Scroll of Fira (Fira)[Black Magic] GEO Lv.40Teaches the black magic Fira.Deals fire damage to enemies withinarea of effect. Andere Qualitäten: Scroll of Fira II Scroll of Fira II Scroll of Firaga Scroll of Firaga IIScroll of Firaga III Scroll of Firaga III Scroll of FireScroll of Fire II Scroll of Fire IIScroll of Fire III Scroll of Fire IIIScroll of Fire IV Scroll of Fire IVScroll of Fire V Scroll of Fire VScroll of Flare Scroll of FlareScroll of Flare II Scroll of Flare II Beschaffung Verwendung Erwerb durch Auktionshaus Scrolls Black Magic Verkaufspreis 4.250 Hinweise