Grohm: Hm? What do you want?
Hey, you're not from Bastok, are you?
What!? You're Windurstian, and you listened to what a Bastokan official told you to do?
Hah! I have no idea why that Hume sent you here...or why your consulate sent you to him in the first place.
You better listen good. A lot of us died trying to win the Palborough Mines back from the Quadav...
It might not matter to a foreigner like you, but they always send us Galka to do the dirty work!
What gets me the most is that they don't even think about it twice!
Even if you haven't been here long, you must've seen how they treat us.
Never mind. Shouting at you won't change anything.
You wanted to know about refining ore, right? It's easy, but you have to remember the steps.
Here goes:
1. Get a Chunk of mine gravel.
2. Put that into the upper part of the refiner.
3. Take the Onz of mythril sand out of the lower part of the refiner.
You can either buy a Chunk of mine gravel from someone, or get some by using Pickaxe on a mythril seam inside Palborough.
The refining machine is so big, its upper and lower sections are on different floors.
Put a Chunk of mine gravel into it on the third floor, and it'll produce an Onz of mythril sand on the second floor.
I know it sounds simple, but it's not. You've got the Quadav to deal with, and they're everywhere.
Here, take these Pickaxes.
Good luck. You're gonna need it.