunbeam fragment
- Sunderclaw
- Sunkissed scale
- Sunstone
- Super baitball
- Super ether +2
- Super ether voucher
- Super reraiser
- Super soup pot
- Superlative runic ring of deluge
- Superlative runic ring of luster
- Superlative runic ring of vision
- Supernal Chapuli
- Supernal fragment
- Supplies package
- Supply order
- Sureshot Snatgat
- Surveyor
- Suspicious Hume
- Suspicious Tarutaru
- Suspicious envelope
- Susu
- Susuroon's Biiig Catch
- Susuroon's gift
- Sutarara
- Suzaku's Benefaction
- Svenja
- Sweeping Cluster
- Sweeping Gouge (Blue Magic)
- Sweepstox
- Sweets for the Soul
- Swikastoq
- Swipostik
- Swipostik (Monster)
- Sword Madrigal
- Sword grip material
- Sword offering
- Sybaritic Samantha's coffer
- Sylvan gapette
- Sylvan seal: body
- Sylvan seal: feet
- Sylvan stone
- Sylvestre
- Sylvie
- Synergy Engineer (PWC7)
- Synergy Engineer (PWH6)
- Synergy Enthusiast (PW)
- Synergy Furnace (PWH6)
- Synergy crucible
- Syrillia
- Syrinx
- Tabar Beak
- Tablet of Hexes Agony
- Tablet of Hexes Bale
- Tablet of Hexes Blight
- Tablet of Hexes Death
- Tablet of Hexes Deceit
- Tablet of Hexes Despair
- Tablet of Hexes Dolor
- Tablet of Hexes Envy
- Tablet of Hexes Greed
- Tablet of Hexes Malice
- Tablet of Hexes Penury
- Tablet of Hexes Pride
- Tablet of Hexes Rage
- Tablet of Hexes Rancor
- Tablet of Hexes Regret
- Tablet of Hexes Strife
- Tablet of ancient magic
- Taby Canatahey
- Tachi of trials
- Tackling the Problem
- Tactician Magician's espadon
- Tactician Magician's hat +1
- Taelmoth's staff
- Tahrongi Canyon
- Tahrongi Canyon/Excavation
- Tahrongi Canyon/Field Manual
- Tahrongi Canyon/Karten
- Tahrongi tree nut
- Taifun
- Taikogane
- Tail Slap (Blue Magic)
- Taillegeas
- Tainted Flesh
- Tajabit
- Take A Lode Off
- Take Wing
- Talacca Cove
- Tales from the Tunnel
- Tali'ah crackows
- Tali'ah crackows +1
- Tali'ah crackows +2
- Tali'ah gages
- Tali'ah gages +1
- Tali'ah gages +2
- Tali'ah manteel
- Tali'ah manteel +1
- Tali'ah manteel +1 set
- Tali'ah manteel +2
- Tali'ah manteel +2 set
- Tali'ah manteel set
- Tali'ah ring
- Tali'ah seraweels
- Tali'ah seraweels +1
- Tali'ah seraweels +2
- Tali'ah turban
- Tali'ah turban +1
- Tali'ah turban +2
- Talisman key
- Talisman of the rebel gods
- Talking Doll
- Tall Mountain
- Tamas ring
- Tamer's whistle
- Tami's note
- Taming the Wilds
- Tammuz
- Tangata's wing
- Taniko-Maniko
- Tanja
- Tanner's argentum tome
- Tanner's aurum tome
- Tanning
- Tanning: Leather Bandana
- Tantra gloves
- Tantra gloves +1
- Tantra seal: hands
- Tapestry of bagua poetry
- Tapoh Lihzeh
- Taranus's cape
- Tarazacum orb
- Tarichuk memento
- Tariqah -1
- Tarnished ring
- Tarut card: the King
- Tarutaru Mask of Darkness
- Tarutaru Mask of Light
- Tarutaru Rice
- Tarutaru Sauce invoice
- Tarutaru Sauce receipt
- Tarutaru desk
- Tarutaru rice cake
- Tarutaru sash
- Tattered Maze Monger pouch
- Tattered hippogryph wing
- Tattered mission orders
- Tattered test sheet
- Tatzlwurm
- Taupe-colored seal
- Taupe stone
- Tauret
- Taurus subligar
- Tavnazia bell
- Tavnazia pass
- Tavnazia warp rune
- Tavnazian Archipelago
- Tavnazian Archipelago supplies
- Tavnazian Marquisate
- Tavnazian Safehold
- Tavnazian cookbook
- Tavnazian mask
- Tavnazian ring
- Taweret
- Tct.mgc. cloak claim slip
- Teacher's Pet
- Teahouse Tumult
- Tear of Altana
- Tears of the Generals
- Tebhi
- Tedimout
- Teekesselchen fragment
- Teerth
- Teldro-Kesdrodo
- Telepoint Pilgrimage
- Teleports by Twilight
- Teles's hymn
- Temachtiani pants
- Temenos
- Temenos - Northern Tower
- Temper
- Temper Your Arrogance
- Tempestuous Upheaval (Blue Magic)
- Temple Knight key
- Temple Knights' Davoi report
- Temple Opo-opo
- Temple attire claim slip
- Temple attire set
- Temple crown
- Temple cyclas
- Temple gaiters
- Temple gloves
- Temple hose
- Temple of Uggalepih