"Grandiloquent Groves"

Beschreibung EN: Beschreibung DE: Key Item:
This famous "How-to" book is as
pertinent to topiary techniques as
its title suggests, with the majority
of its pages devoted to unrelated
topics such as the number of
masons it took to build Jorius Yett
and the purported thread count of
Arciela's undergarments. Still,
pioneers who read it report having
the rank of their Mog Garden grove
increase by one.
Todlangweiliges Lehrwerk, das selbst den hartgesottensten Gärtner ins Schlummerland entsendet. Die Mathematik hinter den teilweise extralangen Fallbeispielen ist jedoch grundsolide.
Nach der Lektüre dieses Lehrbuchs erreicht dein Mog-Hain einen neuen

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  • Systemdaten: Index EN = 2755, Index DE = 1704